There is still conflict in the Middle East. Israel and Hamas are battling against each other. On November 14, Hamas military commander Ahmed Jabri was murdered by an Israeli missile attack. These events feel very similar to the Hamas and Israel battles a few years ago. Back in 2006, the events were part of the Israeli/Lebanon conflict. It is ironic since a few hours before the attack; Hamas received the draft proposal of a permanent truce agreement with Israel. This has been reported by Haaretz on November 15, 2012. The draft wanted mechanism for maintaining a cease fire in the case of a flare up between Israel and factions in the Gaza Strip. After the assassination of Ahmed Jabari, there was the bombing campaign under Operation Pillar of Cloud. These military strikes against Gaza have been very controversial. F-16 fighter planes, Apache helicopters, and unmanned drones were deployed. Israeli naval forces deployed along the Gaza shoreline were involved in extensive shelling of civilian targets. Also, any innocent deaths (whether Israelis or Palestinians) ought to be sympathized with. The Israeli defense minister Ehud Barak admitted that there is a scenario of military escalation. The Israelis blame Palestine for acts of aggression, while the Palestinians & Hamas blame Israel. Later, there has been a firing of dozens of rockets by Hamas against Israeli. Any military scholar knows that Hamas will retaliate and Israeli war planners know this. The Israeli civilian casualties are being used to justify military escalation on humanitarian grounds. Sounds familiar? The big picture is that these occurrences involve a clear act of provocation. The deaths of Israeli civilians (as foreseen by IDF military planners) are being used to gain support among the Israeli public. The victims of occupation and military shells are being collectively blamed by the Western media for the Israeli atrocities. Hamas isn't perfect, but both sides making a progressive peace accords is better than apartheid. Israel is contemplating a ground war. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu would love for Mitt Romney to be President, but he is using rocket attacks as a means to show to the world that he wants to continue forth with his agenda irrespective of who won the 2012 election. I don't agree with civilian deaths on either side. Deaths of innocent human beings are tragedies and that ought to be realized. Many people view Israeli actions to be warranted and other feel that the Israeli actions are disproportionate. The truth is that a truce between Hamas and Israeli could have come, but it was killed by the assassination of Jabari. Israeli peace activist Gershon Baskin, who helped negotiate the release of Gilad Shalit and maintained contacts with Hamas leaders, said the truce agreement included protocols for maintaining a cease-fire in the case of cross-border violence between Israel and Gaza. Baskin told Haaretz that senior officials in Israel knew about the pending truce agreement, but nevertheless approved the assassination, presumably knowing it would terminate the truce and escalate the conflict with Gaza. “I think that they have made a strategic mistake,” Baskin said, “which will cost the lives of quite a number of innocent people on both sides.” He added that Jabari’s assassination “killed the possibility of achieving a truce.” The Middle East has been influenced by US/NATO war plans too. NATO approves of the civil war in Syria and they performed war crimes inside of the country of Libya as well. This network supports Operation Pillar of Cloud, so the invasion of Gaza is part of a bigger Western strategic agenda (of trying to pacify people into accepting imperialism). The peace movements among all sides should do their best to resolve this bloody conflict. Also, an economic system that says that small minority of people should own the majority of the wealth and power in the world is archaic and immoral period. I like that to be known from the rooftops, the valleys, the hills, and the ceilings.
