Chris Christie of New Jersey gave his speech in 2012 Republican National
Convention. He spoke bluntly about issues and presented his regular rhetoric in
falsely classifying Social Security and other programs as
"entitlements." The transparent fact is that people worked and earned
the benefits that are found in Social Security and Medicare. He is known to
berate public servants. His policies have harmed the state of New Jersey. New
Jersey is ranked the 47th in the nation in GDP growth in 2011. New Jersey's
state unemployment rate is 9.8 percent, which is the fourth highest in the
nation (which only trails Nevada, California, and Rhode Island). New Jersey is
ranked 44th in personal income growth in 2011. The state lost 12,000 jobs last
month, which is the most in the country. Christie is so brazen in his extreme
policies that he wants tax cuts for millionaires while blocking millionaire
surtax. He slashed social spending and opposed plans to help New Jersey's
workers. He cheered the firing of public sector workers. Public sector workers
have built this nation for centuries and for him to cheer their firings is
perverted to say the least. He eliminated important infrastructure projects on
false pretenses. Job growth has been stagnant when he handed out a number of
corporate handouts. So, just because Governor Christie claims that his
Republican economic policies are a success in New Jersey doesn't make it so.
You can't demonize the people and give economic giveaways to the rich then
claim to be some economic guru. It doesn't work like that. Christie talks about
debt, but Romney's tax plan (which includes 10.7 trillion dollars in tax cuts)
would make the debt significantly worse. The
big drivers of the debt were a product of Bush era policies. Even a recent poll
said that 53 percent of Americans would raise taxes now rather than cut Social
Security benefits for future generations. CNN is confirming that a Republican
attendee was removed after throwing nuts at black CNN camerawoman. The delegate
reportedly said, “this is how we feed animals.” This is how many in the GOP
feel about my black people. A bunch liars & bigots representative of many
GOP folks. They don't hide in their hoods anymore. So, the camerawoman sister
should receive our sympathies. If someone would try that in front of my face,
well, you know the rest. Mike Huckabee and Condoleezza Rice gave their
speeches. Huckabee described mostly about domestic issues, while Condoleezza
Rice pronounced words mostly about foreign policy. On domestic policies, Condoleezza
Rice's words made some believe that she might run for Governor in California.
The Sister Condoleezza Rice was right to describe the value of immigrants
inside of America. The mosaic of American culture is heavily impacted &
enriched by the importance of immigrants. Paul Ryan spoke at the Convention
too. Condoleezza Rice, Huckabee, and Ryan expressed eloquent words, but the
catch is that some of their policies don't work. A foreign policy that ignores
the terrorists among the Syrian opposition groups is something to know about.
To claim that you want the Arab Spring or other movements to liberate fellow
human beings, while support Gulf States which promote some of the barbaric,
sexist, and anti-civil liberty policies in the world isn't representative of
ideological consistency. Claiming to strengthen the social safety net, but you
want to radically cut that social safety net (without a cent of increased
taxation on the super-rich) is baffling. To say that you want to have Medicare
to exist as voucher system for people in my generation, while cutting it in a
slick fashion in the near future equates into a hypocritical position.
Eloquence in speech doesn't always equate into accuracy. I respect any human
beings' right to speak of their views in public, but I have a right to dissent
peacefully as well.
