Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Never Back Down


The Tea Party, the GOP, and some Democrats all agree now that they want to cut the social safety net. I thought I will never see that day that even some so-called progressives like Durbin would agree with the Grand Deception (not a Grand Bargain), but this is the age in which we live under. The fiscal cliff is heavily an exaggeration to put it lightly. The White House and the Republicans seem to agree that austerity is a succinct plan that they want under certain circumstances. The corporate media have mostly agreed with austerity, so you can't say that the media is super liberal on economic issues. It just isn't there. Alan Simpson's extremism ought to be opposed at every turn. The corporate media is trying to brainwash people to accept austerity as an inevitable solution. The corporatists want to gut Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and other services that help the poor. The Grand Deception placed so-called "entitlements" on the table. The good news is that the vast majority of Americans oppose cuts to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. Even most Americans want the expansion and maintenance of the meager U.S. social safety net. The controversy now is that the political establishment is trying to convince the American populace that we need to destroy part of our social safety net as a means to fulfill the goal of handling the economic deficit. In the summer of 2011, both sides agreed to about 4 trillion dollars in cuts. We need no cuts to education, services needed to the poor or legitimate funds at all. The election of 2012 came and this issue was talked about. Now, corporate Democrats and Republican can't hide their goal of cutting human services. They are placing corporate profits above human life literally. That is how real it is. Social Security has nothing to do with the deficit. Robert Reich is the liberal former Labor Secretary in President Bill Clinton's administration. He said that facing down the Republicans is important. I don't want the deadline to come without a plan, but if it were to come, at least new tax cuts for the middle class (and other reforms) should come in 2013. That is better than a weak deal. There is nothing wrong with tax increases on the wealthy, but many in the GOP won't even desire that aim. People all agree with legitimate revenue rising. On the other hand, it's a bad strategy for some in the GOP to hold middle class tax cuts hostile as a means to keep the tax cuts for the super wealthy. Today, we will see that real legacy of the White House. Ironically, we are approaching the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King. We know exactly what Dr. King would advocate on economic issues. In the final analysis, we need to be about the people's business not the interests of Wall Street. Scholars like Michael Hudson believe that the fiscal cliff is an artificial crisis. Propaganda from the Ludwig von Mises Institute isn't the answer. The answer is to embrace concern for the least of these and having policies that promote economic growth (which caused a boon from 1945 to 1975). Grover Norquist is dead wrong, because historical his trickled down economics has failed the Americans. Having a tax increase is neither evil nor immoral if done in the right fashion. Only 3 percent of businesses earn more than $250,000 per year, so a slight tax increase on the super-rich is not the end of the world as we know it. Some in the GOP and others want to promote the interests of the one percent. The Bush tax cuts proved that record tax cuts for the wealthy don't necessarily create more jobs. The Bush tax cuts increased our national debt and deficit though. The reality is that the U.S. gave the big banks about $13 trillion of new debt giveaways since September 2008 and little crumbs to the poor and working class. It is obvious that privatization of all aspects of society doesn't work at all. Our issues deal with a wide spectrum of subjects. Our issues relate to health care, the environment, human civil liberties, foreign policy, the war on Drugs, education, and other subjects. We should have passion and strength to continue the great job of making America a better place than in the past.

