NSA 9/11-era head: Lt Gen Michael Hayden (RC)
CIA 9/11-era head: George Tenet (Jesuit-trained)
NSA present-day head: Lt Gen Keith B Alexander (RC)
CIA present-day head: Gen David Petraeus (Jesuit-trained)
* 16th (& current NSA Director) Roman Catholic Lt Gen Keith B. Alexander (i.o. 2005-date).
* 18th CIA director (DCI): The CIA’s 9/11-era Director was (Georgetown EAW SFS) Jesuit-trained “Greek Orthodox” George J. Tenet (i.o. 1997-2004; subsequently employed by the Jesuits more overtly as a Georgetown University staff member).
* 19th CIA Director (DCI): Yale Book & Snake secret society & Psi Upsilon fraternity member Porter Goss (i.o. 2004-2006);
* 20th CIA Director (DCI): Roman Catholic Gen Michael Hayden (i.o. 2006-2009);
* 21st CIA Director (DCI): (Santa Clara Uni) Jesuit-trained Roman Catholic Leo Panetta (i.o. 2009-2011; Panetta is currently the US Secretary of Defense);
* 22nd (& current) CIA Director (DCI): (Georgetown Uni: EAW SFS) Jesuit-trained General David Petraeus (i.o. 2011-date).
Dear friends
Blogger & forum poster (at Unhived Mind for around the past five years) Avles Beluskes had some very rare insider information on the Vatican Octopus arms, most notably the Constantinian Order, which is one of two religious-military lay orders of the Pope, the other being the Order of Malta. Unfortunately I do not have any saved webpages from his blogs or Unhived Mind posts – too many things to think about at any given time, it is too easy to let it slip to save these things. If anyone has a folder of his stuff then please pass my way.
The fact that Doug mentions that just after the original Avles Beluskes blogs were taken down a new blog called “Avles Beluskes Novice” appeared raises a few speculations:
Did AB pull his own blogs, perhaps due to a nervous/mental overload/breakdown or threats of violence (I do recall him mentioning strange goings on outside his home a while back) – or was he taken out of the equation (a la Rik Clay?) & had his blogs pulled “for him” & perhaps these new replies to Doug are not in fact from Avles’ hand?
Considering the newish blog being called (rather strangely) “Avles Beluskes Novice” did AB actually become a novitiate in some Masonic Order or Papal religious order, say even the Jesuits & choose not to keep his blogs up? (Unlikely I would have thought, but I guess that there is always the possibility. Also: Was that newer blog even by AB at all?).
Did AB discover a whole other dimension to the global conspiracy that fractured his understanding of it up to that point & was it was all too much to integrate?
If the blogs do reappear (unlikely I would think), will they take on a different direction?
Well, may never know I guess, but these things should be considered in this case & in others that are evocative of it.
Hopefully Avles Beluskes is able to come through whatever ordeal he is going through intact mentally, physically & spiritually & as his own man.
P.S.: & why (as Doug’s email exchanges show) is Avles Beluskes email coming from an “Alice”?
Are we to be led to believe by whoever sent the email on Avles’ behalf (whether Avles himself or someone else) that he has a female alter-ego called Alice? Avles/Alice?? Or was Avles actually a woman called Alice? Not that that makes his research any less valid one way or the other, but is that what he was referring to when he wrote in response to Doug’s enquiries as to what has happened to Avles Beluskes & his blogs:
“… my life has well heavier problems than Vatican NWO … problems without solution except death … I present a disturb even to you.”
All very curious …
- TS
The Seat of EL via the Holy See controls Worldwide Commerce and Freemasonry
Now who rules the financial World? Its the Roman Empire aka the Holy See under the Company of Jesus (1814). The Admiralty Law which rules all commerce Worldwide is based on Vatican Canon Law last adapted in 1984. This Law was perfected by the Roman Empire like most other things they dominated and mastered. Whether you’re in Israel or Turkey you have to do business in the Roman Admiralty Law system which dates back to the Phoenicians and known as the International Maritime Admiralty Law or simply the Law of the High Seas. The sea being the source of the Ecclesiastical power of the Holy See aka Chair of Peter. The seas being controlled by the Moon Goddess Yarikh who the idolizing of Mary by the Catholic Church is really all about. Remember the Church worships Kronos, Zeus and Selene of Greek mythology.
People interested in the Papacy power over Worldwide commerce should start to study the Papal Bull Unam Sanctum which Pope Boniface VIII bought forth in 1302. The Same Pope who destroyed the Knights Templars in the early 14th Century then handed their old power and wealth to the Knights of Malta in 1312 by the Papal Bull Ad Providam. Today all the real powerful bloodlines and beings are Knights of Malta such as Emperor King Juan Carlos of Spain, Prince Vittorio Emanuele IV. You then have Dames of Malta such as Queen Beatrix and Elizabeth Mary II all within this ancient power running this World for the Papacy. The supposed Protestant divisions that are recognised by the Catholic real Knights of Malta headed by Cardinal Grandmaster Matthew Festing, are controlled by his authority through the Alliance of the Orders of St John of Jerusalem via Geneva, Switzerland which is the Canton headed by the House of Savoy head, Prince Vittorio Emanuele IV who’s not only a Knight of Malta, he’s a Constantinian Knight, Knight of the Equestrian Order Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem just as Emperor King Juan Carlos of Spain is.
