Monday, November 26, 2012

The World is Changed

I will continue to speak, write, and act in the truth irrespective if the enemy hates the truth. I am nearly 30 and I realize that we are not yet free. I will not be silent. Fascism comes into many forms in the world. Fascists throughout history believed in eugenics and the dehumanization of human life. Eugenics has been supported by fascists (being supported by international banking cartel-capitalists I might add) like Hitler, Mussolini, etc. Even Michael Medved (the neo-con popular talk radio host) said that Americans are somehow genetically superior to other nations of the world. This sick idea relates to cultural Darwinism. Today, neo-fascists believe in an authoritarian, radically free market laissez faire capitalist system. In recent months, when I strongly expose that wicked economic system, the enemis of truth try to censor my words in the Internet for real. This means that I am on the right track. Malcolm X before he died in 1965 (including Kwame Ture and Dr. Martin Luther King) outlined legitimate critiques of the imperfections found in capitalism. All 3 men wanted universal housing and real freedom for human beings. The policy of deregulation or allowing all companies to do unscrupulous business practices along with tax cuts favoring the larger corporations will cause something. It will cause more profits among the super wealthy and higher tax cuts for those who make more money. Also, many Resistance factions fought against the evil Nazis. They didn't want to be called militias. The French Resistance , la Marseilles, the l'Reseau, the Paris Underground, the Paris Metro Railway Resistance, the Marquis & additional groups from Eastern European Resistance (like the Romanian Resistance), and the Slavic Network (Serbian, Romanian, Slovenian, Moldavian & Bulgarian fighters worked together in network) fought against the evils of the Nazis. The Nazis were funded by the wealthiest, reactionaries including the top industry corporate lobbyists. The Nazis were also funded investors. These investors now fund the reactionaries today near 2013. Many people in these groups were intellectuals and trained in revolutionary actions against fascism or oppression. Fascists were funded by wealthiest Germans and other Europeans as a means to seize power from the German Social-Democratic government back in 1933. In terms of health care, the poor shouldn't die in pain and agony. The poor should have relief. Anarcho-capitalist propaganda can't solve our issues at all. The fascists tried their 1934 coup against the American government in order to institute a fascist dictatorship. They didn't succeed. Frankly, many of their plans were defeated by us (or the people), we can't sleep on them. They are still a strong enemy since they are using coded language like "entitlement reform”, “humanitarianism", and other words as a means to promote the same counterrevolutionary ideologies. In the final analysis, all human beings should be treated with dignity and respect. That is why from the rooftops, we should advance the notion that the minorities, the working class, the poor, the elderly, immigrants, and all human beings deserve quality, cheap or affordable healthcare. Also, no human being is an “alien,” but a person created in the image of God. The Good Book is right to declare that we should love our neighbor as ourselves. That means that we ought to feed the hungry, to speak truth, and to economically assist our neighbors. This is far beyond Communism or mainstream capitalism. It's about truth and Power. All people should be afforded basic human beings period. It is also correct to reject authoritarian monarchs. The American Revolutionary War (despite its imperfections) ended the British Royalist domination of American soil. In this generation, people call themselves “independent,” but they advocate the same rabidly reactionary tenets. They are wrong since change is beyond the Republicans and the Democrats. That’s true, but truth deals with direct compassion toward all people without the scapegoating of the indigenous peoples of America or a person in another background. A revolutionary change of values is great in the world indeed.


