New facts are coming out about the tradegy in Arizona. It might be the case that the shooter was on powerful hallucinogens. His friend said that the shooter would claim to see the sky as orange and the grass as blue. In many random shooting cases, the murderer was either on drugs or had a history of mental illness. It's a fact that psychotropic drugs can significantly alter areas of the brain that deal with perception, mood, consciousness, cognition, and behavior. Jared Loughner according to the people that knew him, he would keep dream logs (he may have believed that his dreams were a part of the reality). This may establish a connection with psychotropics. George Osler, father of Loughner’s friend, Zach Osler has stated on record that Loughner was experimenting with a particular psychotropic drug. “The whole thing about the dreaming and the alternate reality, I can see where he can kinda get so absorbed into that, that he’s not actually living in reality,” Osler said in a recent interview with the Associated Press. “I know that he was experimenting with the drug or herb or whatever it is – Salvia Divinorum – and from what I hear he used it quite frequently.” Osler stated. Many people in Loughner's classes said that Jared would regularly spontaneously laugh out loud without laughing. These actions are associated with people using Salvia Diviniorum. The nickname of the drug is called Seer's Dage. This drug can act dissociative. This means that it can reduce or block signals to the conscious mind from other parts of the brain. Therefore, the drug is capable of creating hallucinations, sensory deprivation, dissociation, dream-like states and trances. The drug is legal in most states. Brett Chidester committed suicide and he was a salvia user. This drug was made a Class B misdemeanor in Delaware. The drug is native to Mexico where shamans use it to induce visions and alter consciousness. Branches of the military and military bases ban its use since its risks are debated. Loughner was obsessed with mind control and researched the spiritual occult. In a report in the New York Times today, another of Loughner’s friends, Zane Gutierrez, describes the shooter as being mesmerized with the possible meanings of dreams and their importance. “Jared felt nothing existed but his subconscious,” Mr. Gutierrez said. “The dream world was what was real to Jared, not the day-to-day of our lives.” To Guitierrez, the word hollow to Jared was to describe how fake the real world was to them. “He would ask me constantly, ‘Do you see that blue tree over there?’ He would admit to seeing the sky as orange and the grass as blue… Normal people don’t talk about that stuff.” “He was a nihilist and loves causing chaos, and that is probably why he did the shooting, along with the fact he was sick in the head,” Gutierrez added.
There are some who promote the Internet National ID Card. President Barack Obama wants to hand the U.S. Commerce Department authority over a new cybersecurity effort. This effort could entail an Internet ID for Americans according to its critics as CBS News Tech Talk. It's [the Commerce Department] "the absolute perfect spot in the U.S. government" to centralize efforts toward creating an "identity ecosystem" for the Internet, White House Cybersecurity Coordinator Howard Schmidt said. This system is about promoting the National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace, which U.S. Commerce Secretary Gary Locke said. The President will release this proposal in the next few months. Of course, the administration with people like Locke denies that it's about creating a national ID card. Locke told people at the Standford event that: "..."We are not talking about a government-controlled system. What we are talking about is enhancing online security and privacy and reducing and perhaps even eliminating the need to memorize a dozen passwords, through creation and use of more trusted digital identities." People can believe this explanation or not. I want to expose other people too. Hugo Black was a Freemason and a former Democratic Senator from Alabama. He was in the U.S. Supreme Court. He was a Klansman in the 1920's. He defended the Klan from being held for justice for their racial murders. Black opposed civil rights legislation even an anti-lynching measure. He also continued his career of supporting racism by authoring the opinion in favor of FDR's Japanese internment program in the infamous Korematsu ruling. So, Republicans and Democrats are both have that wicked system.
Many people are exploiting the Arizona tragedy to promote new legislation in dealing with gun control. The man who shot Rep. Giffords and others was obviously mentally unstable and it had nothing to do with politics (or innocent people having guns at all). Senator and gun grabber Frank Lautenberg (a New Jersey Democrat) wants to chisel away at the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. He wants to ban high capacity clips of certain handguns. He wants them out of the market. MSNBC allowed Caroyln McCarthy to do the same thing and offer more legislation to restrict innocent people from owning firearms. Diane Feinstein wants similar policies. He wrote the 1994 assault weapons ban, which outlawed gun clips holding more than 10 bullets. It expired in 2004. The ban involved semi automatic shotguns. Now, the Democrats want to unite with Republicans to trash the 2nd Amendment too. That is why a McCarthy aide said her office was consulting with the newly anointed House Speaker John Boehner's office. The Brady Campaign wants to restrict the right of law abiding people the right to own firearms too. Paul Helmke, president of the Brady Campaign, said in a statement that “if Congress had not allowed the ‘Assault Weapons Ban’ to expire in 2004, the shooter [Loughner] would only have been able to get off 10 rounds without reloading. Instead, he was able to fire at least 20 rounds from his 30-round clip.” The reality is that Loughner was responsible for the action not the 2nd Amendment among law abiding people at all. Kristen Rand, legislative director of the Violence Policy Center, admitted the gun-grabbers are determined to exploit the pain and suffering of Loughner’s victims in order to attack the Bill of Rights. “In the wake of these kind of incidents, the trick is to move quickly,” she told NBC. Democrats and Republicans have executed anti-gun policies for generations. Even anti-gun advocates claim that the new anti-gun proposals in Congress have little chances of passing. The anti-gun crowd is trying their best to use the immigration card to promote their agenda (when many drug cartels are corporate funded and the Mexican narco state originated from outside of America as well). Even the NRA compromised by supporting mircostamping of firearms and Gestapo tactics at legal gun shows. Most Americans believe that the 2nd Amendment is an individual rights, criminals or those mentally disturbed shouldn't own a gun, and innocent people should have access to firearms if they want to. Even the liberals over at the Huffington Post admit many Americans support the Second Amendment and any attempt to diminish the amendment will be an uphill battle. Extremists still want the 2nd Amendment to be eliminated unless for security people, the police, the military, and selected people. While, guns should be owned by any innocent, law abiding person not criminals. Carolyn claims that she doesn't want to take guns from gun owners, but tons of laws exist dealing with guns all of the time. Congressman Robert Brady wants to ban speech that is assumed threatening in language or symbols against members of Congress (This can be ambiguous). Some want the Fairness Doctrine, which is against the First Amendment. I don't agree with Rush or Savage, but even they have the right to express their views. The attack on our Bill of Rights exist now with the Patriot Act after 9/11.