It's easy to see that the West is violating international law all over the world. Years ago, some in the media, universities, federal courts, and human rights organizations acted as a bulwark against some of the corrupt policies of the state. That day is over. Many of these same institutions aren't acting as checks and balances against the current power structure. We exist in a culture where propaganda is utilized by these same oligarchs as an excuse to circumvent the rule of law (and this reality allows power to be resisted among the oligarchy). Propaganda is greatly shown in America. For example, elaborate movie glamorize jingoistic patriotism. Television shows present people acting as soldiers and the war on terror immorally continues unabated. When women were arrested in Russia for protesting Russian policies, the West said that this was an example of gross human rights violations. Human Rights Watch, Chatham House, and Amnesty International came in to denounce the imprisonment of the punk rock female group. They are known as Voina (or War). They perform lewd or scandalous unannounced public performances in places like the Russian cathedral, a sexual orgy in a museum, and other controversial events. Three of the cathedral performers were apprehended, indicted, tried, and convicted of breaking a statutory law. They were given the 2 years prison system. You can make the case the sentences are excessive, but this is hardly equivalent to Stalin's gulag system. The Voice of Russia showed a broadcast of a discussion of the case. Representatives from Human Rights Watch and Chatham House argued that the case is a free speech case. They classify the women as political prisoners for criticizing Russian President Putin. The truth is that the punk rock group did a blasphemous performance in the Russian cathedral. Putin wasn't mentioned. There were references to Putin later added to the video in order to turn the crime into a political protest. The hypocritical human rights representatives that these acts are typical in Putin's Russia. Yet, similar laws are found in European countries. Europeans arrested and punished even more severely. A similar copycat group of women staged a similar protest in support of the punk rock group. They were arrested in Germany. The musicians shouldn't receive 2 years in prison, but this isn't equivalent to the acts of Hitler or Stalin. It's hypocritical for the West to lecture on Russia's sins, when they have to atone for its own sins. These human rights organizations are silent about Washington's support for the destruction of Syria. Syria is being torn apart by numerous foreign terrorist factions. Real human rights groups are not auxiliaries of Washington's propaganda. Today, the elite use some of these color revolutions that moved countries from the Russian sphere of influence into Washington's sphere of influence. Even author Tony Cartalucci said that Amnesty International is U.S. State Department Propaganda. Cartalucci wrote that Amnesty's executive director is the former State Department official Suzanne Nossel, who conflates human rights advocacy with U.S. global hegemony. I don't agree with the errors of Putin, but Putin is correct to not endorse some imperialist invasion of Syria. Amnesty International in August 23 email to its members "Wake Up World" blamed the violence on the Syrian government (not al-Qaeda or other Washington funded terrorist groups that are being unleashed on the Syrian people). Amnesty wants the Syrian government to be overthrown. In America, Brandon Raub shown a facebook message where he questioned the official story of 9/11. He posted a message on Facebook and it was legal. Later, the local police, the FBI, and Secret Service descended upon his home. They dragging him out and on an order of a social worker, they committed him to a mental hospital for observation. The judge in Virginia let him go, because Raub suffered blatantly unjust treatment. You will notice that the mainstream media, the Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, or the Chatham condemn this illegal, immoral act. Instead, a Virginia circuit court judge, W. Allan Sharrett, demanded Raub’s immediate release, stating that there was no reason to detain and commit Raub except to punish him for exercising his free speech right. This is a blatant violation of the freedom of speech and the left foxes don't say a syllable about it. More Americans are punished for exercising their free speech rights. Well, my people have experienced this for centuries, but other people are recently experiencing this tyrannical situation. This is widespread. There are youtube videos of police violence against even the Occupy movement. People of all walks of life today (not decades ago) regularly experience beatings, pepper sprays, being sat on their heads, etc. by crooked police officers. People who peacefully exercise a constitutionally protected right in America are being assaulted in an unwarranted fashion. There are more protest over the punk rock group in Russia by token human rights organizations that over the illegal detention and torture of Bradley Manning or the UK government's threat to invade the Embassy of Ecuador, and to drag out WikiLeaks' Julian Assange. Even the Chinese government permitted the Chinese dissident to have safe passage to the U.S. (when he sought asylum in the U.S. embassy in China). This was a part of international law. Yet, the UK doesn't want freedom and democracy to allow free passage to Assange when he has been granted asylum. No protests about it is coming from Hillary Clinton at the State Department. In “China’s Rise, America’s Fall,” Ron Unz makes a compelling argument that the Chinese government is more respectful of the rule of law and more responsive to the people it governs than is Washington. Isn't it ironic that Russia and China today (not the UK and Europe) are challenging Washington's claim that America is above international law (and must overthrow governments that is disapproves). The rule of law ought to be respected irrespective of the aims of imperialists. Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, and Chatham House should be on the case about these issues. The United States has some of the worse police state policies on Earth from torture to the prison industrial complex (where men and women are treated like almost slaves [the 14th Amendment clearly says that if you are imprisoned, you technically can be a slave] and some of them are unjustly raped by sick individuals).
