The Black population is about 13%--14% of the total American population. Like every other community were are constituted of men and women. There was no law requiring American to exploit Black labor for over 400 year, building up the great (albeit unequal) wealth of white America compared to the relative poverty of Black America. Of course, there were laws PERMITTING the exploitation of Black labor, and protecting the right of exploiters by force of arms. If Black Americans leave then we ought to receive at least a third of all the wealth that is America's. We created a disproportionate part of it
Good morning, Sioux sister. And a wonderful holiday to you also. It looks like there will not be a snowy white Christmas in Baltimore. With regard to the protests against police brutality, I doubt that they will cease here or in DC. I don't know how the Movement in NYC will respond to the mayor's call to suspend protests until after the funeral of the two policemen. I've mixed feelings, for the killings were horrific. And the guy who did it came from Baltimore. Damn! But I also think that the killings of Eric Garner, Mike Brown, Tamir Rice, and some folk here in Bmore who I won't mention now, are no less horrific than the killings of those cops. And I don't recall that the police or anyone else were asked to cease or put on hold anything that they were doing while these victims of police terror were being mourned and put to rest. At any rate, I'm getting my mind back to family and friends. I doubt that will be any demonstrations on Christmas. LOL! If so, I will have to opt out that day. And I'm not even religious. But I guess I feel that the creation of holidays is one of the positive things (or results) religion has offered civilization. Free time and space from the never ceasing demands of the workaday world--leisure. One can never get enough of it. And I look forward to it. Perhaps, I'll contact you away from this Topix madhouse. Seasons Greetings to you and yours.
Pay attention to this racist, but be smart enough to see through him. At least SOME white racists will say the same thing as he about Africans. And then they will promote disdain among us for Africa by denigrating Africans. "Africans are savages, cannibals, raping war mongering barbarians"-- -as if the history of Europe wouldn't allow us to make similar claims about the ancestral homelands of white Americans. Later, some of these same white racists will be telling Africans that we're all lazy, dumb, crude, thuggish, whoring, criminals. And while we Black Americans and our African kindred are fighting and fussing with each other, the racists and imperialists are laughing all the way to the bank. Well, if we can't see through this we're fools. You've heard the expression: "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on ME." This crap has been going on for at least 400 years, people. It's way past time to WAKE UP!