BP has been found criminally liable for the Gulf Oil Spill and the subsequent cover up. This has been the largest criminal penalty in U.S. history. BP Employees were indicted for manslaughter and lying to federal investigators. It is easy to witness that BP was criminally negligent in connection with the Gulf oil spill and used policies to cover up the scope of the disaster (like low balling spill estimates). There have been 2 men who worked for BP during the 2010 Gulf oil spill disasters. They were charged with manslaughter according to the AP. Some have been indicted with lying to federal investigators. BP announced that it was paying $4.5 billion in a settlement with the U.S. government over the disaster. This federal indictment was unsealed in New Orleans. It claims that BP well site leaders Robert Kaluza and Donald Vidrine acted negligently in their supervision of key safety tests done on the Deep-water Horizon drilling rig before the explosion (which killed 11 workers in April of 2010). Both men failed to phone engineers onshore to tell them about the problems with the drilling operation. Then BP's vice President of exploration for the Gulf of Mexico David Rainey was indicted for obstruction of Congress and false statements. The indictment claims that the former executive lied to federal investigations when they asked him how he calculated a flow rate estimate for BP's blown out well in the days after the April 2010 disaster. In the past, only a former BP engineer was indicted for obstruction of justice charges back in April 2011. He was accused of deleting text messages about the company's response to the spill. BP PLC said that it will plead guilty to criminal charges involving the deaths of 11 workers and lying to Congress. BP will plead guilty to 11 felony counts of misconduct or neglect of a ship's officers, one felony count of obstruction of Congress, and one misdemeanor count each under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (and the Clean Water Act). The workers' deaths were prosecuted under a provision of the Seaman's Manslaughter Act. The obstruction charge is for lying to Congress about how much oil was spilling. BP is being hit with the largest criminal penalty in U.S. history. That is a good thing. State, local, and individual lawsuits could come against BP too. Wall Street elites haven't prosecuted for criminal actions as well. BP has a profit of 5.5 billion dollars in the most recent quarter. Now, it is time to call for changing drilling practices, which hasn't changed. BP wants to drill even deeper, which can cause a great disaster. According to the top expert Dr. Robert Bea (an UC Berkeley professor and government consultant): "... the two highest ranking BP officials onboard the Deep-water Horizon was Pat O’Brien, VP of Exploratory drilling in the Gulf of Mexico and his subordinate manager David Sims. O’Brien and Sims were further up the “blunt end” of the disaster spear. The real power that caused this disaster came from higher levels of management (or mis-management) in BP. Again, we have “blamed the victims” in an attempt to localize the causation..." Some activists and populists believe that the lawsuit against BP didn't go far enought, because the settlement is nearly to the amount of a quarter profit of BP. Justice should come comprehensively.
Now, the reactionaries wanted secession including Alex Jones. When, people experienced Jim Crow and Vietnam, they didn't call for secession. When, the Federal Reserve came about in 1913, they didn't clamor for secession. They didn't call for secession when the Iraq War was instituted either. When even the War on Drugs and huge violations to our civil liberties (of the 1960's) transpired, there was no intrepid call for secession either by them. When a centrist President comes along (with imperfections of course, but he isn't a Communist), then they whine and yell. They accuse minorities and other people of wanting free stuff (which is a lie), but they whine and yell when Romney isn't President. Yes, Alex Jones has publicly said that he wanted Mitt Romney to win the 2012 election with his disagreements of him. He's nothing more than a closet Republican trying to act populist as a means to appeal to people. That is why when you find out his true policies, Alex Jones says nothing on labor rights, nothing on a true war on poverty, nothing on economic inequality, nothing on immigrant rights, and definitely nothing on the system of white supremacy. Unilateral secession is blatantly illegal, but I will say if the reactionaries want to leave; let them leave. They or the reactionaries don't respect America truly anyway. They don't like true social, cultural diversity that is found in the real United States of America. They don't respect election results that don't go their way. Many of them are prone to use racist, anti-woman, anti-poor, pro-theocratic, and anti-immigrant invectives. They want to believe in an archaic system where economic neo-feudalism (or the failed system of trickled down economics), not economic populism is the order of the day. Joseph Blocher, an assistant professor at the School of Law, said states have no legal basis for seceding. In the 1869 case Texas v. White, the Supreme Court ruled unilateral secession unconstitutional. Alex Jones supports the John Birch Society, which has ties to reactionary groups. One founder of the JBS was Revilo P. Oliver and he founded the white nationalist Neo-Nazi organization called the National Alliance (this group named Hitler the greatest man of our era, which is