Monday, August 20, 2012

Escaping the Left/Right Paradigm

In a way, Paul Ryan is the fruit of the current political system (and of the establishment Democrats). Today, Paul Ryan is the brain of the GOP's economic agenda. He claims to abhor the stimulus as a philosophical concept, but he supported the Bush stimulus package back in 2002. Ryan of course proposes a national budget that cuts at many social programs like Medicare. Republicans for decades have wanted to create the environment where they could offer massive cuts to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. Years ago, when the Republicans promoted this sicked agenda, they risked political suicide. Now, it's a different time with the advent of the Tea Party. The Republican Eisenhower and Nixon Presidencies had economic policies similar to the modern Democratic Party today. Now, the Republicans have been so extreme that they make Eisenhower seem like a centrist. Eisenhower taxed the wealthy at 90 percent and Nixon at over 70 percent. Back in the day, people didn't talk about cutting Social Security or Medicare in public. Bush Jr. tried to privatize part of Social Security, but massive opposition prevented him from achieving his goal. The current administration have talked about some long term cuts to Social Security and Medicare (via his budget proposal). The President's budgets wants to cut 3 trillion dollars from the national budget in 10 years. The New York Times says the following information about it: "....The proposal also includes $580 billion in adjustments [cuts] to health and entitlement programs, including $248 billion to Medicare and $72 billion to Medicaid." This leaves $260 billion in cuts to other yet to be named social programs. In secret, the President made a bargain with the Republicans that aimed at making cuts to Social Security and Medicare. An interesting article in the Washington Post explains: "...the major elements of a [Grand] bargain seemed to be falling into place: $1.2 trillion in [national programs] agency cuts, smaller cost-of-living increases for Social Security recipients [cuts by dollar inflation], nearly $250 billion in Medicare savings [cuts] achieved in part by raising the eligibility age. And $800 billion in new taxes." This plan failed, so there was the bipartisan Partisan deficit reduction committee. It was created to cut much of the social safety net under the guise of a balanced budget. Many blue dog Democrats supported this plan. They wanted the cuts to take place after November 2012 (after the election assuming no new budget deal goes into effect). The cuts will destroy at least 50 billion dollars a year in non-military spending programs until 2021. These goals inspired Paul Ryan to propose even more radical austerity plans than what the current President is adhering to. Paul Ryan is attacked by the Democratic parties and its allies. Yet, the corporate elite funds both sides. Regardless who is the lesser of 2 evils, it's time to build up independent solutions beyond the Left/ Right Paradigm. The President wants to tax the rich to fund his deficit reduction plan, but he extended the Bush tax cuts. Also, his deficit reduction plan will cut massive social programs. If Obama actually fought to remove the Bush tax cuts, the richest 1% would see their income taxes raised 3 percentage points, to 38 percent. It is right that there should be some increased taxes on the wealthy and the corporations. Labor and community groups can independently demand taxes on the rich and the corporations to prevent all cuts to social programs. It is right for us to fight against income inequalities. That is why independent groups are uniting in fighting for no cuts to social programs. Some folks want people like me to unite with the Tea Party people. That isn't going to happen, because some of them used bigoted signs and criticize the President and the First Lady in the most offensive terms (beyond legitimate dissent). Paul Ryan has a hardcore foreign policy perspective as well. We have the Department of Homeland Security and the Patriot Act harming our civil liberties. Even Secretary of Education Arnie Duncan used privatization in Chicago Public schools and blamed teachers and unions for the problems in public schools (when it is more complicated than that). Privatizing school districts and the firing of even qualified teachers don't equate into real educational reform. The deceivers can defend their lies to Calvary, but the truth is with the Lord's power.

