Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Life Continues Forward






Journeys have been accustomed among all humanity. Primaries, terrorism, life, death, war, the economy, health, and other topics consume the daily times. Some people are fearful of these times. Some worry about future. As for me, I don't worry about these things. Worry causes doubt, doubt can cause defeat. We should place our cares and worries unto God.  I'm a human being, so as long as I have breath, I have a chance to make positive, radical changes in society. There has been a rejuvenation in trying to do what is right on many quarters. The economy is a still a great unknown. Some experts predict a massive recession with dire consequences among US citizens like a downward stock market and higher prices to get goods and services. Whatever the case may be, people should be prepared for anything. Individuals can refinance their money plus diversify their money into as many places as possible (to lower the risk of their funds being wasted or depleted). Ending an over $2 trillion payment for the war on terror (which is sucking money away from going into helping America society) and other actions can be taken to at least have a beginning to solve the economic problem in America.  The First Post from January 22, 2008 discussed that CFR/Bilderberg Group member George Soros is predicting a major economic crises that hasn't been witness since the end of World War Two. He also said that European markets are in risk of economic damage as well. Soros is a left gatekeeper funding Groups like Also, he bailed out George W. Bush at some point. Therefore, at the top of the political establishment, it's controlled by the same corporate elite (it's doesn't matter if they label themselves as "left", "right", or "center"). Political battles are ever abudant. Now, MSNBC will host a Republican debate tomorrow. The men there will be Mitt Romney, Ron Paul, Mike Huckabee, Rudy Giuliani (he wanted to be a Jesuit earlier in life. Critics protest to him about 9/11 and a wide range of greivances), and John McCain. It's kind of interesting to see some Pro-Life and Ron Paul supporters heckling Rudy for his pro-abortion/anti-conservative stances on issues. CFR member Fred Thompson recently dropped out. It's expected that the debate will revolve around foreign and domestic issues like the economy and immigration. There is a need among many to embrace real values like sending the troops home from Iraq plus globally home from military bases, strengthen the U.S. econcomic system, and go out and protect our rights here at home. The Real ID Act is a real deceptive threat to our civil liberties. It's shocking to see Lou Dobbs support this stuff. The Real ID is a national ID system for driver licenses. It includes a microchip with a lot of individuals' personal information in it. The Real ID Act informationial contents are controlled by a national database. According to a CBS report, by 2013, if an adult or American citizen doesn't have a Real ID act card, they can't go into a federal building, leave America, or board an airplane. This is obscenely immoral, because the federal government has no responsibility to monitor all citizens' personal information. Neither does the government have a right to control all state's drivers licenses on a federal level. There has to be some independence and distinction between federal and state powers. Burring the lines of power among the state and federal levels of government (especially the 3 branches of government, which are the legislative, judicial, and executive) isn't good for an accountable, functioning government. Not to mention that the Real ID Act searches peoples' privacy without a warrant. I never agree with it. A good thing is that numerous states passed resolutions restricting the enforcement of the Real ID Act. A Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer has revolted against the Real ID Act. He's right for doing that. Supporters of this Real ID Act say it will decrease illegal immigration, but I don't believe in sacrificing moral civil liberties in an attempt for fighting against illegal immigration. That's why I don't support population control in trying to battle against illegal immigration either. Doing evil in trying to achieve some "good" is still doing evil. NAIS is another system trying to put biochips in animals also. London Telegraph from  January 21, 2008 had an article written by David Millward. David wrote that the UK wants random testing for motorists. In Britian, that nation recieved more Big Brother policies than even America. These testings just signify a belief among the government that citizens are guilty until proven innocent to me. Liberty isn't granted by the government. You are granted rights because you exist and these rights are from God. Real education is important. Far too often, the education system doesn't encourage real education procedure. Some of the teachers today just focus on basic memorization of subject matter with no comprehension of and analysis of subject matter. Independent inquiry and analysis is very crucial in increasing your basic intelligence (The basics of reading, mathematics, various languages, real history, and science ought to be learned additionally. That's important). Being predictable in random memorization isn't real learning to me. Real learning is anaylzing information and applying that to what's around you. Real learning is about inspiring curiousity, resilience, and more independence of the school system. If you develop more choices, you have more better competition, and more positive results in the outcomes of educational development of children. There should be homeschooling also if parents decide that for their offspring. I believe in school choice. That's reality. John Taylor Gotto and others have written about this. That's why big foundations (some of these groups were elected by anyone) and other instruments promote this flouride and other chemicals poisioning human beings' minds (along with centralizing and controlling education in fewer hands restricting cunning or curious learning). Socialist John Dewey was one of the architect of the major educational system in America. Dewey believed in no moral absolutes in society. Also, many of his supporters today reject independent inquiry and promote collectivism to quell dissent from the group. It's about creating new world order concepts in education.


