Folks like Costas talk about responsibility, but he refuses to expose the massive white male supremacist power in existence today. If we want to get things solved, we need a radical redistribution of economic and political power. We need a real plan that addresses injustices. We also need people to acknowledge how racial and gender oppression actually hurt (not help) society. Society would be greater if real equal pay was a reality and if discriminatory pro-War on Drugs laws were eliminated from the books. Also, responsibility is a two way street. Many white people refuse to take responsibility for their own actions while some of them try to blame blacks for all of the problems in America. We should not even be blamed for all of the problems in our community either. For example, racism exists in our community, but we collectively should not be blamed for racism, redlining, police brutality, discrimination, etc. which exist in our community. There is a difference between real personal responsibility that we should have as individuals and the collective scapegoating that many reactionaries embrace about our people (which I reject). Our people have advanced ethics for thousands of years (our people have always talked about discipline, and being astute) and we will continue to fight for justice. We certainly need healing and betterment in our community. There are many of our people who have utilized legitimate critiques, but they do it out of love. There is no solution to our problems without the expression of strength and love (since we know that love is the most powerful force in the Universe). That is why when we do what is right; we do feel love and joy. The more that I research about what many of the Founding Fathers believed in for real, the more that I realize that we can never forget the sacrifices of our ancestors. In every era of our history, our ancestors fought back against oppression. This nation was built on the blood, sweat, and tears of people of color as others have eloquently mentioned. Our people built buildings in D.C. centuries ago in agony, pain, and without payment or just compensation. So, the struggle continues, but we will continue to work for the cause of freedom. We should not be permanently bickering at each other in an immature way. That solves nothing. Yet, I have no problem with a Brother or a Sister defending their character and their honor against a slanderer though (I know that the racist trolls are slanderers). That is just me. That is why more cooperation among both genders is necessary. We have built great civilizations before. If we can do that, then we can solve our own problems with our own power.
A reactionary can never be a true revolutionary. Alex Jones is a reactionary. For him to question the womanhood of First Lady Michelle Obama is disgraceful on his part. He is ignorant and he’s a misogynist, because femininity is diverse (and women exist in many shapes, sizes, and colors. Fundamentally, all people should be treated with dignity and with respect). Any woman and any man should be outraged at Jones’ disrespect. First Lady Michelle Obama is a beautiful, intelligent black woman. She has amazing, intelligent daughters and her family loves her daughters a great deal. This is low for Alex Jones. His words are totally ignorant, because I have seen many black women looking just like Michelle Obama. There is nothing wrong with a black woman exercising or a black woman being fit either (or any woman doing that for that matter. It is obvious that Jones is jealous of the First Lady). Alex Jones supports the agenda of the bigot Bundy. He has allied with reactionary racists like Cliven Bundy, etc. He has spoken with neo-Confederate adherents. His views are pro-JBS not really totally libertarian. He has used race baiting rhetoric saying that whites are demonized as the new Al-Qaeda, which is totally ridiculous. He has falsely predicted many things and events for years. He supports the Republican Ron Paul, so he has supported Republicans before. He also refuses to advocate economic justice, and an increase of the minimum wage. He refuses to stand up against the voter suppression laws, he refuses to overtly criticize white supremacy, and he has supported the austerity agenda (which has been sponsored by establishment figures, which he claims to criticize). As usual, folks like Alex Jones scapegoats immigrants, but he refuses to desire fair trade deals or policies that will reign in Wall Street corruption. Economic justice is meant for all people. Wealth has been stolen by corporations and Wall Street bankers for years and decades. Record Wall Street bailouts and theft by select big multinational corporations is unjust. That wealth stolen by the big corporations, etc. should be given to the people. The Bush tax cuts should end and real investments should come to America. We should always oppose genocide done by the military or by austerity measures. The reality is that when you have a banker-engineered depression, you don’t advocate sick policies that cut food stamp outlays by 2/3 or more while call for only comparatively minor cuts in the ridiculously bloated war budget. The budget by Senator Rand Paul gives war funding for two years and it will radically cut the food stamp program and the child nutrition program. It will eliminate the Low income Home Energy Assistance Program and it will eliminate the Affordable Housing Program. Therefore, we should be anti-debt money and support debt free money. Additionally, we need to continue to be anti-war, anti-police state, and for justice for all. Also, we have to consistent. The corporate fascist, police state policy agenda of Bush Jr. was wrong. Also, we should oppose the current administration’s continuation of the racist Drug War, its continuation of its bombing of Afghanistan iincluding Pakistan, the IMF style austerity measures in the world, and the bad trade deals like NAFTA (which has caused millions of jobs to be shipped overseas).
