Monday, July 28, 2014

Siding with Justice

I side with justice. I will never side with a regime with racist, apartheid policies, alliances with neo-conservative extremists, with occupied territories, and with policies that result in the death of tons of civilian human beings. No nation is God. No nation is perfect; therefore people have the right to outline legitimate critiques about the excessively injurious policies executed by any nation in the world. In many weeks of war, Israel’s military machine has killed nearly 900 Palestinians, 80 percent of them civilians. Among the dead was Mohammad Matar al’Abadla, 32, a medic who was killed when an Israeli missile was fired at his ambulance as he was trying to retrieve dead and wounded people from the Khuza’a district of Khan Younis. Nearly 6,000 others have been wounded, and hundreds of thousands have been displaced in the besieged territory, which faces a humanitarian catastrophe as water, electricity, food, medical supplies and other basic necessities are cut off for the majority of the population. The ironic thing is that Saudi & other Sunni monarchies (who benefit economically from Western imperialism via oil & other resources) are greatly silent about this since they could care less about the aspirations of the Palestinian people too. Islamophobia is a problem too. Many Palestinians are Christians not just Muslims. Many people don't know this fact. The rational people in the region should continue to fight for justice not for imperialism. There are many progressive Arabic and Jewish people that want justice. Tons of black people have condemned the bombings of schools, hospitals, and other homes in Gaza. This is a human rights issue. Black people (like Fannie Lou Hamer, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Ruby & Ossie Davis, etc.) have always had a legacy of condemning imperialism, militarism, materialism, economic exploitation, and neo-colonial policies. We must continue to follow that inspirational, great legacy as Brothers & Sisters. At the end of the day, a political solution must be made as a means for people to solve this Middle Eastern crisis.

Historically, the Pilgrim Society members have aided fascists during history. Pilgrim member Thomas W. Lamont (a Wall Street banker) was supportive of the fascist Mussolini regime in Italy. Another Wall Street banker named Harry Brittain was a supporter of Mussolini too. The Pilgrims Montagu Norman, Lord Kindersley, and Charles Hambro even called the Nazis a great stabilizing force, which is very ludicrous, wrong, and evil. The Pilgrim Society is one of the most powerful political organizations in the world today. The Morgan bank once extended large loans to Germany and Mussolini’s Italy. The Watsons of IBM (Pilgrims) provided the Nazis with identification and cataloging technology, which was used to harm people in the Holocaust. Ironically, the banking elite opposed the New Deal policies. The reason was that New Deal established a national minimum wage, it limited a workweek to 40 hours, it abolished child labor, it created Social Security, it supported the homeless, and it prevented employers from hindering unionization. That is why the racist and fascist Liberty League and the American Freedom League opposed the New Deal too. The New Deal was not perfect, because many black people were prevented from receiving New Deal prescriptions. I wanted to make that clear, but the New Deal had legitimate components in it. Today, we see many reactionary types who claim to expose globalism. The problem is that many of them are rabid haters of workers’ rights, they have paranoia about communism including socialism, and many of are funded by extreme reactionary businessmen. Some of them either have anti-Arabic bigotry or anti-Jewish bigotry (which is wrong). We can see that the core of the globalist movement consists of many Pilgrims. We know about massive deregulation and privatization that has harmed the world. Still, we don’t need isolationism. We need trade fairness, economic justice, equality, and justice for humanity. People from across the political spectrum oppose corporate welfare and unfair tax breaks. It is common sense to eliminate loopholes that corporations exploit as a means for them to avoid paying taxes (especially if they exist overseas). Lowering the corporate tax does little to eliminate poverty. Few corporations actually pay the 35 percent corporate tax rate. In fact, even as profits for American corporations hit a 60-year high in 2011, their effective tax rate hit a 40-year low, and the U.S. collects less in taxes as a percent of the total economy than every industrialized country in the world save Iceland. It’s been 45 years since corporations paid the full top tax rate, and 26 American companies avoided taxation altogether over the past four years. Bill Quigley’s article entitled, “Ten Examples of Welfare for the Rich and Corporations” document how corporate welfare for the wealthy has been unfair and unjust. There must be economic justice at the end of the day.

