Here's what your fanciful utopia of the past looked like "The County Poor House was still quite common in the 1920s. There, seniors with no family were thrown in with other charity cases – orphans, unwed mothers and the mentally ill. For many older people at this time, life was, indeed nasty, brutish and short. The average life span for an adult male in the United States in the 1920s was 49 years"
Lacking knowledge about history= libertarians.
So in my view the only way libertarianism is useful is WITHIN an organization. If you can decide who to hire, spontaneous order works fine. You can't decide who's gonna be born. Libertarianism works great for a software company like valve. The employees choose who to hire. It can't work in society. Instead, we the people do the hiring for the OUR government. That's the idea anyway. I think technology allows us to discuss a more direct democracy rather than a republic in the future.
"taxation by force" lol, oh man . I suppose Adam has enough money to build the bridges and feed everyone. LOL , fund the schools , pay the teachers ect. I suppose there's a magic money tree somewhere when Adam's world comes into play. But I do like it . It should be this way lets make it clear. But that's not the way it is people.
Does no one notice that jones & limbaugh are 2 sides of the same coin. Like the way they bully everyone to listen only to them & to listen to anyone else means you're stupid? Yes, jones 'woke up' a lot of people. Then he subsequently kept the gate & made sure that his followers only looked in one direction. His direction. Try to broach a subject he's covering for and *poof*, he hangs up on you & calls you a nut. That's just what a gatekeeper is supposed to do. Snuck into the grove, did he? o_0