sick). The JBS is known for slandering JFK and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. back decades ago. The JBS opposed the Civil Rights Movement including legitimate Civil Rights legislation. The John Birch Society praised apartheid and campaigned for the then segregationist George Wallace in his Presidential campaign run. The reactionaries talk about individual rights. There is nothing wrong with exposing the new world order agenda, but using reactionary rhetoric as a means to do so isn't my thing. I do believe in individual rights, but what I don't agree with is the exploitation of the individual as a means to destroy the social safety net. The social safety net is one part (of our many items) that built up this nation. It took public funds to end the Great Depression, to construct our interstate highways, and to proceed to end Jim Crow apartheid inside of the scope of the American landscape. These great historical, monumentus occurences represent the essence of efficient government not the archaic philosophy of "no federal government at all costs." The government should promote the general welfare not to suppress it. These reactionaries cry about welfare when most people on it aren't people of color in the USA at all. Welfare can be good for those that need it. I have some disagreements with the President, but I don't express irrational hatred of the President though. Irrational hatred is silly, immature, and not how a real person should act at all. I don't agree with the President on foreign policy and civil liberty matters, but I have no issues with the following policies: the stimulus package, the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, The Claims Resolution Act of 2010 (that gave billions of dollars to African American farmers and Native Americans farmers who were cheated out of loans), and the legitimate parts of the Affordable Care Act. I believe in self-defense and the Second Amendment. On the other hand, I will not use my belief in private gun ownership as an excuse to promote war mongering, discrimination, a lax attitude toward gun violence in our communities, and intolerance at all. When the tough gets going, I don't whine or scapegoat people. I fight the system constructively. I speak out. I write and I help humanity without demagogic rhetoric. The neo-Confederates may hate us, but in the end, we will win. The truth will always rise above the gray coats of this modern era. I thank God that the Confederates lost the Civil War. I thank Almighty God that the truth will prevail, diversity is beautiful, and the dream continues to live on forever and ever.
"The Cabin in the Woods" is a movie that expresses issues on the occult and the establishment. Vigilant Citizen did an excellent job in describing the film and its composition. The film is a very successful horror film. It received great critical acclaim. Some people talked about the film's wit, humor, and originality. Yet, beyond the surface, you will see how the establishment acts in real life. Occult rituals are real from thousands of years ago to our modern age near 2013. For example, in Masonry, there is a death and rebirth ceremony on new initiates inside of the Masonic Temple. In higher level degrees of Freemasonry, a Mason drinks wine out of a human skull. In the Skulls and Bones, you are placed in a tomb to reveal your deepest secrets to the other Bonesmen. The movie is a sophisticated for a horror film. The music is a satire of the clichés of many horror movies. The movie in a nutshell decreases teenagers being chased by zombies. It also involved elite puppeteers overseeing a massive blood ritual using mind control and high tech monitoring. Cabin in the Woods is a picture of metaphor of modern society and the world being influenced by international political organizations. It's a historical fact that the Pilgrim Society, the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission, and other groups have international influence in the politics, banking, and economic circumstances of the globe. Joss Whedon co-written and directed the movie. He made the Dollhouse TV series that discussed about the concept of mind control in an obvious way. The overt scheme of the film shows characters of diverse personalities (the teenagers include the sports teen, one woman, a smart person, a person addicted to drugs, and a virgin). These characters are common in horror films. The movie shows that these people are selected and manipulated by an organization that wants to complete a ritual. The teens in the film are victims. The organization conducts the ritual. The teen wants to go into the woods as a means to have fun, drink alcohol, and frolic. The nameless organization has high tech facilities in the world with a great amount of resources and employees. This organization is very similar to the occult elite or the new world order crowd (who in real life has advanced satellites, controls intelligence agencies, and has secret facilities worldwide. The establishment's DAPRA group is known for experiments with advanced technology all of the time). The movie has the command center with military tracking equipment only available to the highest government levels. In the movie, the organization wants to set up mega rituals involve in the deaths of civilians globally to appease the dark forces beneath the Earth. In real life, occult groups like the Skulls and Bones and the Bohemian Grove have rituals and have meetings that promote globalization (and some of their rituals involve mock human sacrifice. Even various