We should always oppose imperialism and the concept of Empire. Things can fail not because of silly reasons, but because things or successful policies can be mismanaged. Now, we certainly need to defeat poverty once and for all. Ending poverty can benefit all people in the world. We need jobs with an action of having a living wage. The reality is that laissez faire capitalism doesn't work. In revolution, there is bloodshed. Hopefully, we can have a bloodless revolution, but every human being has the right to execute self-defense during extreme circumstances. Fascism and imperialism are linked being a two headed enemy. We see the fruit of the modern establishment. Britain and the U.S. governments killed over 2 million Iraqis in the past nearly 10 years. The hypocrites in the West can lecture us on democracy and freedom, but they regularly institute laws in the world that violate human civil liberties and political expression. These anti-human rights laws don't just transpire in America, but in Europe as well. Anytime, workers try to promote real reforms, they are demonized and some have been murdered by the establishment (via many arms). Now, today, imperialism is slicker. We have surgical strikes against the people of Iraq, missiles in Libya, the conquest of Afghanistan, protesters being assaulted by peacefully protesting in the face of authoritarian police. There has been this "democracy" in action by murderous drones coming about in Libya, Pakistan, and worldwide. These drones kill people form a far distance and it's evil. Workers and activists fought against fascism too. Now, we need justice not just for the workers, but all of the poor and the homeless as well. One piece of good news is that the Supreme Court said that citizens can monitor the police when they conduct arrests (because the Court refused to hear a case).
The ACLU praised the ruling, saying it would focus its efforts now on the district court. “We now hope to obtain a permanent injunction in this case, so that the ACLU’s program of monitoring police activity in public can move forward in the future without any threat of prosecution,” the group said in a statement. “The ACLU of Illinois continues to believe that in order to make the rights of free expression and petition effective, individuals and organizations must be able to freely gather and record information about the conduct of government and their agents – especially the police.”

People realized that Malcolm X was changing rapidly from an ideological standpoint. He was becoming more progressive and understood that international cooperation can stop the aims of our oppressors in the world. Malcolm X was unjustly assassinated on February 21, 1965 at the Audubon Ballroom in New York City. The media and the police at that time immediately blamed the Nation of Islam for it. Yet, things in life are more complicated than that. The FBI and other intelligence agencies monitoring Malcolm X illegally and causing tensions in the Black Nationalist movement are just as much responsible for his assassination as the men who shot at him. This situation is what we call "divide and conquer." The FBI and other entities caused more tensions between the Nation of Islam and the OAAU (or the Organization for Afro-American Unity). The captured assailant was NOI member Thomas Hayer. Hayer's lawyer named William Kunstler claimed that deeper forces were at work in the death of Malcolm X. He said the crime "was committed by members of the Newark mosque, including Thomas Hayer, and it was undoubtedly the result of terrible, terrible hostility which was engendered by the FBI telling [both Malcolm and Elijah Muhammad] in anonymous letters that they were going to kill each other [and which] created this terrible, terrible tension that led these five men at the Newark mosque to eliminate Malcolm X; and even though they fired the guns, three of them, the FBI was the real hand on the trigger" (in Malcolm X As They Knew Him, edited by David Gallen). In the last year of his life, Malcolm X worked heavily in America and overseas. He transformed his thinking on some issues after his April 1964 Hajj to Mecca. Malcolm X obviously wanted to internationalize the suffering and plight of African Americans. His goal was to get the United Nations to allow America to be held accountable for its unjust treatment against the then 22 million black African Americans. He said these words in Cairo at the African Summit Conference in front of the delegates of 34 African nations. Malcolm X needed international support in order for the U.S. government to atone at the United Nations. That is why the CIA and the FBI monitored him at every stop that he made in foreign nations. Even in the Cairo conference, Malcolm X suffered a toxic substance at a dinner. He wanted to promote peace and human rights. Malcolm's friend, the writer Louis Lomax wrote: "By then the CIA was following Malcolm's every move; agents were aboard every flight he took, other agents watched his hotels and even kept him under surveillance during meal time" (Louis E. Lomax, To Kill a Black Man). Malcolm told his sister, Ella Collins, that he narrowly avoided another poisoning in Ethiopia. Malcolm X was barred from visiting France in February 9, 1965. Malcolm X thought that the State Department didn't want him to unite Afro-French with other blacks in the world. Journalist Eric Norden found out why. Norden was told by a North African diplomat that "his country's intelligence apparatus had been quietly informed by the French Department of Alien Documentation and Counter-Espionage that the CIA planned Malcolm's murder, and France feared he might be liquidated on its soil." The diplomat then commented in elegantly modulated French: "Your CIA is beginning to murder its own citizens now." On the day before his assassinated, Malcolm X told Alex Haley on the phone that it's bigger than the Muslims since some of the stuff doing on against him was bigger