Friday, November 23, 2012

The History of Thanksgiving


GWBush Sr & Jr Are Descendents of the British Royal Family...

Its probably true that the Bushes are descendents of the Mayflower gang; but I know for a fact they are decendents of the British Royal family as is/was John Kerry, & Obama's Mama, FDR, Colin Powell, Dick Cheney, etc... If you really study these facts you probably conclude that the US Presidency is in effect an extension of the British Royal Family.
IMO: The core issue is not the Puritans [which is not to deny anything you pointed out above], nor Dims vs Repugs, nor so-called 'Liberal' vs conservative, nor Capitalism vs Communism- these are just different facists of the core issue. For non-white people the core issue is White Supremacy & White Domination over non-whites- Thats NOT to condenm white folks per-se' -but- any-one white or non-white infected w the madness of White-Supremacy! And make no-mistake about it- House-Negros like O-bomb-em, Susan & Condi Rice, Colin Powell, Uncle Judge Thomas, etc- are products of white-supremacy- thus they've bought into this white-supremacist system hook-line-&-Stinker! Bro Omali Yeshitela, chairman of the Black Is Back Coalition for Social Justice, Peace and Reparations, articulated so well - “We’ve got to uproot this system {of white supremacy}, so that our people & all people of the World can live,” - He went on further to explain that the concept of the Euro {white}Race was invented in the 1600s in order to unify whites, even those who had no personal stake in slavery, vis-a-vis non-whites whose cultures were under attack by & whose lands, resources & even the people [Africans] themselves were being stolen by Europeans infected w the madness of white-supremacy!


CourtneyRModerator3 hours agoin reply to Lexe
its why racism was created. its the perfect distraction to keep peoples minds off what the real problem .you are right lexe. being a racist is ridiculous when you are enslaved to the elite. but they just cant get past their hate and lack of spirituality to see who the real enemy hear the racist remarks coming out of grown peoples mouths about the president is proving this. racism is for simpleminded folks. oh well.


leamore27Moderator2 days agoin reply to trite57
Shame on you and your brainwashed theories. Consider that Lincoln wouldn't have to free us if weren't packed like sardines and sent through the middle passage to our eminent stripped identities and demise. To whom do we give the responsibility then? Clearly Mr. 51 you forget what the minority has experienced at the hands of the haves.
Democrats haven't forced blacks and others to hate republicans. Republicans do a great job of that all by themselves. Besides, the bigger picture is not hate against republicans, it's a hatred against a system and those who perpetrate evil against us. So be they black, white, republicans, or democrats, anybody can get it. It's just that most people that perpetuate the hate with their racist statements and treatment of minorities, are more often than not, republicans.
LexeModerator3 days ago
The false notion of American exceptionalism is part of the white supremacy idea, and one of the elements of the theoretical position that facilitates invasions, wars, and oppression of others by Anglo-Americans.
