White Folks of Obama's Post-Racial USA_Not All But Far Too Many
Nixakliel - 11/29/2012 - 07:05
I bet some of those whites who sent that hate-her-aide to Sis Kimberly might
even consider themselves as 'liberals'.
I've seen too many [though not all], whites spew insensitivity & even out-right hatred toward Mrs Moore [who's Black] RE the recent tragedy of her losing her 2 boys in NYC to Hurricane Sandy, after having the door slammed in her face by a white guy [& others]. One guy even tried to twist her into the Black version of Susan Smith- as others kept asking why she didn't evacuate, while NEVER posing the same question RE those whites that slammed the door in her face- who were in the very same area! Nor did they pose that question RE her white husband, who let his family stay in that area while he went on emergency call duty. IMO Obviously He NEVER thought tragedy would strike his family- thinking it would be safe for them to stay in place!
Then there's the Zimmerman fan-club, which insists on turning Trayvon [the unarmed victim] into a thug that deserved to be gunned-down! And just this month another of FL's John-Q Citizen gun-totin white guys- gunned down another unarmed Black teen at a gas-station - claiming that the Black youth's music was too loud [remember they had both just pulled into a GAS Station Stop]! Of-course this white killer, like Z-man, is going to evoke FL's 'Stand Your Ground' Law for his defense.
Then a lily-white NY state grand-jury let Mr Ken Chamberlain's killer(s) w a badge & a gun- walk 'Scott-Free'. And the beat goes on / the band plays on & on & on... This is what so-called 'Post-Racial' [NOT!] USA is really all about!
PLUS: Most of those whites making wise-cracks about 'If you hate America so much then go back to Africa'- are just blowing a bunch of funky hot-air! Because they are a few of us who'll say BET! Give us our 40 acres & a mule plus interest in financial compensation & we're up outta here! But history shows they ain't serious- Demark Vessey tried to take some of our people out, did they let him do it [IE: cut a deal w him] or did they HANG Him? What about Martin Delany? And Marcus Garvey definitely wanted to take many Blacks back to Africa- so what did Ole Edgar do to him? What about Malcolm X, he also talked about it- What did Ole Edgar do to him? Elijah Muhammed talked about an autonomous territory of 7 states [= the equivalent of 40 Acres plus interest Xs 22 Million Blacks {at that time] for a seperate Black Nation, did they give him even one state, or a county, or even a city??? HELL NO!!! My point- History proves that most whites that say crap like that are Just Wolfing, they ain't serious!
I've seen too many [though not all], whites spew insensitivity & even out-right hatred toward Mrs Moore [who's Black] RE the recent tragedy of her losing her 2 boys in NYC to Hurricane Sandy, after having the door slammed in her face by a white guy [& others]. One guy even tried to twist her into the Black version of Susan Smith- as others kept asking why she didn't evacuate, while NEVER posing the same question RE those whites that slammed the door in her face- who were in the very same area! Nor did they pose that question RE her white husband, who let his family stay in that area while he went on emergency call duty. IMO Obviously He NEVER thought tragedy would strike his family- thinking it would be safe for them to stay in place!
Then there's the Zimmerman fan-club, which insists on turning Trayvon [the unarmed victim] into a thug that deserved to be gunned-down! And just this month another of FL's John-Q Citizen gun-totin white guys- gunned down another unarmed Black teen at a gas-station - claiming that the Black youth's music was too loud [remember they had both just pulled into a GAS Station Stop]! Of-course this white killer, like Z-man, is going to evoke FL's 'Stand Your Ground' Law for his defense.
Then a lily-white NY state grand-jury let Mr Ken Chamberlain's killer(s) w a badge & a gun- walk 'Scott-Free'. And the beat goes on / the band plays on & on & on... This is what so-called 'Post-Racial' [NOT!] USA is really all about!
PLUS: Most of those whites making wise-cracks about 'If you hate America so much then go back to Africa'- are just blowing a bunch of funky hot-air! Because they are a few of us who'll say BET! Give us our 40 acres & a mule plus interest in financial compensation & we're up outta here! But history shows they ain't serious- Demark Vessey tried to take some of our people out, did they let him do it [IE: cut a deal w him] or did they HANG Him? What about Martin Delany? And Marcus Garvey definitely wanted to take many Blacks back to Africa- so what did Ole Edgar do to him? What about Malcolm X, he also talked about it- What did Ole Edgar do to him? Elijah Muhammed talked about an autonomous territory of 7 states [= the equivalent of 40 Acres plus interest Xs 22 Million Blacks {at that time] for a seperate Black Nation, did they give him even one state, or a county, or even a city??? HELL NO!!! My point- History proves that most whites that say crap like that are Just Wolfing, they ain't serious!
PEASEHEAD - 11/29/2012 - 07:30
America will become a post-racial society on the very same day that China
ceases to speak Mandarin. Even the dumbest White racists know that White people
and White dominated multinational institutions still control the governments and
natural resources of Africa, so any Black person fleeing there will still find
himself or herself fenced in, and facing White dominion.
If most American Blacks were to suddenly immigrate to Africa or anywhere else after enduring/experiencing 400 years or so Western freedom in the so-called New World, in spite of what Whites and many other non-Black immigrants would say, it would be as damning an indictment of American society, as was the mass exodus of Jews from Europe during the Nazi era. In reality, if America was to suddenly find itself "freed" of its permanent scapegoat class, its Black population, it would rapidly face a major dilemma. Whom would (White) America be able to blame for America's flaws and shortcomings? Whose fault would it be that America's rhetoric continued to fall short of its realities?
If most American Blacks were to suddenly immigrate to Africa or anywhere else after enduring/experiencing 400 years or so Western freedom in the so-called New World, in spite of what Whites and many other non-Black immigrants would say, it would be as damning an indictment of American society, as was the mass exodus of Jews from Europe during the Nazi era. In reality, if America was to suddenly find itself "freed" of its permanent scapegoat class, its Black population, it would rapidly face a major dilemma. Whom would (White) America be able to blame for America's flaws and shortcomings? Whose fault would it be that America's rhetoric continued to fall short of its realities?