than the NOI. Malcolm X wasn't the first to establish official ties between African American and our black blood brothers and sisters in Africa. Yet, he was the first to take that action into another level since Marcus Garvey died. On February 14, 1965, Malcolm X and Dr. Martin Luther King talked on the phone. They agreed to work together and fight for human rights. They started to begin the process of having a common strategy to fight for the freedom of black people in the world. Their conversation was described by William Kunstler: "There was sort of an agreement that they would meet in the future and work out a common strategy, not merge their two organizations, but that they would work out a method to work together in some way. And I think that that quite possibly led to the bombing of Malcolm's house that evening in East Elmhurst and his assassination one week later." Malcolm X united with Coretta Scott King in the voter registration drive in Selma, Alabama. Malcolm X said that he supported Dr. King's efforts to give black people the right to vote. Malcolm X and Dr. Martin Luther King worked on an alliance and the Western intelligence community knew completely about this. Malcolm X in 1965 called for gender equality and evolved further on issues. He fully disagreed with imperialism and the Vietnam War. Malcolm X was a revolutionary completely in the scope of human history (as he opposed the Republicans and the Democrats. He outlined critiques of capitalism and Zionism). Malcolm X became more progressive, but he wasn't a race-neutral activist. He was a strong black pan-Africanist. Malcolm X proclaimed that he wasn't an American, because he was the victim of the American oppressive system. Also, Malcolm X wasn't the man that he was without Betty Shabbaz (who was also, a strong, progressive black Sister indeed).

There has been a new war in the nation of Congo. The M23 rebels are influenced by the U.S. allies from Rwanda and Uganda. The problem is that the conflict might be exploited by some as a means to have a regime change (and then Congo's military wealth can be exploited by Western corporations). The previous Congolese war killed 5.4 million people by 2003. That was the worst humanitarian disaster since WWII. International silence existed in that circumstance. Governments have back certain factions in that war. The new war has existed with silence from the international community except for a few people (even celebrities are calling for the new war in the Congo to end immediately). The M23 are committing war crimes against the democratically elected government of the DRC or the Democratic Republic of the Congo (there is a refugee crisis in the Congo as well). It remains to be seen if the White House will do anything about it or even have a diplomatic action in attempting to solve the problem. The U.S. government had impacted the war including the previous conflict in the Congo during the era of President Bill Clinton. There should be a massive denunciation of the invasion of Congo. The United Nations shown a report proving that the Rwandan government (supported by America) is backing the rebels. The previous Congolese war allowed the invading armies of Rwanda and Uganda to cause about 5.4 million people to die. In the last Congo war, there were the Rwanda war criminals called the Bosco Ntaganda. They are now ruling the M23 militia and wanted for war crimes by the U.N. international criminal court. Paul Kagame has been a war criminal involved in the Rwandan genocide and the Congo war. Even Rwandan and Congolese activists want Kagame to be brought up on war crimes and he's an ally of the U.S. government. The current Democratic Republic of Congo's current President Joseph Kabila was a good puppet of the West. He once allowed more Western multinational corporations to control a lot of the mining and oil wealth in Africa. Then, Kabila started to act more independent by trying to work with China on infrastructure and development aid. The West is competing against China for the economic resources that are found throughout the continent of Africa. When a nation goes against the IMF and the World Bank, the West doesn't like this development. The IMF is delaying forgiveness of the 10 billion dollars that Congo owes the IMF. This reality made Kabila an enemy to the establishment. Kabila wanted corporations to give Congo money via a re-negotiation of contracts. The Democratic Republic of the Congo has about 80 percent of the world's cobalt (that is necessary for creating weaponry, cell phones, and computers. It's a valuable mineral). Now, Rwanda is an ally of America and American officials aren't explicitly condemning the activities of the M23. Human Rights Watch and other groups have correctly labeled the M23’s commanders as responsible for “ethnic massacres, recruitment of children, mass rape, killings, abductions and torture. We know that the M23 are criminals, rapists, and killers of children even. They have no moral right to invade Congo at all. The people of Congo should own their own wealth period without IMF/World Bank neo-imperialism at all. Right now, most of the West is silent on these invaders. Uganda shouldn't fund M23 at all. So, we see that the West regularly tries to control Africa further even if it utilized terrorists as their engine for conquest. This is a war against Africa. The reactionaries and even some Democrats refuse to expose the evil ethnic cleansing and racial pogroms against black Libyans and sub-Saharan African migrant workers. I will never forget how these terrorist killed many of my black people in the black city of Tawergha. You can't be a freedom fighter if you legitimately want Palestine to have statehood, but refuse to expose genocide against black people by terrorists in Libya. Regardless if a President is Republican or Democratic, drone attacks and unjust wars are still evils that must be opposed. Africa should be free without imperialism.