Censorship is every real. One former Marine was picked up by the FBI over Facebook posts about 9/11. He was detained on Friday night. The man's name is Brandon Raub. Authorities from the FBI, Secret Service, and Chesterfield County PD came to his door. They questioned Rab about his Facebook posts, which were critical of the official story regarding 9/11. He referred to starting a revolution. He was handcuffed and placed in a Chesterfield PD. They took him to the John Randolph Psychiatric Hospital in Hopewell, VA. This is a violation of human rights. Just because a man disagrees with the official story of 9/11, doesn't mean that a person is a terrorist or unstable. He posted a video that have people saying that they heard explosions in the WTC. Regardless if you agree or disagree with this view, he has the First Amendment right to present this video publicly. This is a new era that we live in. Some people are afraid of the truth. I will always promote ethics, peaceful conduct, and reasonableness in my life. I will also promote free speech as well in society. The FBI didn't give a reason to Raub's mother on why he was detained. Later, an FBI agent told her that Raub was "arrested by the Chesterfield police department" because he "assaulted an officer and resisted arrest," then asked her if Raub "was having any issues relating to people" and told her that "the threats he was making were terrorist in nature." When asked the Chesterfield PD said Raub has not been charged with resisting arrest and assaulting an officer. Youtube showed a video of Brandon J. Raub's arrested. Raub's mother said Raub was told that he will see a judge on Monday but has not been told what he has been charged with and has not been read his rights. It's very hypocritical for government authorities to criticize Russia over free speech issues, but they suppress human liberties in America via police brutality, censorship, spying, and other other acts of censorship. If this can happen to an ex-Marine, it can happen to everyone. That is why it is very important important for us to speak out in favor of human civil liberties. We should know our rights and if we feel like our freedoms are threatened, we should use all moral avenues to fight for liberty. Now, some people talk about self sufficiency. We all want to be self sufficient. The issue is that we have homelessness, poverty, and other problems in the world. Just telling the homeless to get up by their own bootstraps isn't going to cut it in record economic inequality. That is why Medicare, unemployment insurance, health care, food stamps, and other real programs are necessary to assist human beings. Romney and Ryan would cut heavily these programs if they were in the White House. It's hypocritical of them to lecture us on small government, but they want big government in terms of increasing the power of the military industrial complex. They are hypocrites for condemning increased government spending (on the federal level) for the poor and middle class, while supporting tax breaks for the wealthy. The Romney/Ryan cuts aren't just in Medicaid, but in student loans too. Yet, the White House isn't God. They are accountable for their actions as well.

"Total Recall" in 2012 is a remake of a previous movie. It comes from the work of pro-Gnostic Philip K. Dick. Philip was a famous, prolific science fiction writer. He wrote a short story entitled, "We Can Remember It for You Wholesale" from 1966. The story questions reality and memories. It deals with the concept of cycles of time and repeating events. Dick lived from 1928-1982. The original Total Recall film deals with the protagonist Douglas Quaid. Qauid is interested in visiting the pyramids of Mars and the alien artifacts found in it. There are also human-alien hybrids. Dr. Joe Dispenza makes a claim in the documentary "What the Bleep Do We Know." He believes that memories are created via the events that we experience. He claims that by the time we're 35 years old, we've memorized enough thought patterns, emotional reactions and our behavior is 95% cemented and our personality is simply a memorized, repeated pattern. I don't agree with this premise, but the Total Recall film shows repeating cycles of time and how our bodies act as computers in it. It is true that some humans experience a repetitive pattern in their daily lives. Some folks ' lives are too routine. Philip K. Dick was also influenced by the Utopian Plato and Carl Jung. Jung was the famous psychologist. He believed in the archetypes and other philosophies. Jung was also pro-Gnostic in his ideologies. Dick's stories questioned current reality and explored the possibilities of alternative history and parallel universes. Dick claimed that he knew of the nature of reality. The 2012 version of Total Recall has advanced graphic and technological advancements. Colin Farrell is the lead actor in the film. The new 2012 film doesn't deal with a trip to Mars and it has more political overtones. It deals with the United Federation of Britain and the Colony. The 2012 movie was directed by Len Wiseman and it was written by the following people: Mark Bomback, James Vanderbilt, and Kurt Wimmer. Kate Beckinsale, Jessical biel, Byran Cranston, John Cho, Bokeem Woodbine, and other actors plus actresses star in the film. It describes a world in the aftermath of a chemical war. Farrell plays Douglas Quaid or a factory worker. The truth is that Quaid founds out that he is really Carl Hauser (or a leader in the resistance movement, but he was captured and implanted with false memories in trying to make him think that he is a factory workers). Quaid and Melina love each other and defeat Lori (an UFB agent that falsely acts as Quaid's wife).