Personal responsibility is a vocabulary phrase that inspires folks and spurs debate all in the same time. In our time, reactionaries distort the true meaning of personal responsibility as an excuse to promote a one size fits all, medieval, feudalist, and anarcho-capitalist agenda. I believe in personal responsibility. Every human who is conscience is accountable for his or her own actions by their own volition. We realize that murder, lying, fraud, and other forms of debilitating actions are morally reprehensible. Yet, life is complex. Life is social, not just individual. Many people are poor and suffer not because they lack personal responsibility. It's because we still have a institutionally corrupt system that permits oppression, poverty, and other abuses. Telling people to get up by their own bootstraps isn't going to work all of the time when a man or a woman doesn't have boots to begin with. Many suffering individuals work long hours and still receive low wages or lax health care. That reality isn't a product of human beings lacking personal responsibility, but it's a product of an economic system that reward luxuries instead of enriching the lives of the poor. This doesn't mean that all is lost or we need pessimism. What we need is a radical redistribution of political and economic power as the late great Dr. Martin Luther King said decades ago. It is a cruel jest to assume that tax cuts for the super wealthy and draconian cuts to social programs are indicative of a just new frontier. People may claim that people build it, but you didn't build it alone. There were grants, loans, and public resources that helped you to build it. Personal responsibility is real, but fighting white supremacy is real too. Personal responsibility is simply about making folks accountable for their own actions. It is never a means to shift away the blame from white supremacy to many of our problems in the first place. See, there is a difference between personal responsibility and oppression. When our people witness evil voter ID laws, unjust wars, and dangerous modified foods, these things are a product of corporate corruption. These things has nothing to do with people having a lack of personal responsibility at all. You will notice another thing. The same people that attempt to lecture us on personal responsibility will not lecture Wall Street crooks stealing our wealth as lacking personal responsibility. They will not lecture the Pentagon or the military industrial complex on personal responsibility when they organize massive war crimes (especially people of color) for decades. They will definitely not lecture the multinational corporations or the mainstream religious establishment to have personal responsibility either. We still live the dream. We are still fighting for civil rights, economic justice, an end to racism, and the elimination of oppression from the Earth. Our journey may be harsh and audacious around the way, but the solution is at sight. The ending of the racial caste system in America was one of the greatest events in human history. Yet, we are not finished still. Fundamentally, social and economic justice is basic fixture of our aims. You can't have true jobs and true freedom without economic & social justice. The work is not completed, because 12 million American children are hungry. The work is not finished when we have those that want to roll back the rights won by the Voting Rights Act of 1965. We must press on and we will press on. It is in the culture of our people to embrace a cooperative society or a community orientated society. This is a society where every man, woman, and child in the Universe is respected in their gracious dignity. It's a society where the welfare of the people is placed with high importance beyond deficit hawk ideologies. It is when we have social transformation and personal self transformation. People gave their lives for the dream and the dream still carries on pervasively. Justice is beyond old talking points from puppets. Justice is the overturning of the laissez faire capitalist system and forming a better progressive system that can help all people among all socioeconomic classes. That's justice. Justice deals with making health care a human right not privilege and promoting reparations for our people.
