People should always know the real history of the Revolutionary war. The Revolutionary war involved war between two imperial entities that wanted control over territories (which was stolen and exploited by criminal Western Empires). Originally, the Declaration of Independence legalized slavery and never granted immediate equality to all people. Back then, only the capitalist elite (of mostly white rich males) had most of the power in early America (and they still do today ironically enough). Black people, women, the poor, indigenous human beings, etc. were readily abused of their rights. Our people struggled before and since 1776 for our true liberation. We have won many battles. We are not totally liberated at this moment. July 4th should not be a day to celebrate U.S. imperialism or xenophobia. It should not be a day to worship America as God since God is God. It should be not be a day to celebrate poverty. If we want to do something constructive on the July 4th, then we should care for our families and friends. We should organize and mobilize in our communities as a means for us to enact constructive change, which is in opposition to neo-colonialism. If we want to celebrate something on July 4th, we should celebrate successful slave revolts, celebrate our courageous ancestors (who did the right thing), and celebrate our BLACKNESS (FOR BLACK IS BEAUTIFUL). The so-called "revolution" of 1776 exposed the tyranny of King George III (as British imperialism is immoral and the Crown should not have our unconditional support at all) and the hypocrisy of many Founding Fathers who wrote that all men are created equal, but they did not lived it out in real life. The Declaration of Independence also mentioned that: “…[W]henever any Form of Government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundations on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.” This quotation inspired the Founding Fathers. Yet, the war was between imperial interests and the settler white capitalists established a tyrannical early so-called Republic. There were the reactionary Tories who wanted to support the British monarchy. There were also many colonialists who wanted America to be governed by men of who owned property in which human beings could be owned, which is evil. The merchant class that led the revolt in the colonies were concerned mostly about commerce (and the maintenance of the system of slavery not true liberty as documented in Dr. Gerald Horne’s book entitled, "The Counter-Revolution of 1776: Slave Resistance and the Origins of the United States of America." Many Founding Fathers were slave-owners like George Washington (who stolen nine teeth from a slave to be transplanted in his mouth. He sold a slave for a bag of molasses), Thomas Jefferson, etc. Not all of the Founders were slave-owners, but most feared the oligarchy (and allowed the wealthy elite to govern the new Republic). To his credit, Thomas Paine opposed slavery, and opposed economic inequality. So, many early Americans (like black people who fought in liberation struggles) back then sincerely wanted freedom and justice for all while other didn’t. The American Revolution of 1776 opposed the British monarchy (which I have no issues with the British monarchy being exposed plus opposed), but they did not go far enough in immediately liberating all people. That is why it is important to realize that real people still exist in America. America is a nation filled with dedicated people that love liberty and equality then and now.
This poll (which a Quinnipiac University poll from early July of 2014) is typical of some people who love historical revisionism. For some to view Ronald Reagan as the best President since WWII is truly silly. Ronald Reagan supported the use of race bating rhetoric. He has directly given Saddam Hussein WMDs and Iran Contra came about under his watch. He has funded reactionary Latin American dictatorships (which violated the democratic rights of Latin American citizens). Ronald Reagan never radically criticized the fascistic apartheid South African government back then too. Reagan evoked outrage in the movement by suggesting that at the Sharpeville memorial, that the protesters back then, who were in fact nonviolent had provoked the violence. He called Jefferson Davis a hero. Congress overrode Reagan's veto of the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1988. Ronald Reagan caused almost 11,350 human beings of the Air Traffic Controllers' union (approximately 70 percent) to be fired and barred from ever working in their profession again. 