Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Savant's Words on Politics in 2012

Barros Serrano wrote:

My Cambodian friend commented about this election, and she is not very political,“obviously the Republicans don't care about anyone but the rich”. She voted for Obama, and said her father did also, and his comment was,“the whites don't want to share.”
Pretty astute for people who really don't follow politics much. And these are very hardworking self-sufficient people who've been through hell and back, yet I'm sure Romney would consider them among the 47% of parasites.
It has become glaringly evidence that the Republican Party is a white party. All that blondness during the Tampa convention made my eyes hurt. And I suspect most of it was FAKE!
At some point whites voting GOP have to face the question: Are you happy clumping yourself off in a corner with nothing but whites? What the hell is this, a return to segregation? I'm sure some of them wish so...
I think about the diverse bloc of voters who elected Obama as at least a potential progressive coalition. Mulitraical coalition including MOST Blacks, Most Latinos, Most Asians (like the Cambodian lady),MOST women,MUCH of the working class, and at least a sizeable minority of whites(especially white females).
With such a coalition we could turn America around



Scox wrote:
Hey Romney's - your campaign got TORPEDOED!!!
I know it's not nice, but I am enjoying the discomfort of the right. They tried to destroy Obama. The made their top priority preventing his re-election. They spent billions of dollars, tried to rig elections, appealed to thinly veiled white racial resentments and paranoia, and were totally certain that Obama was toast (and Romney's landslide victory a foregone conclusion).
Then on the night of Nov 6, they found egg on their faces. They're still dealing with the shock of Obama's win. Some of the loonier among them are even talking about secession from the USA.
What hilarious carnival of buffoonery these rightists are!



Not only that, thanks to Karl Rove and his cronies, the Koch Brothers are out of 350-400 million dollars that could have been better well spent on something more meaningful. Cheated and outspent only to lose anyway. Too bad, so sad!



BlackMenRuleAll4Life wrote:
Has anyone ever noticed, that when blacks educate themselves, white people come along and try to discredit your accomplishments? Or they try to make your feel like they're better than you are? It's my opinion, that whites are intimidated by, and fear educated Black people. What are your thoughts on this matter??
You got that right. Not all whites are like this, but a good number are. I know this from experience. Part of the animosity toward Barack Obama is precisely this resentment of an EDUCATED Black. American anti-intellectualism blends with anti-Black racism to form a most toxic brew of hatred.



If they hate it, that's a damn good reason to be educated. Ignorant PPL should suffer for being a burden.



Speak of BLACK LOVE?

How do you like that Black family that's still living in the White House despite all of the dirty tricks, dirty money and propagandda that get them out.
Four more years of a lovely Black Family, and an EBONY First Lady.