Australia has a lot of other interesting information as well. Australia is the sixth largest country in the world in terms of land size. Their government is a federal parliamentary system with a constitutional monarchy. That means that Parliament governs the nation with ceremonial influences from Queen Elizabeth II. What is a parliamentary system? It's different from our Congressional system that I experience from the states. In the States, the executive branch is headed by the President or one man. The power of Congress is divided into two branches, while laws are evaluated by the judicial branch (or the Supreme Court). The parliamentary system is a democratic government where the ministers in the Executive branch get their legitimacy from and are accountable to a legislature or Parliament. The executive and legislative branches are interconnected. In other words, when you have a Parliament, the Prime Minister, is part of the legislative body. The Prime Minister must answer politically to the legislature. In a parliamentary system, the legislature is elected by the people and then must appoint or recommend for appointment one of its members to be the chief executive. In the Presidential system, you have the supreme power lying in a body of citizens who can elect people to represent them. Power is more divided in parliamentary system than in a Presidential system where the President has the supreme executive power (with checks and balances of course). In the States, we the people elected members of the legislature. We vote for the President, but the Electoral College ultimately determines the identity of the next President of the United States of America. The Prime Minister of Australia is of course Julia Gillard and the Governor-General is named Quentin Bryce. It is made up of 6 states and numerous territories. Its population is about 22.7 million people. It's a very developed country, because it has the second highest human development index in the world (That's HDI in short). Its economy is the 12th largest in the world and it has the fifth highest per capital income in the globe. Australia is known for establishing close ties with nations in the Pacific Rim (like America is. The West wants to have influence in the Pacific Rim as a means to act as a political buttress or buffer against the growing geopolitical influence of the nation of China). Now, Australia has their dollar currency. The largest cities in Australia in terms of population are Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide, Gold Coast-Tweed, Newcastle, Canberra, etc. As human beings, we should always give respect to the Australian Aboriginal peoples. They are the indigenous peoples of Australia. They deserve respect and dignity. Some Aboriginals protested Australian Day, because of obvious reasons. Genocide is always immoral regardless of where it happens to. Mr. Abbott opined that aboriginals “…can be very proud of the respect in which they are held by every Australian.” He added, "I think a lot has changed since then, and I think it probably is time to move on from that." I wonder if Mr. Abbott would say that to the Jews about the Holocaust. The reality is that we will never move on until oppression is eliminated from the Planet. We will never move on when individuals lack public health care and lack educational opportunities in the globe. We will never move on when anti-immigrant rhetoric is the order of the day is some parts of the world (not only in the USA). We will never adjust to bullying or wicked historical revisionism. We will fight, protest, and speak the truth to power in favor of the interests of the human race (not in the interests of the select few). The ruling class harmed Australia back in 1788 and we must continue to promote the interests of the people in 2012. So, the protesters to the Australian Day event months ago were right. We have to be real and come real. When you have the end of the mainstream capitalist system coming about, that's real. When you have people fighting for single payer health care, that's real. When you witness a lot of young people being energized to promote freedom, justice, and equality, which is definitely real. So, we should always love the Australian peoples and we should be honest. The long work toward freedom continues because we aren't totally free yet. When any person lacks civil liberties or lacks human rights, then all of us aren't free yet.