This is an important issue. The ebola virus is spreading all over Western Africa. The Brother Dr. Sheik Humarr Khan has made a lot of sacrifices in helping his people. He having ebola now is very sad and tragic as we know how brutal ebola is. The outbreak has spread into Mali as well. There should be a stronger infrastructure in place to help the people around areas where the ebola virus is located. We know about the imperfections found in the WHO too. Not to mention that the PNAC report called “Rebuilding America’s Defenses” have talked about the prospect of the West using genospecific bioweapons. We know about how Western elites have done eugenics for a long time. Tony Cartalucci and other authors have written a lot of great literature on the ebola issue. This virus has spread into both rural and urban communities. Multiple nations in Africa have no choice, but to collaborate with each other in fighting back as a means for them to decrease the cases of people in Africa experiencing ebola. Not only that, but the medical infrastructure must be improved too. An international mobilization among nations in Africa ought to occur, so the crisis can be handled. Even Doctors without Borders are stretching too thin on resources. We should care about this issue since this crisis is happening in Africa (or our ancestral homeland. Our Brothers and our Sisters are dying and we have every right to care for humanity). There is the issue of Big Agra (companies like ConAgra, ADM, Monsanto, Cargill, etc. are in the Big Agra business) too. There is a health disparity in poorer communities. Many poor human beings have a lack of affordable access to fresh fruits, vegetables, meats, and other hallmarks of healthy nutrition. There is nothing wrong with farmers’ markets that ca provide poorer communities with healthy fruits and vegetables, which can improve human health in general. According to study findings, people who were given the vouchers were found to increase their produce consumption. In fact, study participants with less education consumed the most significant amounts. “In terms of healthy food options, farmers’ market incentives may be able to bring a low-income person onto the same playing field as those with greater means,” study author Carolyn Dimitri, an associate professor of food studies at NYU Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development, said in a university news release. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) or food stamps can allow many people to go into one in four farmers’ markets in America. Some local government and nonprofit organizations have started to offer vouchers that low income families can use at farmers’ markets. I believe in farmers’ markets and organic foods too. I believe that any GMO foods should be labeled.

There Malaysian Airline MH17 crash was totally tragic. As time goes on, we have more information about how this event occurred. We know that the Malaysian Airlines confirmed that the pilot was instructed to fly at a lower altitude by the Kiev air traffic control tower upon its entry into Ukraine airspace. We know that the flight path was changed. We still don’t know who ordered it, but it was not Eurocontrol. The presence of the Ukrainian military jet has been mentioned by Spanish air traffic controller “Carlos” at Kiev Borispol airport shortly after the plane was shot down as well as eyewitnesses in Donetsk. The Spanish air traffic controller accused Ukrainian authorities of shooting down MH17 and trying to make it look like an attack by pro-Russians. His views have not been collaborated yet. The U.S., despite its global spying apparatus, has not shown any radar or satellite imagery to back its claim that Russia and the Eastern-Ukrainian opposition are responsible for the downing of MH17. The evidence it has presented so far is weak and based on pro-Kiev documents consisting of YouTube videos and various social media – “all of which are admittedly unverifiable and some of which is veritably fabricated.” There should be an expert, independent investigation of the whole situation. Even U.S. intelligence officials have said that there is no evidence of the Russian government being involved in the crashing of the Malaysian Flight MH17 aircraft. A few hours after the crash, Kiev authorities presented a video in which the opposition admitted shooting down the plane. Experts who studied the video concluded that it was a fabrication. Ukrainian Prosecutor-General Vitaly Yarema said the Ukrainian opposition did not possess a Buk missile system. We still have Western ops operating globally. We know the truth. The truth is that the Western-backed coup in Kiev was overseen by U.S. State Department official Victoria Nuland, which overthrew an elected democratic Ukrainian government and brought extreme Russophobes into power in Kiev who attacked dissenting former Russian territories that were attached to Ukraine by Soviet communist party leaders when Russia and Ukraine were part of the same country. The Western powers are relying on an unpredictable right-wing regime in Kiev, which regards an escalation of the war as the only way to cling to power. This became clear on Thursday when Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk resigned from office. Yatsenyuk resigned after several economic laws had failed to pass in parliament. These included a law enabling the partial sale of the country's gas transportation system to foreign investors, providing urgently needed money for the state coffers. Beforehand, the Udar party of the Kiev mayor and former professional boxer Vitali Klitschko, as well as the fascist Svoboda party, left the governing coalition with Yatsenyuk's Fatherland Party. The billionaire oligarch Poroshenko hopes, however, that he can expand his power base in parliamentary elections that will take place in the exceptional situation of a civil war and a sharp confrontation with Russia. For this reason, he is pushing through a brutal offensive against the cities of Donetsk and Luhansk, which he did not interrupt after the crash of the Malaysian passenger plane to allow the recovery of the bodies and securing of the crash site. Largely unreported by the Western media, the Ukrainian army has been bombarding densely populated areas with artillery and aircraft. On Thursday, Human Rights Watch published a report documenting four cases between July 12 and 21 in which the Ukrainian military attacked civilians with Grad rockets. We know that reactionaries, imperialists, and elitists have exploited the evil MH17 incident as a means for them to wage economic war against Russia. Sanctions have been imposed against Russia after this incident without any evidence of Russian implication. We know about how governments have exploited crisis as an excuse for them  to expand wars or expand sanctions throughout human history.