The voters ID laws deal with more than an ID card. These laws deal with the cutting of days when people can vote, limiting the type of IDs in use, and restricting registration times. So, many experts have exposed the fallibility of these laws. He or Alex Jones has scapegoated immigrants. He mentioned stuff about immigrants that I can't mentioned here. He has said that the White House has supported an amnesty agenda, which is a total lie. The President has deported over 2 million immigrants and he is about to deport many of the children from Central America in the future. That administration doesn't support a pardon for all undocumented immigrants (which is real amnesty). That administration is centrist in my eyes. Also, I disagree with the conditions where the children are housed in. These children should be treated with compassion. We treat our neighbors as ourselves. That is the power and the truth of the Golden Rule. The problem is select corporate interests influencing the government not all people in the government. Privatization has not worked and free market fundamentalism doesn’t work either. The U.S. government has imperfections because it is dominated by oligarchs, corporate interests, lobbyists, and other figures. It is not because government in it or itself can’t play a role in solving problems. Many programs from the government like Social Security, Medicare, etc. have helped countless millions of lives. Real government is by and for the people not by and for the corporations. Governmental environmental regulations have protected habitats for generations. People have the right to oppose corrupt government policies (like bad laws, etc.), but advancing the general welfare is fine with me. The real point is that Alex Jones is a low, cowardly extremist for disrespecting the First Lady like that. I have no respect for a male that slanders a Black Woman, especially in that fashion. The people who disagree with Alex Jones on this issue and others are right. People have the right to disagree with elected officials, but slander and other forms of disrespect has the right to be refuted as well. I am an Independent too.
Worldwide, there are people who respect their natural phenotype, hair, and skin complexion. You do and I do. The problem of colorism and false superficialities ought to be strongly opposed. I hope to God that her or Tyra Banks'predictions won’t come to past. I don’t believe that her predictions will be true too. There are tons of people with darker skin complexions in the Americas, Africa, Europe, Asia, etc. (who are of black African descent). There are more black people in Brazil than in America, so the black peoples of the world will remain. The world is getting more color filled, but variations will continue to exist as Africa has over one billion people alone. Diversity is beauty and I rather see a diverse humanity than monolithic people culturally or otherwise. In nations found in Asia even, there are plenty of darker-skinned people. Even in Iraq, there are black Africans there. They work in various jobs and many of them have protested for their human rights. One point is that the Western mainstream media will typically show images of the world (found in TV, magazines, movies, etc.) that is lighter than it actually is. One example is that in the Black in Latin America documentary on Brazil, magazine covers show white skinned people in a massive fashion, but Brazil is filled with human beings of color (including black Afro-Brazilians). One reason that they do that is to promote the false image that whiteness is superior to blackness, which is not the case at all. This is a psychological battle too. Too many of our people mentally hate their natural blackness and we will continue to fight for the dignity of black humanity. Images are important and the more of our people witness the beauty of black people, the more confident that they can feel (and the more inspired that they can be in order for them to stand up for their own humanity). We can't sleep. The reactionary forces are very serious in wanting to deprive us of our human rights (from voting rights to our economic rights). There are many brave people in the Moral Mondays grassroots movement. Many of the protesters have been jailed, because they wanted to defend the aspirations of the people in society. We are not turning back to a time where legalized apartheid existed. We are fighting fascism and the archaic views from the Tea Party movement. We are moving forward, because moving forward represents adhering to freedom (which is an inherit right and an inherit goal for us and our posterity). 50 years have passed since the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Our people are still fighting to be free. In the end, we will be victorious.
Many witnesses have shown that many human beings have been deprived of the right to vote as a product of such laws (like Dorothy Cooper of Chattanooga, Tennessee). Experts and very intelligent human beings have expressed dissent with the North Carolina ID Law. Cutting voting days in that fashion is immoral. The essence of voting is to allow as much qualified voters to vote not to restrict the days when citizens can exercise their human right to vote. Throwing out ballots made outside of an individual precinct and eliminating pre-registration does nothing to promote further voting rights at all. There is nothing wrong with registering at the same day to vote if it is legitimately done at all. So, this law is blatantly reactionary. Many courts have struck down other such laws since the judges found no epidemic of voting fraud in those respective states. Alternatives can be made to eliminate voting fraud excluding the establishment of these laws. It is a shame that people have to slander musicians like Jennifer Hudson. I feel her on that point. Also, the Illuminati was a real group that was created in 1776. It lasted for a few years and desired a Utopian vision for the world. Yet, this organization has nothing to do with Hudson or her family at all. There is corporate corruption, police brutality, racism, etc. in the world. Yet, Jennifer Hudson should not be scapegoated unfairly. She is a talented, loving Sister. One thing about Jennifer Hudson is that she loves where she comes from and she has incredible singing and acting talent. Street harassment against innocent Sisters and innocent people in general is a serious issue. First, people need to listen to the Sisters’ stories. Their stories should register in our minds. The women in the video have shown their stories and they have given great advice and wisdom on this issue. No one deserves harassment. No means no. We have to give women and any human being respect. At the end of the day, all people need to be respected in public and in private. Women have the right to express their stories and awareness about this issue, which is important. Untold women (including men) have been victims of street harassment. Fighting street harassment has nothing to do with blaming all men in the world. It has to do with promoting a society that is honorable and rational. Brothers and Sisters should always oppose street harassment. These women telling their stories are extremely brave.
By Timothy