We have Muslim Brotherhood leader Morsi executing a power grab. Now, Egypt's judicial council calls for a strike to protest Morsi's power grab. Protesters in Egypt are fighting against the new policy of Morsi as he tries to undercut the authority of the courts and he wants near absolute control over the government. Egypt's highest body of judges condemned President Mohammed Morsi's plans. Morsi said that the courts can't overrule his decisions until a new constitution and Parliament is in place. Ironically, the Supreme Judicial Council is filled with judges appointed by the former ruler Hosni Mubarak. Morsi's overreach has caused tens of thousands of people to protest across the nation of Egypt. Morsi just help to broker an Israel-Hamas ceasefire. He worked with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as a means to stop the massive rocket strikes in Israel and Gaza. America once supported the Mubarak dictatorship in Egypt. Also, Washington is sending Egyptian security forces anti-riot gear, crowd control equipment, and weaponry. This is a transfer of power in Egypt. The U.S. sends about 1.5 billion dollars per year to Egypt. Most of this money relates to security assistance and they want to offer more in debt relief. This is a related to paying money as a means to promote American interests. It's very hypocritical for America to condemn Libya, Syria, Iran, Uzbekistan for having detention against people without charges, but America supports indefinite detention against fellow human beings too. Also, U.S. officials want Afghanistan to jail people in Afghanistan with lax evidence, which is a violation of human plus international rights. Aimal Faizi, the chief spokesman for Karzai, told reporters Monday that detention without trial is illegal in Afghanistan and that more than 50 Afghans are still being held in U.S. custody at Bagram, 35 miles northeast of Kabul, even though they have been ordered released by Afghan courts.” America wants the same policy in Iraq as well. The top Afghan court in September ruled that such indefinite detentions violate Afghan law. The U.S. still captures and detains people without adequate due process in Afghanistan. This policy is blatantly wrong. As for the Israel/Hamas ceasefire, we can't sugarcoat the truth. I love progressive Israelis and progressive Palestinians. Yet, when a nation like Israel uses sophisticated attack jets and naval vessels to bombe densely crowded refugee camps, schools, apartment blocks, mosques, and slums (and Gaza has no army, no air force, no heavy weapons, etc.), then it's like a murderous exercise in extremism. In the final analysis, the only way peace will come is through radical political solutions not war. Both Israelis and Palestinians deserve equality, but the Palestinians do need justice & statehood completely. The same corporate interests that fund the evil war on terror also are trying to prevent universal health care in America. Also, the reactionary red baiters obsess with China and the Soviet Union as a means to lie and claim that these countries (the USSR doesn't exist anymore) represents the superiority of the laissez faire capitalism. The reality is that China and the then Soviet Union embrace a reactionary totalitarian dictatorship that oppressed essential human rights (and other necessities for human beings to live free, which doesn't have to do with socialist economics or a mixed economy at all). Stalin failed since he rejected democratic freedoms. The Soviet Union and China for decades has been funded by Western capitalist interests for decades (as proven by Anthony Sutton. Rockefeller praised Mao’s system decades ago even). The protesters in China wanted political reforms in having more free speech (as evident in the 1989 student protests at Tiananmen Square that were silenced horribly by the right wing Communist regime) not extreme globalization. When China more embraced economic liberalization, student oppression and many sweatshops continued. So, revolution isn't easy, but it will come.

Many people have talked about poverty in the world. If the reactionaries and their Blue Dog Democratic allies had their way, trillions of dollars from social programs would be cut immediately. That extreme policy will leave a huge amount of people out of luck plus suffer destitution. Hunger and poverty will continue in America with that radical form of austerity. The final deal of the fiscal cliff is uncertain for now. Poverty and hunger is in very high rates still. There are a record amount of people in America receiving food stamps in August of 2012 being about 47.1 million people (according to the Department of Agriculture figures). This is up from 1 million from 2011. The figure was 30 million in October of 2008. In Washington, D.C. and the state of Mississippi have more than one fifth of residents now receive food stamps. The average monthly food benefit per person is $130. This is very small or $4.33 a day, which is less than the price of an expensive coffee in lower Manhattan. Now, we could have a bill where tons of children, elderly, and disabled people would be in poverty via the stripping of resources. 50 million people in America suffer food supply issues. We have about 49.7 million people living beneath the poverty line in America. This is 16.1 percent of the Population according to the U.S. Census Bureau's Supplemental Poverty Measure released in November of 2012. In 2006 there were 37.3 million people in poverty and the official poverty rate was 12.5 percent. Huge poverty is found in states with a high cost of living. Even California has about 23.5 percent of its citizens in poverty or one in four of its residents. California is the nation's wealthiest and most populous state in the Union. California has Hollywood and Silicon Valley. It also includes garment sweatshops and migrant farm labor camps without one of the nation's highest levels of income inequality in the USA. The Census data showed that median household income in America (adjusted for inflation) fell by 1.5 percent from the previous year. The figure was 8.1 percent lower than in 2007 and 8.9 percent lower than its high point in 1999. The income of the typical U.S. family in 2011 fell for the fourth straight year and sank to levels last seen in 1995. The economic crisis is responsible for this high poverty rate and social misery. It can be worse with draconian cuts to social programs. Government poverty keeps almost 50 million people out of poverty. Without these programs, the poverty rate would be twice as high according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. Unemployment insurance in 2011 helped 26 million workers according to the National Employment Law Project (NELP), and lifted 2.3 million people, including more than 600,000 children, above the poverty line. In 2010, about two-thirds of people counted in the government’s unemployment figures received unemployment benefits. By 2011, however, that number had fallen to 54 percent. This year it fell to only 45 percent, according to George Wentworth, NELP Senior Staff Attorney. It is expected that the extended unemployment benefits would end by December 31. These benefits came in response to the economic slump and the growth of long term joblessness. If the problem isn't renewed, 2 million people would be cut off and no workers will receive more than 26 weeks of jobless pay after being laid off. Wentworth said that only a quarter of those who are officially unemployed would receive any form of benefits. The 2012 election massively omitted the need to really handle poverty in America. The political establishment is overtly opposed to really address the issue of poverty concretely and comprehensively. Half of the nation is poor or near poor. It's hypocritical for the Tea Party to lust after attacking the social safety net when they refuse to expose Wall Street corruption. The mainstream media slanders real programs as "entitlement" and want them cut when they oppose any tax on Wall Street or a super wealthy tax on them. Some of the 1 percent killed people throughout the ages via eugenics, wars, and other evils. They are in no position to lecture anyone on responsibility or morality. That is why we need a radical national plan to address poverty. The public and the private sector ought to be part of the solution in ending poverty (including a radical redistribution or economic and political power).