There are many occasions where artists blatantly show occult images and promote the same agenda as the establishment rather overtly. Ke$ha’s “Die Young” is a blatant video that shows the occult/Illuminati imagery plainly. The music video both tries to indoctrinate the masses on the wild side of the establishment and it tries to shove its agenda down people's throats. The video outlines the fact that even controversial and mediocre artists can promote an old, perverted message in the world internationally. The artist Ke$ha sings about being an alcoholic party girl who isn't strict about personal hygiene. The new video "Die Young" outlines her views and outlook on life in her mind. It shows a wide spectrum of occult symbols. The video was created by the people telling her what to do, what to say, and how to perform. These symbols are more common since the establishment wants the populace to support and approve of its glamorization of deception in popular culture. The elite never show something publicly like this unless they support it. The video also outlines how the occult elite acts in real life and many of the masses are dancing to this type of music. One agenda of the establishment is to make the culture of death, materialism, a false, debased form of spirituality, sexualizing everything, etc. as normative, especially for the young. Some speculate that the video makes fun of the masses who are brainwashed by the lifestyle promoted by the elite. The video is about an orgy. The video occurs in Mexico. Ke$ha and her friends go into a cabin. The video shows a Skulls and Bones image representing death basically. The Skulls and Bones secret society were involved in the establishment's crimes and actions (causing death via wars, etc.) for centuries. The word "evil" is shown on the side of the car. The car is a hearse that carried dead people. Ke$ha wears a black veil and is posing. Her friends carry her out of the vehicle. This procession of carrying her out is similar to the religious rituals during the past and present. The All Seeing Eye is shown in the video. Inverted crosses flash a lot of times in the video including diamond shapes. The inverted cross represents opposition to mainstream Christianity (it has been a symbol of the Church of Satan). Ke$ha shows tarot cards and plays around. The rest of the video shows nihilism like an orgy and a Pentagram shown in the video. She shows an All Seeing Eye image and the masculine and feminine principles are shown in the video. She also was shot and killed by the police in the video hence the title of the video "Die Young." In real life, police state oppression is ever real in the world. The video talks about a debased culture and glamorizes death. There is nothing truly revolutionary in this since the mainstream music industry is controlled by corporate interests. We don't need a culture of death or orgies to prove our humanity. We just need a culture of respect, tolerance, and life. A self-destructive attitude and apathy is the elite's game plan. We don't need apathy. We just need to have courage, faith, and fight evil wherever it occurs in the Universe. The mass media regularly uses propaganda, so we should be strong in adhering to righteousness and legitimate values. Art imitates life, so in real life, orgies are done by the celebrity crowd including the global elites. You can't call evil good and good evil. In the final analysis, we don't need an oppression theocracy, but can't accept nihilism either.

By Timothy