Sunday, January 27, 2008

Recreational Drugs FAR Less Likely to Kill You than Prescribed Drugs! and a School



Kindergarten Student Slapped in Handcuffs, Terrorized Over Acting Out in Class

Kurt Nimmo
Truth News
January 27, 2008
Back in the day, acting up in class resulted in a trip to the principle’s office, a one-way ticket to “detention” — think of Bart Simpson compelled to make amends with chalk and chalkboard — or a note sent home with the offender.
Now? It results in handcuffs and a trip to a mental ward: “Police and school officials are investigating a mother’s allegations that her 5-year-old son was handcuffed and taken to a hospital for a psychiatric evaluation after throwing a temper tantrum in his Queens kindergarten,” reports the Associated Press. “Jasmina Vasquez tells the Daily News her son, Dennis Rivera, was ’scared to death’ by the Jan. 17 incident at PS 81.”
Of course he was scared to death — and that’s the point: to teach children that if they act out in any unapproved way they will find themselves enmeshed in the claws of the state. It’s the sort of object lesson to be used later in life. It helps to do these sort of things during the formative years.

Well, at least there is a somewhat upbeat end to this story of government coercion and terrorism — in response, Vasquez has enrolled her son in a private school, where he will be safe, for now, that is until the government begins attacking private schools like they do in Germany.