Now, the old lie that President John F. Kennedy was some war mongering extremist has been refuted. By 1963, JFK woke up a great deal. He even called for world peace as well. Noam Chomsky made the error that JFK wanted some super military response against Vietnam. It's now confirmed that President Kennedy had a policy to withdraw from Vietnam. The Assassination Records and Review Board confirmed that JFK wanted a withdrawal plan from Vietnam. These new documents were released by the ARRB on December 22, 1997. Within days, the New York Times headlined a story with, “Kennedy Had a Plan for Early Exit in Vietnam.” The Associated Press story read, “New Documents Hint that JFK Wanted U.S. out of Vietnam.” The Philadelphia Inquirer story was bannered, “Papers support theory that Kennedy had plans for a Vietnam pullout.” Scholars like Howard Jones, David Kaiser, and Gordon Goldstein wrote new books about how President John F. Kennedy didn't want a massive military buildup in Vietnam at all. President John F. Kennedy and Lyndon Baines Johnson had differing view of the war. Now, Chomsky wants to portray Kennedy as a war monger towards the nation of Cuba. We live after 50 years of the Cuban Missile Crisis. The truth is that President John F. Kennedy was firm, but he never believed in an all-out invasion of Cuba during the crisis. He supported the withdrawal of the American Jupiter missiles from Turkey in exchange for the Russian withdrawal of the missiles from Cuba. Even then Vice President Lyndon Johnson rejected that end. According to a pro-Johnson biographer Bob Caro's "The Passage of Power," LBJ was more militant in tone and confrontation in approaching the Cuban Missile Crisis. Kennedy had a more level headed and dovish approach during the debates of November 1961 on the question on whether to send combat troops into Vietnam. Also, Chomsky omits that the CIA didn't unauthorized actions even beyond the President's authority during the Presidency of John F. Kennedy. During the crisis, CIA officer William Harvey—a man who despised the Kennedys—secretly dispatched several teams of Cuban exile paratroopers onto the island. JFK was angry at Harvey for doing this. Harvey's CIA career was over after that incident. The CIA's autonomous actions without JFK's approval are proven in Hancock's book and Jim Douglass' "JFK and the Unspeakable." Chomsky writes that there was a plot to assassinate Castro in 1963, but it wasn't organized by the Kennedys at all. It was called the AM/LASH plot. The CIA deliberately kept it secret from JFK since they knew he would not approve it. Chomsky cannot admit this, even though it’s true, because it again shows the CIA and Kennedy at cross-purposes. Even Operation Mongoose ended on November 29, 1962 at an NSC meeting of that day. In the final analysis, President John F. Kennedy wanted to end tensions with Cuba and even possibly normalize relations with Cuba. President John F. Kennedy evolved from a traditional Cold Warrior to a more progressive, pro-peace President. We weren't the same since 1963 and we definitely weren't the same since 1968. Many leaders who called for change and peace in the 1960's were assassinated by extremists basically. Today, we still have heroes of every background that are fighting against imperialism, fighting for peace, and fighting for equality. Our job is still the same. It's to inspire humanity and to be active to fight for revolutionary change in the world.

By Timothy