
Brenda Mathis

I believe that your right Tracy, that girl did get 20 years or more for defending herself against her boyfriend (baby farther) who was standing her grounds. Infect she only shot the gun in the ceiling and one would think a fine would of taking care of the eye opening of the danger of doing that. But instead they took her away from her child and family... Wow what kind of laws are they upholding in Florida!!????
1 hour agoin reply to lucifer osiris arnold

That's right!!! The police are the ENFORCERS of white supremacy and white supremacy systems. Black police are out of the loop because the system is designed to trap them too after they have been used up.
Eric Duvall Gray
21 hours ago
tracy smith
21 hours agoin reply to Eric Duvall Gray
Eric Duvall Gray

Another Black Male child killed..... It is open season on black males keep your eyes open and be ready to throw down and FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE.... Nobody should be surprised its only been going on for the past 1000 years only difference is now we are in the digital age and there is almost no way to hide your crimes this person (and i use the term loosely) SHOT AND KILLED A CHILD!!!!!!!!! not like its new... so my question is where are all the thugs at that will kill another black male who look just like them at a moments notice.... Where are all the rappers at who talk all that ra ra hard core junk at.... am a throwing white people under the bus no but this is the reality of our situation OUR CHILDREN ARE BEING KILLED AT A ALARMING RATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! keep your eyes open and educate them on what the world thinks of them and right now the world see black ppl male and female with a target on there back
I feel threatened...................
3 hours agoin reply to tracy smith
I feel threatened...................

I agree with you I counsel many whites who say they are F'd up for the exact same reason your speaking of. In fact our ancestors loved and cared for their children whether called M'am, Maid, Nanny or caregiver.
tracy smith

It' open season on BLACK people period,men and women,don't get it twisted.