Tuesday, January 22, 2008

I will stand up for what is Right



A lot of things that I want to get off my chest. Today is the 35th anniversary of Roe v. Wade. Bravely, thousands from across the country will protest in Washington D.C. Additionally, demonstrations will persist in other cities. Roe v. Wade is a decision formulated by deception. The deception involved juxtaposing the right of "privacy" to infanticide of the unborn. The Supreme Court Justice (many of whom at that time were Freemasons. Today, they are most Roman Catholic with one member of the Knights of Columbus named Samuel Alito. The K of C logo is the fasces representing control and similar to the fascist fasces images of Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini) passed this court decree. It's a clear example of the federal government overreaching on an issue with no explicit mention in the Constitution or even implicit mention. As a result of this immoral ruling, almost 50 million human beings have been slaughtered. Women's lives have been changed negatively and harmed. Some women have died because of this (including from RU-486 that the mainstream media won't talk about for obvious reasons. The mainstream media even FOX are in hand and glove with the status quo). Abortion dehumanizes the unborn since the unborn is human life with a different DNA from the mother. Murder isn't choice, so this genocide should end. Roe v. Wade should be eliminated. Potential leaders, potential heroes, and numerous instruments of meaningful change have been extinguished from this Earth (via abortion). At least abortion has declined since 1990 in the USA. According to Cal Thomas, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said that, abortion numbers have declined steadily since 1990, from a high of 1.2 million annually to fewer than 900,000. That's 900,000 abortions too many though. Roe (whose real name is Norma McCorvey) from Roe v. Wade became so appalled of what transpired, that she tranformed into an opposer of abortion. It's a crime, it's murder, and even Christians have battled against this genocide since the days of the Roman Empire. Yesterday, I saw the Democratic debate on CNN. I knew something would happen. Yet, I didn't realize that the debate would evolve into a direction of fireworks. The discussion commenced with a hostile, angry atmosphere among Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton for the first half of the debate. Each presented their temper over disagreements on specific policies (ranging from health care, education, ethics, the Iraq War, and the future of their Democratic Party). Both of them have been shady. Hillary supported the vote that gave Bush a green light for the Iraq War and supported NAFTA (that resulted in millions of American jobs shipped overseas). Hillary has been shady allies or ex-allies with Jose Cabrera (a drug dealer whom Clinton had to return the money back to), Papal Knight of St. Gregory Rupert Murdoch and others (even the far left crowd are exposing this so something is wrong). Also, Obama had this connection with Rezko, who many accuse of being a crooked, slumlord individual. Obama (he supports killing babies who have been alive after abortion and these babies are outside the mother's womb) admitted his mistake of working with Rezko (he's now indicted for kickbacks). Obama is less crooked than Hillary since she's part of the Clinton machine of globalization, promoting partial birth abortion, and being against real self defense as found in the Second Amendment. John Edwards was assertive as well in presenting at least some proposed solutions to poverty issues. He talked about using funds and other plans to help poverty. Hank Paulson, who is the head of the White House administration is talking about an economic stimulus package. Beranke announced cutting interest rate by 3/4 of one percent. Now, it's appears that Obama didn't attack Edwards that much, because Edwards can take voters away from Hillary in the South Carolina primary and other states. Hillary is banking on white Democrats and her growing Hispanic constituents. Some people rightfully don't want to see the agitation among Hillary and Obama. Most people want to see answers and solutions to complex problems ranging from education to civil liberties and health. One prominent solution in building up the economic is investments in infrastructure (because you can't ship these jobs overseas for the most part and in the long term you build up the nation), investments in technology, and more real economic choices accessed by all (from the poor, middle class, and the rich. The poor should be able to have better financial education, so corruption can be allievated). Too much spending in the "war on terror" is one factor on why there is this pernicious economic crisis in the USA. Over one trillion dollars have spent on the war on terror, which can be saved up and utilized in better usage in building up America. Paul Craig Roberts wrote an interesting article on the economy. He wrote that rebates may have temporary benefits, but it's overshadowed by foreigner companies ending their colloboration with US banks. Offshore corporations are having their work plus dealings which don't immediately benefit the American economy. Basically, the globalists (found in the Vatican or the richest religious group in the globe, the City London, etc. These entities control the central banks) control most of the currency and money in a monopoly in restricting freedom (while issuing devalued currency and increasing the deficit and debt via obsence spending). That's why most of the market are control by select corporate interests not small time businesses or the people. The people and individuals should own their own money. Furthermore, these interests like the IMF and World Bank try to manipulate the economies of the Third World by controlling their infrastructure and selling them off back to the government. Joseph Stigiltz (a former IMF leader) admitted to this plan blatantly. Evil elitists are exploitating this as an excuse to promote a global economic system. The Council on Foreign Relations wrote a document wanting the dollar to end, so a new currency would develop. Roberts cites that tarrifs may be a means to balance trade deals to be more fair and a peaceful foreign policy that decreases money spent in foreign adventures. Guy Faulconbridge from Reuters on Tuesday at January 22, 2008 reported on Russia (it's a nation created by Revoution via the help of Jesuits, high level Freemasons and the Pilgrim Society. Brutal dictators from Lenin via the Red Army to Gorbachev were in its Soviet ranks having concentration camps and genocide of millions of human beings) test firing missiles in the Atlantic ocean. A Russian military offical said that  two strategic Tu-160 bombers were utilized in the operation. Putin wanted this for his perception of arms build up by the West especially when America is funding former Soviet states who have more freedom than Russia has. Russia believes it's a simple exercise, but Russia has been in competition with NATO over military dominance in the European region. CFR member Fred Thompson dropped out of the Republican race. He decided that he polls was low in various states.

