Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Economic News

SKull says:
They were not “great”, They had systematically plundered the world for centuries. And considering that Hitler was funded by special interests in the west (Bank of England, City Bank, IBM, Rockefeller Foundation etc) your version of history is so full of holes I think I`ll stick with Tarpley.
Also, fascism is a system of economics, which is why Tarpley uses the term. Naziism by and large adopted this fascist corporate system, but with a strong state, which makes it much more similar to communism.This is why Hitler was able to control the banker parasites who are and have been ruining western societies while he rearmed. Most of the emplyment you talk about was a result of this rearmament.


rabid robert says:
That’s what Tarpley is saying, stop worrying about SSI, food stamps,
and stuff and start worrying about what is really important. It’s Alex
and his lap-dogs that want to see people starving and see people
lose SS, that they paid for BTW!! And of course the scumbag Pauls
would like to see people starve also – they probably all work for Gates.


Aluminium Hatter says:
Good points. But I do understand why Tarpley doesn’t want to get into a deep discussion about Austrianism/Libertarianism, these people don’t have solid ideas, they just have a handful of illogical talking points like “taxation is theft”, “government is tyranny” ect. It would be a waste of time talking to them.
That’s why he keeps coming back to food stamps, something concrete, while libertarians like Kokesh try to turn the discussion into stupid armchair moralising telling Tarpley he’s evil for supporting “big government” aid to starving people.


Aluminium Hatter says:
People are starving because they don’t have jobs. The reason they don’t have jobs is because there’s not enough jobs out there. The libertarians seem to think that people don’t have jobs because they’re lazy, they think the economy has collapsed because a sudden wave of idleness has overcome the population. They’re totally wrong.
The economy collapsed because of the bankers/multinational corporations and the politicians who allowed the bankers/multi nationals to do what they did by deregulating them. Tarpley wants to create jobs by nationalising the Fed and issuing 0% interest loans for infrastructure projects and productive enterprise, so that people won’t need food stamps. Ron Paul and the libertarians want to further deregulate the bankers/ multi nationals sending more jobs over seas and destroying more US businesses while at the same time starving the jobless.


RagingRuby says:
I think some of you made comments without even listening to the man. Imagine that!
And yet, the same people will call others “Trolls” which here just means that you don’t agree with Alex and the Alex-ites about everything.
Tarpley is an intellectual, he tries to look at all sides of an issue, which is why he is hounded so bad by Alex. After Alex’s rudeness to him in Chantilly, I can hardly believe he’ll even be interviewed anymore.
That interview put a really bad taste in mouth regarding Alex. I’ll never see him the same way again!
IMO Alex is now a big bully and drama queen that will say or do anything to stroke his ego. Does that make me a troll? Hardly! It just makes me someone willing to disagree occasionally and put the mirror up to the situation.


Aluminium Hatter says:
If Alex sold out it’s when he started pandering to idiots like you who are begging the globalists to destroy America like they destroyed Greece through austerity. I bet you believe the cave theory of 9/11 don’t you? Just like your messiah Ron Paul who attacks 9/11 truth whenever he can. Because you are a Republican.
Infowars shouldn’t be for Republicans.


Aluminium Hatter says:
Free markets lead to monopolies, big businesses get bigger and crush their opposition, like Microsoft. As you say we need regulations to stop monopolies from forming so that their is competition in the markets.
Libertarianism disagrees with this, it says monopolies form BECAUSE of regulations. This is corporate/globalist/banker propaganda.


Aluminium Hatter says:
Of course I agree that the bankers shouldn’t have been bailed out.
“getting government out of the way” means deregulation, not of small businesses becuase Rand’s friend Mitt Romney wouldn’t allow that, but of bankers and multinational corporations. So that they can have even bigger monopolies then they have now.
There are good points in libertarianism but they are only tacked on as an afterthought and will never be implemented by supposedly libertarian politicians like Rand and Romney. The meat of it is deregulating corporate thieves who would like to steal everything we have without hinderance from the elected government.
It’s the DEREGULATION that got us where we are not socialism, IE Glass Steagall being repealed and derivatives being legalised.


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