Saturday, November 24, 2012

When Propaganda Masquarades as News


There are people that work hard every day that cant afford heath care cause of tyrant corporations don't pay hard working people a livable wage. We wouldn't need any social services if corporation payed people right. but you don't care about anyone but your self cause you got yours huh? i The World Health Organization's ranking of the world's health systems ranks Canada as 30th best in heath care but guess what America ranks 37th you d___.
conditions in Red China weren't that good before Capitalist reforms either.
but that was more related to that it's a Right-wing Totalitarian dictatorship that oppresses essential human rights and necessities to live free, far more than had anything to do with Socialist economics.
but its Socialist economics were not implemented in a Democratic enough way either, similar Soviet failures by Stalin.


students wanted Liberalization (Capitalist) & political reforms to continue for more Free Speech & Expression Rights.
but they didn't want Capitalist Globalization happening to China's economy & they didn't want Capitalist reforms too quickly.
they wanted a few minor recent reforms undone & returned to Socialism. but they wanted to continue reforms toward elements of Capitalism gradually. they wanted Labor rights restored, preserved & enhanced. they did want some Capitalism. 


after China became State Capitalist, the horrible sweatshops & student oppression happened.
Capitalism brought economic inequality, class structure and class privilege injustices.
Socialism wasn't properly reformed to Capitalism. not in proper ways. that created a kind of watered down Socialism lacking Worker protections.
then the 1989 student protests at Tiananmen Square that were horribly silenced by Right-wing Communist regime.


""right wing" libertarians like a strong central government and a powerful military. we also advocate strict border control and hate immigrants and minorities"
yes you do like a strong central Govt yet you just use a privately funded or privatized functions of a centralized government, a privatized powerful mercenary paramilitary funded by a what it giving an appearance of a "small government" yet actually is a Big Government, just privatized yet subservient to a state or central Government.