138 Reagan administration officials had been convicted, had been indicted, or had been the subject of official investigations for official misconduct and/or criminal violations. His economic policies increased the deficit and the trade deficit. The national debt under Reagan grew faster than growth of GDP. America went from the world’s largest creditor nation to the largest debtor nation. By some accounts, nearly 1/3 of all farms were at risk of being foreclosed during the 1980s. Ronald Reagan vetoed a farm credit bill that would have given farmers some relief. The average annual GDP growth during the Reagan 80s was lower than during the Clinton 90s or the JFK-LBJ 60s. A massive rise in homelessness existed during the Reagan years. I lived during the time when Reagan was President. So, I believe that the worst Presidents since WWII are Ronald Reagan, and Bush Jr. (you can place Nixon & Carter in that list too). I disagree with President Barack Obama on some issues (like the drones, Libya, the rest of the war on terror, civil liberties, neo-liberal economic policies, etc.), but I don’t view him as worse than Reagan or George W. Bush (who increased the debt, grew the deficit, lost thousands of private & public sector jobs, messed up the Katrina response, caused the unjust Iraq War, the great economic recession started on his watch, he supported disgraceful torture policies, he gutted legitimate environmental regulations, etc.). Tens of millions died during the years of George W. Bush from the vicious war on terror. Bush supported a torture policy as well. Some people need to know history. George W. Bush's laissez faire, neo-liberal economic policies (Bush's tax cuts for the wealthy cost $2.5 trillion for over 10 years after it was enacted. Millions of jobs have been lost during the George W. Bush years. We have inherited trillions of dollars from the Bush administration mostly via the war on terror, the Bush tax cuts, the great recession, and bailout of big Wall Street banks) did not work to create massive jobs at all. He authorized the abuse of detainees at U.S. military bases and secret rendition sites around the world. President George W. Bush bailed out the big banks after the financial collapse in the fall of 2008. In the final analysis, we have the right to be politically independent. Obviously, there should be more independent forms of black media in America and the world. The truth is that many truly independent, black media entities do cover issues that deal with black people (from health care, education, poverty, economics, black culture, etc.). The problem is that our stories are not widespread enough in society. We need to grow our infrastructure. Another problem is that corporate propaganda is so widespread and they (or the ruling class) readily marginalize or suppress authentic black media voices. Select corporations (with ties to the CFR & the Bilderberg Group) control most of the mainstream media and people have the right to expose that fact. Telling the truth and demanding change is a necessity. That is why the media is so important, because some media people will tell the truth and some will not (as evident in the Iraq War situation). The important thing is that black media should be independent and not advance the agenda of the oligarchy. Nothing changes unless we confront the current power structure, do action, and think outside of the box.
The researcher Robert Parry is right to call Thomas Jefferson’s America’s Founding sociopath. Thomas Jefferson had a hypocritical, nefarious character. Thomas Jefferson was the author of the Declaration of Independence. People venerate him all of the time. The real Jefferson is a man of self-interest and endless hypocrisies. He was a slick propagandist and did not mean that phrase “all men are created equal” for all human beings at all. Establishment liberals want to shield Jefferson’s ideals from full critique. The conservative establishment wants to favor states’ rights over the federal government when the concept of states’ rights was used to expand slavery and oppression against black people. Thomas Jefferson held racist views on African Americans. He taught about frugality, but he lived the life of personal extravagance and constantly in arrears to creditors. Jefferson also wrote provocatively that “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” This quote has been used by reactionary Tea Party people and even some leftist revolutionaries. When a Loyalist force led by the traitor Benedict Arnold advance on Richmond, Virginia, then Governor Jefferson fled for his life on the fastest horse that he could find. Jefferson hopped on the horse and fled again when a British cavalry force under Lt. Col. Banastre Tarleton approached Charlottesville and Monticello. Gov. Jefferson abandoned his neighbors in Charlottesville and left his slaves behind at Monticello to deal with the notoriously brutal Tarleton. At least George Washington and Alexander Hamilton risked their lives against the Crown. Jefferson exploited the Sister Sally Hemings when both of them were in Paris. Hemings was only 14. Some scholars, such as historian Henry Wiencek in his 2012 book, Master of the Mountain: Thomas Jefferson and His Slaves, give credence to old reports about Jefferson having a direct role in populating Monticello by fathering children. “In ways that no one completely understands, Monticello became populated by a number of mixed-race people who looked astonishingly like Thomas Jefferson,” wrote Wiencek. “We know this not from what Jefferson’s detractors have claimed but from what his grandson Jeff Randolph openly admitted. According to him, not only Sally Hemings but another Hemings woman as well ‘had children which resembled Mr. Jefferson so closely that it was plain that they had his blood in their veins.’ Jefferson whipped slaves as young as 10. The Tea Party believes that states are sovereign and they oppose any action by the federal government to promote the general welfare. Anti-Federalists like Patrick Henry and George Mason loved slavery. Even Hamilton supported the Haitian Revolution and the leader Tousssaint L’Ouverture.
