Saturday, June 30, 2012

A Video about Exposing Fascism


Libertarian Individualism = Free to individually starve, get sick, go broke and die, alone, 'individually', if you're too "weak", so nobody has to give a d____ or have any responsibility to you, as a fellow citizen.
Nothing about Libertarians is pro-Liberty or pro-Individual except Liberty for the individual millionaires and billionaires, wealthiest top 10% protecting their ill gotten wealth and hoarding it while killing the Middle Class and weakening people so they barely hang on financially and either on the poverty line or below it so they're poor, uneducated, fearful and demoralized but brainwashed with Alex Jones, Aaron Russo, Glenn Beck, Ayn Rand and Ron Paul conspiracy propaganda to keep them suspicious of conspiracies everywhere. 
Libertarians are "Anti-Financial Independence" by shackling people with debt, high prices, industry monopolies, oppression of workers' rights (to reasonable pay and safe working conditions normally protected by regulations), anxiety, ill health and poverty in the name in "individual responsibility" and "individual liberty" (liberty to be "on your own" with zero Civil Rights protections to keep the wealthy and the corporations from exploiting your as cheap labor or no government enforced protections of YOUR INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS to be financially independent of corporate monopolies, high prices and a inhumane wages)

"LIBERTARIANS are Fascist "Social Darwinist" Plutocratic Nazis who Demonize Liberals (Pt 1) - RE: Obama Deception" 
from my friend, David.
Nothing about Libertarians is pro-Liberty or pro-Individual except Liberty for the individual millionaires and billionaires, wealthiest top 10% protecting their ill gotten wealth and hoarding it while killing the Middle Class and weakening people so they barely hang on financially and either on the poverty line or below it so they're poor, uneducated, fearful and demoralized but brainwashed with Alex Jones, Aaron Russo, Lou Dobbs and Ron Paul conspiracy propaganda to keep them suspicious of conspiracies everywhere. 
Libertarians are "Anti-Financial Independence" by shackling people with debt, high prices, industry monopolies, oppression of workers' rights (to reasonable pay and safe working conditions normally protected by regulations), anxiety, ill health and poverty in the name in "individual responsibility" and "individual liberty" (liberty to be "on your own" with zero Civil Rights protections to keep the wealthy and the corporations from exploiting your as cheap labor or no government enforced protections of YOUR INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS to be financially independent of corporate monopolies, high prices and a inhumane wages)

Ron Paul: Proto-Fascist Nazi Plutocratic Libertarian "Social Darwinist" Laissez-Faire enabler - ("Survival of the Financially Fittest") (by Kyle @ YT)


Ron Paul and his droid fans hate it when people dare question his royal holyness. Well good job on exposing that 2 face liar girl :D Love the video.
thank you! it's about human equality. we are not individuals who are entitled to more basic necessities then others simply because your wallet allows you to. we are humans first and foremost!
i'm a travel agent, tour guide and certified tourism ambassador.
i'll book your 1st class one-way flight and airfare then you take the next convenient departure to Zurich, Switzerland, where Libertarian, Harry Browne preferred to the U.S.
but Switzerland has lots of Welfare, brown people, minorities, immigrants, Welfare recipients and Universal Single-Payer Healthcare.
prefer a more Libertarian country to book a flight to?
Portugal? Zimbabwe? Colombia? Honduras? Singapore? HK?
"National Socialism" is ... anti-Socialist, anti-Democratic!
it's "Nationalist-Militaristic Social-Darwinist Authoritarian-Conservative Monopolistic Capitalism"
and ... Free-Market Libertarian ... with a Gold Standard-deregulated, anti-Welfare, anti-Labor Reaganomics.
... opposite of any Socialism, especially Bolshevism.
Nat 'l Socialism (Nat 'list Social Darwinist Free Market Fascist deregulated Libertarian Capitalism)
... is the opposite of the very definition of any Socialism.
i like what you say but i believe you confuse Libertarian with Egalitarian.
it isnt wise to use "Libertarian", even the accurate way you do because Conservative Free Market Fascist Authoritarian "Libertarians" wont understand what yo say; using that only becomes distorted by them as additional Pro-Libertarian Conservative Capitalist propaganda for Ayn Rand and "Libertarian" Fascist Nazis.
be careful to not use that around the uneducated.
just say, "Pro-Civil Liberties Socialist".

Birobidzhan Oblast was partly press program to alleviate fear of anti-Semitism in USSR by Jews. they really did try but not high effort. it failed. it's true anti-Semitism in USSR wasnt as extreme as Nazi Germany. but very serious, religiously & financially targeted horror. they thought Jews had harder time resisting wealth/luxury & weak against Capitalist persuasion. it wasnt systematic or as focused as Nazi. but no Jew favoritism nor extreme hateful targeted anti-Semitism like Nazi Germany.
i'm a conservative and I made my own vid about why I think Ron Paul is nuts, before Alex Jones. i don't know why they patronize us with their stuff. They're not us.
Yes we defend individual liberties vs. collective ones and the Constitution declares women and minorities first class citizens.
Since they are the constitutionalist experts.
it seems like if you disagree with libertarians, the psychos come out of the woodwork- like the Nazi.
White? What the hell is white? I'm mostly Irish. I know the history of my people. "White" is just a mythology used to justify violence.
The darkest man who ever lived is a closer brother to me than any fascist "white" supremacist. You are the enemy of all mankind.
i'm no Jew. i'm Irish but also Romanian/Moldavian/Austrian/Sw­edish. but my (non-Jew) entire family, all non-Jew friends, co-workers, associates, acquaintances & other non-Jews i know, who i've talked of Nazis/Fascism/JewsWWII/Democra­cy & anti-Semitism are all as passionate about hating/fighting Nazis & defending/befriending Jews as Apostate is.
you realize there are way more Nazi-hating non-Jews than anti-Nazi Jews? us non-Jews have lotsa reasons to want to fight Nazis. i'm Irish ex-Catholic.

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