I found something very shocking. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called for a global government in a speech. This has been reported in Tehran at January 22, 2008 from the  IRNA (or the Islamic Republic News Agency). This is conclusive evidence (if he said this for real) that Mahmoud is a promoter of globalism. Mahmoud is already not for the interests of the Iranian people, because he suppresses the free speech of his people, he imprisons dissidents, and he speaks of some extremist comments. Now, religious liberty is going down still in America. It's still not as bad as Europe where homeschooling is banned and Christians have been arrested for preaching. Bob Unruh from World Net Daily wrote about a man named Pastor Holick. He was arrested for just being on public property. He was a gay rally. Regardless if you agree or disagree with homosexuality (I personally disagree with homosexuality. The Bible is cleart that homosexuality is a sin), a human being has a right to peaceful protest and free speech without being assaulted or arrested period. Now, he's filing a lawsuit against the city of Wichita, Kansas for arresting him. The Alliance Defense Fund, is helping him out. Even the IRS was threatening him for exercising his First Amendment rights of posting Pro-Life messages with Bible messages. This is going around across the country in St. Petersburg. Pro-lifers have been assaulted by the police. It's an epidemic of corruption. Then you got a Philadephia mayor saying we need more police in the streets. Frankily, I don't agree with too much police in the streets. This is America not a dictatorship. The individual and the community ought to be the first lines of defense (i.e. neighborhood watch, weapons or guns for self defense, community organizing to help neighborhoods, etc.) because the police will not always come in time to help people. Police should exist, but not in a overwhelming role as controlling the streets. The People and individuals should rule the streets not the police. The government's main role is to protect the rights of the citizens not control all of the lives of citizens 100% of the time. People should have freedom and liberty to live their own lives. Mercola.com from  January 21, 2008 reported on some health news. It says that the makers of antidepressants such as Prozac and Paxil omitted a third of their study into the government. Approval by the government of these drugs is the purpose behind that sneaky measure of those companies promoting these 2 drugs. It said that when the studies of both the placebos and the drugs are add (including the omitted ones) the drugs outperformed the placebos by just a little margin. This is all the more reason to embrace health freedom, supplements, vitamins, no Codex, and other ways to improve ones health. I found something interesting on Youtube. 111TRUTH111 is a person presenting real symbolism in numerous famous Hollywood films. That's good since it proves that there is more than meets the eye. Also, directors and producers hide this symbolism in film to decieve people (that's why it's placed secretly) and some of these people embrace this occult lifestyle. I don’t since the occult is the suppression of information from the common man. One thing that intrigued me in in the movie the Da Vinci Code with the roses, solar cross (a symbol used to represent the equinoxes that pagan witches embrace) and other symbols. The Pentagram is shown (it represents the Perfected man according to Eliphas Levi. Also, it's prominent in black magic and Satanism explained by Manly P. Hall, a 33rd Degree Freemason). In ancient times, it represents Nature. The film was a blatant attack on Jesus Christ and Christianity. Many Christians have created stiring responses for example, the scriptures existed before 325 A.D.'s Council of Nicea. It's time to accept reality and truth. The Da Vinci Code talks about the Merovingians, but omits how this real bloodline are related to numerous USA Presidents, royality, and elites spanning thousands of years. I don't agree with everything from David Icke, but he showed the truth on this issue about family trees. The rose is a symbol of the Rosicrucian Order (members include Sir Francis Bacon, Thomas Paine, Benjamin Franklin, and others).