sick cults have done real human sacrifice throughout the ages of time). The movie is the fictionalization of what the elite does in real life. The movie outlines the organization as doing rituals that most appear to be accidents. This group obeys the forces called "The Ancients" and the "gods." The “technicians” overseeing the ritual are actually members of an occult brotherhood and their job is to make sure rituals are complete. The elite consider themselves gods in real life. That is why the late high level Freemason Manly P. Hall admitted that he believes that man is god in the making. The technicians recite an evil prayer and kiss a pendant after the death of the first victim. The pendant has the secret society's magical symbol. The organization in the film uses a cabin with cameras, mind altering drugs, and remote control doors as a means to control the teenagers. The "gods" in the movie want the death of the teens via 5 archetypes in the ritual drama (called the whore, the athlete, the fool, the scholar, and the virgin). One person acts as a Beta Kitten behavior by kissing a wolf head. The puppet masters want Jules (or a female character in the movie) to be sacrificed first. The movie portrays Marty as a fool since he talks about conspiracies. In real life, the mainstream media will demonize people who talks about conspiracy related issues (even if this person is accurate on the expression of conspiracy related information. The Abraham Lincoln assassination, Operation Paperclip, the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand are indeed examples of real conspiracies in real life). In the end, one evil god kills the kids and his hand rises from beneath the Earth. "The Cabin in the Woods" shows an organization using scientific knowledge mixed with old school occult rituals as a means to carry out it plans. In real life, the elite in various organizations perform occult rituals and advocate a globalized system. The monitoring of the kids in the cabin relates to real life about how DARPA, intelligence agencies, and other geo-political entities monitor masses of people in the world. The elite want us to use our free will to lack intellectual strength. Yet, we have the right to oppose evil and believe in freedom without the tyranny of a Big Brother police state. Symbols, triggers, and other clues are shown in movies, ads, etc. as a means to conceal plus reveal secrets. In the final analysis, it's a spiritual war in that we must fight against evil in certain places.
Thanksgiving is a controversial holiday. It represents a time in America that's unique. Families come to work together and eat food. Many families come to celebrate what they are thankful for indeed. Even if you reject Thanksgiving for moral or political reasons, you should at least find time in the year to be thankful of your blessings given unto you by the Creator. Thanksgiving in America describes the history of the Native Americans, Pilgrims, and other concepts. The Pilgrims were right to advocate the freedom of religion. The freedom to believe in what you want is one inspiring cornerstone of American thinking. Many people of every color shed blood and died throughout human history for the sake of us to have the right to believe in what religion we want (or to have no belief at all). Religious freedom is a breadrock principle of human rights. Individuals like Malcolm X and William Tyndale advocated the great concept of religious freedom. For record, I believe in God. The Pilgrims migrated into America as a means to promote their own livelihood and to escape some of the theocratic actions of the Anglican Church. The Pilgrims weren't perfect though. They were wrong in advancing the wrongheaded oppression against Native Americans in the region of New England. The modern Thanksgiving holiday in America came from the 1621 celebration at Plymouth Plantation. There was where the Plymouth settlers ate with the Native Americans after a successful growing season. The Pilgrims were almost starving to death until the Native American aided them in growing crops and learning the lay of the land. Squanto (or a man who was a Pawtuxet Native American) taught the Pilgrims on how to catch eel and grow corn. He or Squanto knew how to speak English via his travels in England. Squanto resided with the Wampanoag tribe. Even the Wampanoag leader Massasoit donated food stores to the fledging colony during the first winter when supplies brought from England were insufficient. The Pilgrims owed a huge debt of gratitude to the Native Americans. The Pilgrims celebrated at Plymouth for three days after their first harvest, in 1621. Seventeenth century accounts do not identify this as a Thanksgiving observance, rather it followed the harvest. Two colonists gave personal accounts of the 1621 feast in Plymouth, Massachusetts. There have been thanksgiving ceremonies in the four corners of the Earth among thousands of years. In 1578, Frobisher Bay was the site of the first Thanksgiving on Anglo-American soil. In other words, Martin Frobisher held a thanksgiving feast following a safe return from his unsuccessful search for the Northwest Passage (which evolved into the Canadian Thanksgiving holiday). Many religions have thanksgiving special ceremonies. So, I do celebrate thanksgiving as a means to be thankful for who I am (and the struggles of humanity) not as a means to glamorize oppression against Native Americans (and the land theft of the Americas by terrorists basically). I will continue to be thankful of my blessings in my life indeed.
By Timothy