Even though I love athletics and the great sports, the truth must be told. Silence is betrayal. It's easy to see that the opening and closing ceremonies of the 2012 London Olympics is filled with rituals and huge occult symbolism. This doesn't mean that the legitimate athletics from the winners of the Olympics ought to be diminished. I do respect all of the winners, but the rituals of the Olympics must be made known. I think that Vigilant Citizen has done an excellent job in exposing some of the ceremonies of the beginning and final compositions of the Olympics. During the 2012 Olympics, it was the most watched event in the world during some times. In many of these rituals, they harken back to the past, the present, and the proposed future of the human race. The ceremonies were elaborate and it focused on British history plus culture. Danny Boyle was the designer and coordinator of the ceremonies. He directed the movies Trainspotting and Slumdog Millionaire. The opening ceremonies described the history of England (from the ancient times to the industrial revolution, and ending in the modern times). They also show the occult history of the British times like the green and pleasant land (as found in Glastonbury Tor). The Tor ley line is a part of legends like the place of King Arthur and his 12 knights, etc. The Industrial Revolution scene outlines the toil and suffering that the peasants had to suffer in order to build up the Imperialist British Empire. It's a known fact that the destruction of monarchies and the growth of the industrial revolution was influence by the bankers ( and secret societies like the Freemasons and the Bavarian Illuminati). The men with the top hats in the ceremony was led by the civil engineer Kingdom Brunel. He stands at the base of the Tor to quote from the Shakespeare's "The Tempest." Later, the oak tree then rises from ground and hundreds of workers emerge from the Tor and begin to transform the English landscape. The whole relating to the industrial age is called Pandemonium (or the capital of Hell in Milton's Paradise Lost). The scene shows the elite thinkers overseeing the workers who follow orders. Many phallic chimneys are spitting out smoke. Literature from Harry Potter is glamorized. When the Parade of Nations is done when each country comes with their athletes in an alphabetical manner, each flag is placed at the feet of the Tor (and the magical oak tree). The Olympic Stadium looks as a gigantic eye whose pupil was lit. The closing ceremony overtly shows a pyramid with people praising it. People are seen laying period the pyramid and revering it. John Lennon's Imagine song came about. People in the know realize what John Lennon was talking about. The song is more than a call for peace. It was Lennon's Utopian vision of a perfect world where there is no religion, no countries, and no possessions. Lennon wasn't probably talking about a bunch of politicians and bankers creating some Utopian new world order, but the elite want this goal completely (as found in their own writings and literature). I agree with no greed or no hunger, but I respect the concept of a nation state. Little children sing the song. Unfortunately, the Olympics promotes this "the world is one" concept that is a representation of the new world order. A Phoenix rising out of the petals (or the Nations of the world). People in the occult know what the Phoenix means. The Phoenix is a symbol of resurrection. It's a mystical bird that dies and comes out of the ashes in order for it to rise again after 500 years. Manly P. Hall wrote about the Phoenix in amazing detail. Chris Pinto believes that the Phoenix outlines the new Aquarian age for society. The rebirth of society into a new age is one goal of the esoteric crowd. When the Phoenix comes out in the Olympics' final ritual, people sing "Rule the World." Folks praise the Phoenix. How much more blatant can they be. London is a huge occult capital of the world. It has rich history, but the Olympic ceremonies are more than what it is seem. The ceremonies outline huge occult/pagan rituals. Some folks know about the flame, but not about John Dee, Sir Francis Bacon, the Knights Templar, etc. From using kids to promote Utopianism to the celebration of the brutal Industrial age, this stuff is really transparent. Rik Clay is a late man that was the greatest researcher on the 2012 London Olympics/pagan links. He should be acknowledged of his work and research.

There are tons of interesting news in Africa today. There is a record number of women sworn in as legislators as Senegal's new parliament was inaugurated on Monday. 64 women have seats in the West African nation of Senegal. They reside in the 150 member National Assembly, because of a law that deals with gender parity. Macky Sall from the Benno Bokk Yaakaar coalition (or the BBY) won the Presidential election in March of 2012. The Parity Law was passed in 2010. The law required all 24 parties and coalitions to put equal numbers of men and women on their candidate lists. The government and the women's organization made a major awareness campaign about the law before the legislative elections. “Our objective was to see women take 40 to 45 percent of the seats,” said Fatou Kiné Diop, president of the National Parity Observatory (ONP), which was set up under the presidency in 2011. The campaign would seem to have been a success, with the proportion of female legislators jumping from 22 percent in the previous parliament to 43 percent for the incoming session. “The Parity Law has been decisive. It has been a big boost for women,” Diop told IPS.
“The critical mass of women elected – thanks to the Parity Law – should allow us to make some important changes in the National Assembly,” new MP Elène Tine told IPS. The new female political figures in Senegal are experts in other arenas too. Sokhna Dieng Mbacke is a journalist and former journalist. Mama Mbayame Gueye is a doctor. Fatou Thiam is a health worker and Elene Tine was trained as an archivist and long time spokesperson for the Alliance of Progressive Forces (or an opposition party). These women are strong candidates. The newly elected women are fighitng for equal access to decision making. The National Assembly in Senegal is becoming more progressive and that is a great development in the overall inspirational history of Africa. The constitution of Kenya made it so in 2010 that no more than 2/3s of the members of elective public bodies should be of the same gender. There is still more work to be done, but systems are changing in Kenya.

By Timothy