Pro-Life marches came yesterday across the nation to worn the 35th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade. It's factual that the unborn baby's genetic code is different from the mother, therefore the unborn baby is a seperate human being (by growing, having DNA, having organs, and the unborn baby feeling pain at some point in their time of development). Some of the biggest promoters of it aren't only the far-left crowd. Many of them are from Universities (not all) including even some Jesuits. The battle isn't over yet. Steven Ertelt from on January 22, 2008 says that Planned Parenthood will raise $10 million to promote pro-abortion candidates in 2008 for not only the White House, but for Congess. Heth Ledger died yesterday. He was a Hollywood who was found naked with drugs next to him. Reports are coming in that Heath had pnemonia just before he died. As of yet, no one conclusive knows exactly how he died. He played in many films like the Patriot and the controversial movie Brokeback Mountain. He was 28 years old. Ledger had a 2 year old daughter. It just tells you that you need to be careful in what you're doing. Death is something we shouldn't be obsessing over, but death doesn't discriminate. Anybody can die at any moment for a wide variety of reasons. Extreme proposals from some groups are getting more extreme. Kurt Nimmo from Truth News on January 23, 2008 wrote that some globalists want to tax television and video games. Supporters of this claim that they want to encourage exercise and letting folks go out into the world to understand the environment. Yet, coercion is never an answer to let human beings understand about the environment. You have to educate and give people ideals about the best ways to improve the world. Too much taxes permanently can lead to the destruction of industry and the economy. As you would think, the Sierra Club, David Rockefeller, Maurice Strong, and the Earth Summit folks, including the United Nations Environmental Program agree with these actions. Utlimately, it has nothing to do with health or exercise. It has to do with more bureaucracies have more control over society. Many of these big environmental groups are seeking to control more private property. They deny that man does have the possibility to fight against obesity or diabetis without beaucrats telling them what to do. Groups like the Sierra Club want to control the environment mainly. Many of these so-called eco-proponents ignore real environmental crisis like the dying honeybee population, the destruction of the rainforest, cross species hybrids (and other perverted experiments like the glow in the dark cats), nerve gas in the water, toxic waste, flouride, aspartame, etc. This issues ought to be candidly known in the world and addressed. Frankily, a new revitalization of the basic, old, and common sense precepts of liberty, non-interventionalism, and the acceptance of the perservation of life. These common bonds made our nation the beacon of improvement. Monisha Bansal from on Wednesday at January 23, 2008 reported on the FISA controversy. FISA 2.0  or the Protect America Act allows the attorney General and the DNI (Department for Natonial Intelligence) wanting to retrieve intelligence information without oversight from the FISA court. I believe in the existence of the Fourth Amendment, there I never accept the proposition of warrantless wiretapping and the suppression of civil liberties for the sake of "security." There has been a situation about multiculturalism. What do I believe in? I believe we should accept national sovereignity & national identity, but at the same time not be ashamed of our ethnic group or race like being black, white, Asian, Hispanic, Native American, Indian, Aboriginal, etc. We should learn about our cultural history and respect the good contributions of other ethnic groups made in America and the world. I'm not like those like Jesse Lee Peterson who want blacks to deny their black cultural identity. I don't believe that all actions are relative to other actions though. In other words cannabalism is immoral and isn't equivalent to a culture revolving around electing people for public office. I do believe that all human beings have equal value and equal worth. I'm still here. Constantly, I oppose Secret Societies and other means to suppress our thinking and our history. Human inquiry and independent should be vital in our human existence. On that note, I will have to say this. Life continues forward.




By Timothy

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