There is a war going on with Black people alreight. On one side is Black America and her progressive allies of all races, creeds, genders and walks of life. On the other side is the racist corporate state, the classes which dominate the state, and the most reactionary part of the population. As for Chris Rock, he's a talented comedian like Bill Cosby. But he (like Cosby) is not THINKER with knowledge of social and political problems and issues. We are AMUSED by Chris Rock. We are educated by thinkers in the tradition of W.E.B. Du Bois, CLR James, Frantz Fanon, Malcolm X, Ella Baker, Martin L. King, Angela Davis, bell hooks, Cornel West. With a few exceptions (like Paul Robeson) entertainers are not the most insightful thinkers, and one has to be a silly goose to take one's lead from them.
The last time that happened Europe ended up under the jackboot of a murderous loon with an ugly mustache. I hope that (or something like it) isn't the outcome this time. I've an uncle, now very old, who fought at Normandy to help liberate Europe from its own madness. If it happens again you have at most my sympathy. But I won't risk my life as Uncle Oscar did. And I will discourage any of our young people from doing so. We've enough work on our hands in America resisting the possible rise of a racist white Yankee fascism in America. This time, I'm afraid, Europe is on her own.
And do they see POLICE VIOLENCE as disgusting? Do they find disgusting the corporate media's focus on a few violent incidents in the context of a situation in which most protest has been NONVIOLENT even when attacked by police with tanks and rubber bullets? Perhaps some Europeans, like some white Americans, have a tendency to see what they want to see. Your own comments seem more concerned with the few incidents of violent protest--which were provoked by police violence---than with the violence of the police. One's perceptions and concerns are not necessarily apolitical or neutral. As for some of your other comments, I may address them when I have more time.
Savant's words in refuting a racist:
Civil and political liberty did replace fascistic autocracy in South Africa. Democracy (albeit not fully social) and racial equality is replacing the apartheid police state. I don't like police states. So, I criticize the ANC for its limitations, and I call upon them to fulfill as well as possible the social democratic aims enunciated in the Freedom Charter and eloquently propounded by Nelson Mandela at the Rivonia trial. But I comment them for ending the regime of fascistic terror. As you are a pro-Nazi fascist it hardly surprises me that you cannot appreciate the values of that achievement in South Africa. No doubt the previous regime was more to your liking---more "civilized " in your colonialist language.
The demonstrations were 99% NONVIOLENT. And the greatest danger to the citizenry came from the police. Demonstrators weren't attacking crowds with rubber bullets. But while most of the actions of protestors were NONVIOLENT, the police were violent. By the way, were you asleep when demonstrators BLOCKED the way of a group trying to loot stores? It was on TV. I'm not so sure that I cannot hold people accountable for their selective attention. What they NOTICE tells one more than may be obvious. But as I said before, while the opposition has been MAINLY nonviolent--and in mass demonstrations all over the country--there's no guarantee that they will remain that way if the police abuse is not corrected, and is even sanctioned by the judiciary under the pretense of law.