This is an interesting and important issue. The situation deals with both economic and social issues. Some are right that parents should be parents and teach their children real learning from an early age (which can increase the risk of students to live a more successful life). We have to advance more STEM subjects among our youth and tell them that building up their minds can change the world. Students should be just in their conduct. Also, other folks are right that zero tolerance policies have not worked to solve educational issues. If zero tolerance has worked, there would be no massive discussions about eliminating those policies. I do believe that more qualified, great teachers should be hired that express a cultural sensitivity to black students and students of color. Those teachers can relate to the students more and give students a sense of inspiration (e.g. If that teacher can have a great quality of life as an adult, then the student can do it too. Also, black youth have to be treated as humans. Some bad teachers give so much low expectations for some black students when these black students need motivation and inspiration. Many kids get suspended harshly for minor infractions. That should cease). I have no issues with smaller class sizes either, which are proven to improve educational performance in classrooms. This is a complex issue and it will require a combination of answers. Families have to be improved, students have to be reminded of behaving in the right fashion, and we have to advocate morality. Yes, we should eliminate the school to prison pipeline and the prison industrial complex has been brutal and evil. Also, zero tolerance policies in my view should be gone and there must be a more flexible system of enforcing punishment. A preschool kid being suspended for days is very disturbing to say the least. It will take a collaboration among the community, schools, parents, students, religious groups, and other grassroots organizations as a means for us to solve this problem. It will take a village as one African proverb says. So, we need a mixture of moral improvement and political, economic changes (we can both fight racism/discrimination and improve morality in our communities at the same time), so our communities are further developed & justly invested (since richer communities are heavily invested).
This is sick. First, thanks to Sister Kirsten West Savali for showing information about this issue. People should know that terrorism against black people did not end in 1865 or 1965. Black people even to this day experience oppression by a racist power structure. The police officer punched the women with full force when she was unarmed and the officer was not in a life threatening situation at all. The Sister was trying to block the punches when she was on the ground. The crooked officer blatantly exercised excessive force. This is not uncommon and the defenders of police brutality are disgraceful. This is a very disturbing video and we have to defend the dignity of black women. The black woman is a victim and this injustice should cause the cop to have accountability for his actions. We know about police brutality, the militarization of the police (as documented by diverse organizations like the CATO Institute and the ACLU), and we are in solidarity with the Sister. She should sue and this officer should be made accountable for his barbarism (as barbaric, terroristic crooked cops should have no respect at all). UHURU SASA. Obviously, there should be more independent forms of black media in America and the world. The truth is that many truly independent, black media entities do cover issues that deal with black people (from health care, education, poverty, economics, black culture, etc.). The problem is that our stories are not widespread enough in society. We need to grow our infrastructure. Another problem is that corporate propaganda is so widespread and they (or the ruling class) readily marginalize or suppress authentic black media voices. Select corporations (with ties to the CFR & the Bilderberg Group) control most of the mainstream media and people have the right to expose that fact. Telling the truth and demanding change is a necessity. That is why the media is so important, because some media people will tell the truth and some will not (as evident in the Iraq War situation). The important thing is that black media should be independent and not advance the agenda of the oligarchy. Nothing changes unless we confront the current power structure, do action, and think outside of the box. It will take a village as one African proverb says. So, we need a mixture of moral improvement and political, economic changes (we can both fight racism/discrimination and improve morality in our communities at the same time), so our communities are further developed & justly invested (since richer communities are heavily invested). Black unity and building up strong black families are commonsense concepts that we all agree with wholeheartedly. Evil people want to stop black unity, but Black Unity is holy, true, and great. Black Love is truly a revolutionary act and I will believe in Black Love forever.
By Timothy