Ishmael Reed have done a lot of research that I haven't known before. Reed was one of the few black progressive writers that exposed Bill Clinton for what he was (a moderate that promoted a corporate agenda. His administration was better economically than Bush Jr. to his credit. Yet, that is where it's stops). He got a mentally ill man Ricky Ray Rector executed. Clinton's welfare reform bill left thousands of women, blacks, whites, browns, and Asians destitute. Even Robert Scheer wrote in the San Francisco Chronicle, "To his everlasting shame as president, Clinton supported and signed welfare legislation that shredded the federal safety net for the poor from which he personally had benefited." There was an increase of black incarceration since he allowed draconian drug laws to be passed in his Regime. Clinton allowed trade agreements that caused thousands of jobs to be shipped overseas. He nothing to criticize the Rwandan genocide until it was too late. Ms. Gloria Steinem won't mention this stuff. Now, Gloria made the lie that white women suffered more than black men because of voting history. She ignores the fact that black men were met by white terrorism, including massacres, and economic retaliation when attempting to exercise the franchise. Even during Reconstruction, racists removed blacks from office by force even violence. When Ids B. Wells opposed lynching, the so-called feminist Frances Willard supported lynching. Even feminist Elizabeth Cady Stanton supported white supremacy and racism. Steinem should read. Race, Rape, and Lynching by Sandra Gunning, and Angela Davis's excellent Women, Culture, & Politics," which includes a probing examination of racism in the suffragette movement. Even Toni Morrison is a critic of Steinem. Bill Clinton would smile in the face of people, but covertly use some even reactionary policies.
For years, tons of people have talked about or discussed about Greek fraternities and sororities. They have been popularized in popular culture, the secular, and even in some cases the religious world. I've seen people like this all of the time in the Hampton Roads region. They wear clothing to identify themselves. Some act like regular people and other greeks (I've seen this personally) act arrogant or stuck up toward people. Some of them praise the ideas of cliques when life is different than that. Life is about promoting a real sense of self worth, treating your neighbor as yourself, and going out follow the direction of the Lord God. That's the role of us as human beings while we're on this world for a limited period of time (which is only less than 130 years). Greek fraternities are used as conduits as the establishment in order to control Western society more effectively. They aren't in the top of the pyramid, but they are in the beginning of the pyramid though. After the Fraternities are the CFR, then the Bilderbergers, and then the Pilgrim Society, and the high level bloodlines (plus the Vatican/Jesuit network too). Greek frats are recruiting grounds for the elite in basic terms. These groups have a role in promoting globalization (or the code name for the new world order). Fraternities and sororities exist in many races, classes, and other backgrounds all across universities. Some use hand signs to identify themselves or their "clique" as the world calls them. Some use the hand sign looking like a Roc a fella image (in Deltas) and the hand beside their heads (like in the Omegas or Qs). These signs look very Masonic too. Some join these groups in order to be a part of something, their relatives are in GLOs, and many other reasons. They are founding in our schooling system. Yale have the Skulls and Bones too. Some rich children of the Black Nobility/blue blood bloodlines join Freemasonry and the Skulls and Bones too. Many occult like fraternities are related to or have founders from Freemasonry. Their imagery is sometimes occultic or Masonic with cross bone image, stars, candles, Boaz & Jachin, lions, the Phyrgian Cap, the fasces, skeletons, swords, the head of a Sphinx, the All Seeing Eye, etc. It's there. The elite uses these groups to recruit people to be "successful" and get people familiar with worldly society. Some movies use disinformation to portray these groups' rituals as just trivial. It's obvious that the corporate media cover up the true history of Fraternities and the like. One fact that they cover up is that Rhodes Scholar is named after the Freemason and imperialism Cecil Rhodes. He mined diamonds and he was from the UK. He founded De Beers that controls a large part of the world's diamond. Rhodes founded Rhodesia named after himself (later, it was changed into Zambia and Zimbabwe). The Rhodes Scholarship today is funded by his estate. The Rhodes Scholarship is sent to those who been into Oxford like Naomi Wolf, Wesley Clark, Bill Clinton, and others like Rachel Maddow. Rhodes admitted that he wanted an Anglo-Saxon controlled new world order and he wanted minerals to exploit. The elite want us to be controlled. These groups also train future leaders or globalists to be placed in positions of power.
By Timothy