There must be a combination of solutions in dealing with education. Teachers have talked about the excessive usage of corporate-backed standardized tests of not working (teachers have told me this personally in real life), so there must be more independent assessments that deal with problem solving not random memorization. Random memorization is not true learning. Real learning deals with humanity using analytical abilities and problem solving skills as a means for people to understand concepts proficiently. There should be the prevention of the mass firings of great, qualified, and effective teachers and we should not execute mass closings of schools in an excessive, unfair fashion too. Class sizes should thrive to be smaller since studies document that smaller class sizes have improved the educational performance of the students. I have no issue with universal Pre-K either. Also, parents have the responsibility to teach their children literary skills, science skills and math skills, etc. The Black Agenda Report website has great articles on this issue too. Parents investing in their children for real will cause great blessings for their children in the future. There must be a great, wise investment in education since it is a fact that more affluent neighborhoods receive greater funding (via property taxes, grants, subsidies, etc.) than poorer communities. Poorer communities need adequate, strong resources so they can develop and improve their educational systems. There must be a real fight against poverty and other social problems in communities. We should always expect excellence from students, teachers, etc. since Day One. Communities should have a greater say in educational solutions. At the end of the day, we all want educational justice. Teachers should motivate students to be excellent in their academic performance & their overall conduct. So, teachers, students, parents, and all school officials all have a role to play. We should both improve our communities and fight against poverty, economic oppression, racism, police brutality, discrimination, zero tolerance, and any form of injustice too. We should respect our black people and we should never degrade our people in a vicious, unfair fashion. These actions combined can make a real difference in solving educational problems.

By Timothy


To the author of the 2 comments (or douglasawillinger):

First thanks for the Link.

My position is that injustice committed by anybody (whether they are Israeli or Palestinian) should be condemned. It is wrong for rockets to harm Israeli civilians and it is wrong for bombs to kill Palestinian civilians too. Not all Arabic people are terrorists (not all Arabic people are racial supremacists) and not all Jewish people support apartheid. There should be a political solution where both sides can have peace. Palestinians should have their human rights respected and the Israelis should have their human rights respected too. Just because someone shows legitimate critiques of many policies from Israel (that deals with checkpoints, discrimination, etc. which are documented and I can show dozens of links of this) doesn't mean that a person is anti-Semitic or want all Jewish people to not live in the Middle East. Some folks conflate legitimate critique with anti-Semitism in this day and age. Yes, the evil mechanisms from the Vatican should be exposed and opposed. Justice is meant for all people not for a select few. I oppose imperialism and I support solutions. Both Jewish and Arabic people are entitled to justice, peace, equality, and freedom.

-By Timothy