Speaking of bloodlines, the Saxe-Coburg Gotha (a family from Germany which today includes Queen Elizabeth II) is another big bloodline in world affairs. The Duke of Kent (a member of the Saxe-Corburg Gotha bloodline) is the head of United Grand Lodge of England. He's the Queen first cousin. Andrew Bertie (the Queen's distant cousin) is the head of the Worldwide Knights of Malta. Troy (another truthseeker investigating these things) wrote that The Duke of Kent's brother, the Duke of Gloucester, is the Grand Prior of the Knights of St John (or Most Venerable Order of St John). He is also the First Grand Principal of the Supreme Grand Lodge of Royal Arch Masons of England. The Duke of Kent is married to a Roman Catholic along with his son. The Vatican and these Germanic bloodlines heading Freemasonry are united in trying to form a new world order. The Rosicrucians were invented in the late Middle Ages and are a forerunner of modern Freemasonry. The Rosicrucians are a group who exist to this day who seek to merge Christian doctrine with the Mysteries (in understanding the origin of the Universe and other questions of Nature. Rosicrucian literature readily tries to use philosophy and place answers to inquiries about proving the existence of God, but they use magical concepts in trying to justify their acts. It doesn't work). V for Vendetta also has this rose symbol. V for Vendetta relates to the Jesuit-inspire plot of destroying the Parliament of England where King James VI was King. Now, one common threat in many of these films that this man discovered is the usage of sun symbolism. That's why Secret Societies obsess with the Sun because they view it as a god or a portal of power. Truthfully, the sun isn't God. It's just a star. 111TRUTH111 explained symbolism in the Wizard of Oz, the Warriors, and other famous films. Basically many of these films socially try to program society into accepting recreational sex, drugs, occultism, and the bashing of moral values (or goodness, righteousness). That's what Hollywood means in essence. Hollywood comes the the wood witches use to perform rituals in brainwashing people. We need to use our God-given mind to think independently. Still I don't trust no man on this Earth. Trust God alone 100% is a motto to live by.  Brian Dwyer from the News 10 Now at January 19, 2008 reported that the Army policy was killing innocent people in Iraq according to an Iraqi veteran who transformed into an anti-war activist. That's a hardcore charge. It is true that many military elites promoted a neo-conservative agenda, but I don't think all military members are war criminals or acting in extremist behavior. We need a military, but we don't need to be the policeman of the world. We should end military bases globally acting like the Roman Empire and send the troops home. I still believe in private property rights and I love to embrace civil liberties. Honestly, we should oppose the global elite in the CFR, Trilateral Commission, Bilderbergers, the Bohemian Grove, the Vatican/Jesuit empire, Pilgrims, and others. I disagree wholeheartedly with the global government agenda and a new world order. That's why I'm my own man. I will stand up for what is right.

By Timothy



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