Sunday, January 20, 2008

Mormonism Trying to Look More Christian


David said...

If Mormons are trying to look more Christian, they've been doing it for at least the last 30 years.

The website contains all of their scripture and teaching materials as well as 30 years of talks by their leaders. A quick check shows that it has been very consistent over that time.

Timothy said...

Very consistent over what? They wouldn't allow blacks into the Preisthood until the late 1970's. That's not very Christian. They accept the view that a man can be a God and create their own planet. That is not very Christian since they mock the exclusive creative nature of God himself. They are not Christian. They were invented by Joseph Smith not by Jesus Christ. There's a different.

By Timothy

David said...

Trouble is that you are taking your information on Mormons from places like Chick publications rather from the Church's own sources. It's like reading an atheist's review of the Bible rather than reading the Bible itself to gain biblical knowledge.

For example, in the article that you link it states: "Their 3rd article of faith states that salvation is “by obedience of the laws and ordinances of the Gospel,” not by faith in Jesus Christ. "

The 3rd Article of Faith of the Church actually reads as follows: "We believe that through the Atonement of Christ, all mankind may be saved, by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel."

The 4th article says, "We believe that the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel are: first, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; second, Repentance; third, Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins; fourth, Laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost."

The 1st article says, "We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost."

Mormons actually believe that Faith in Jesus Christ is absolutely essential for salvation and without the atonement of Jesus Christ no one could ever be saved.

Articles such as the one that you quote seem to go out of their way to try to present Mormon beliefs in an unseemly way rather than taking an accurate look at them.

Timothy said...

I presume you are either a Mormon or approve of Mormon doctrine. Every sentence that I've written is backed up by quotations by the founders or adherents to Mormonism. Also, I take my information from more places than just Jack Chick, who is very accurate on many issues. Ed Decker (an ex-Mormon) and others have placed their dissent with Mormonism for similar reasons I do. Many Mormon cite works or forsaking ones sins for salvation not just faith in Jesus Christ. Mormons have every right to pratice their religion, yet I and others have a right to dissent with their dogma. Even mainstream Mormonism express dissent with Orthodox CHristian doctrine.


are other links which validate my views on Mormonism.

By Timothy