People realize that antioxidants from foods can help human beings. Our cells must have oxygen in order to metabolize minerals and vitamins. This achieved in that cells can survive. If cells can't use oxygen to metabolize, then they resort to fermenting glucose for their energy. Cancer cells can grow when cells when cells can't metabolize. This is why cancer patients should avoid sugar. Cellular oxidation is necessary in our health. When cells don't have enough oxygen, damage to cells can come about. What happens is oxygen molecules can form free radicals when interacting with certain problematic molecules, such as heavy metals and toxins. Free radicals are atoms or groups of atoms. They are mixed with unpaired or odd number of electrons that become trouble makers. The radicals therefore can create cellular and DNA damage. Free radical are unstable and cause healthy cells to be damaged or die. When a chain reaction of cellular oxidative stress comes about in a particular organ can cause damage to a specific organ. If an organ doesn't operate properly in this scenario, cancer can develop in that cell. We have antioxidants that can protect cells from being cancerous. Antioxidants are molecules that can safely interact with free radicals and stop the chain reaction from continuing or even starting. There are numerous enzymes that consist of an antioxidant defense system. Sometimes the toxic environment can overwhelm the antioxidant defense system. So, the human body needs miconutrient minerals like selenium, Vitamins (like E, C, and beta carotene) in order to build up our body. They are found in foods and supplements. We need even more antioxidants than 100 years ago, because of our toxic environment. One Day. We can get excellent food sources for antioxidants from many types of foods. They are found in fruits like strawberries, cranberries, blueberries, raspberries, etc. Raisins have such antioxidants. We can eat vegetables like kale, broccoli, spinach, artichokes as well. Kidney beans, black beans, nuts, grains, and unprocessed, dark (or high in cacao) chocolate have great levels of antioxidants. The antioxidant gluathione can recycle and rejuvenates most antioxidants.
In order to understand Nazism, you have to know that the Nazis waged a terror war against the organized workforce. The Nazis burned books. Also, there was Ernst Rieger. He had a son named Hellmut. Ernst worked with the KPD William councillor William Swan and other members of the Social Democratic Workers' Party (the SAP), the Communist Party Opposition (KPO), and the trade unions in Heilbronn plus the surrounding area to form an active resistance movement that was only broken in 1938. Hitler was in league with major industries and civic elites in Germany. In fact, members of the bourgeois parties voted to grant Hitler the unlimited powers (as found in the Enabling Act of 1933) that led to the dictatorship. Hitler owed his power to the ruling elite. They raised him to be a dictator of Nazi Germany. Hitler of course hated Marxism, Bolshevism, and he harbored anti-Semitic views. So, the German people collectively back then weren't responsible for the Holocaust. It was Hitler and his allies (some of his allies were made up of industrialists and international bankers). In his comprehensive work published in 2007, Die “andere” Reichshauptstadt—Widerstand aus der Arbeiterbewegung in Berlin von 1933 bis 1945 (The Other Imperial Capital: Resistance by the Berlin Labour Movement from 1933 to 1945), Hans-Rainer Sandvoss, deputy head of the German Resistance Memorial Centre and member of the SPD, meticulously researched the workers’ resistance in Berlin. Hans-Rainer Sandvoss proved that the workers strongly resisted Hitler and his nefarious aims. Groups protested against Hitler from labor organizations (from the SPD and the KPD), trade unions, smaller left wing entities, Christian workers' associations, and Trotskyist groups. There was a solidarity of workers that resisted the Nazis. It's a historical fact that the Nazis abolished trade unions, collective bargaining, and the right to strike. So, resistance groups were critical in promoting freedom and not Nazism. Corporate America aided the Nazis and then they covered their tracks by 1943, because the Axis were about to be defeated. Even Allen Dulles tried to make peace with Nazis like Prince Hohenlohe back in 1943. The same corporations that sponsored pro-fascist groups at home were guilty of knowingly trading with the Nazis during WWII. The fascists and the Nazis were recruited by the CIA after WWII in promoting the Cold War agitation (and promote a paranoiac attitude about Communism).
By Timothy