The sovereign City of London is known in the occult as New Jerusalem and is run by the Crown Maltese who took it over from the Crown Templars aka Knights Templar thanks to the Ad Providam bull of 1312 by Boniface VIII. All commerce and your existence goes back into this square mile for slavery via the Cestui Que Vie Act of 1666 which is a collective slavery based on number Papal Bulls such as the Aeterni Regis of 1481 by Pope Sixtus IV and of course back to the source Unam Sanctum of 1302. I’m sorry to inform you that the Holy Roman Empire never died it just weakened for a period and is now revived as prophesied by the scriptures. You may wish to study the Congress of Vienna held in late 1814 to understand this. Incidentally this was the same year that the Society of Jesus took control of the Holy See which was obvious to those in the know by 1870 with the Doctrine of Infallibility.
Knight of Malta, Heinz Kissinger (DVD Agent, Sabbatean Frankist) told you all that to control the World you have to control the finance. He told you to control the Nations you have to control the energy. Whilst Kissinger told you in order to control the people you have to control the food. Note where organisations like the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization are based aka Rome, Italy. I suggest a study of the Rabobank of the Netherlands if you want to see one of the financial sources of the Agriculture and note how powerful of a private bank this really is and its unknown to most. The Nations are controlled by the Knights of Malta via The Worshipful Company of Fuellers who control the energy sector, military and the intelligentsia. The Knights of Malta utilise The Worshipful Company of Grocers in the control of the food. Finally the financial system is controlled by the Knights of Malta through The Worshipful Company of International Bankers.
These Livery companies are ruled through Freemasonry and you’ll noticed each one of the Livery companies are in their own right a Freemasonic Lodge with their own Worshipful Master heading the Lodge as you’d see in any other normal Freemasonry Lodge. You’ll also note on many of the Coats of Arms of these Livery companies you’ll see the arrow of the Knights Templar such as The Worshipful Company of Grocers. Usually this arrow would be in black and its all over the place in Switzerland where the Knights Templars also went to get away from the suppression, just as they did with Portugal and Scotland. What you wasn’t told was that a few Templars were allowed to go to the powerful Aragon. Freemasonry was born from Aberdeen, Scotland in the 15th Century and then by 1598/9 you had the official regulation so to speak by the William Schaw statutes. This is the original Freemasonry created by the Knights Templar of Scotland. Now you had battles between factions of Templars as well as other non-Templars.
The Aragon Templars which had formed from the Order of the Calatrava and the Order of the Montesa were very much about infiltrating and take total control of the World and all other Templar Freemasonry. The Aragon Templars were created into an order once known in Spain as the Los Alumbrados, this today is known as the Society of Jesus, the very order which rules the World under its Knights Templar structure of power and monitoring taken from the ancient Hashashiyyin of the Middle East which Ignatius Loyola had dealt with during his trip to the Middle East. This is the same ancient Middle Eastern Order which all the Knights Templar derived their structures of power from as it was perfect for ultimate control and obedience.
The Aragon Templars as the Society of Jesus bought about an order in the 18th Century called the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. All the degrees were created by the Society of Jesus even those instituted by Frederick the Great their protector. This order was bought about in order to take over Freemasonry and do away with the competition of the Scottish Freemasons. This has absolutely nothing to do with Catholicism verses Templarism its pure Templarism vs Templarism remembering how the Society of Jesus do not give a damn about Catholicism if the truth is known, their followers of the Saturnalian Brotherhood evidenced by their logo of the IHS with the ‘H’ as the ancient Saturn symbol for the God of judgement and time. They’re the opposite of the worshipers of Zeus aka the Chair of Peter, they detest Zeus and infact they’re the Brotherhood of Typhon. This is interesting when you understand the connection of the House of Bourbon to the Society of Jesus through Emperor King Juan Carlos of Spain tied in with the Farnese family who commissioned the Society of Jesus for Francis Borgia.
Some may turn around and say well in Freemasonry you also have the York Rite, I contend that the Scottish Rite is of far greater power within the Roman Empire and most people involved in this conspiracy such as Knight of Malta, Tony Blair along with William Clinton etc are all Scottish Rite high level Freemasons. Incidentally Dealey Plazza where U.S. President J.F Kennedy was assassinated by Permindex under orders of Sir John Hobson is in fact controlled by the Scottish Rite. The hit was executed on behalf of the Knights of Malta, many of whom went there to witness the event such as Knight of Malta George H.W. Bush who’s run the Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst intelligentsia for thirty four years. Can you tell me any other intelligentsia leader who’s been around for anything like that? He was also the Director of Central Intelligence for a year just before taking the DVD command. I suggest you check their ties along with FBI Division #5 in the killing of Kennedy and the connections to Jesuit Quebec as with most events including 9/11. The York Rite is very much connected to Catholicism via The Masonic and Military Order of the Red Cross of Constantine. May I remind you that above the Knights of Malta you have the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St George and then you have the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulche of Jerusalem. Incidentially you have the Sepulchre who protect the Superior General of the Society of Jesus and the Borgo Santo Spirito. Another protector of the Borgo Santo Spirito is the Spanish Centro Nacional de Inteligencia who incidentally do not share any of their intelligence unlike well known intelligentsia organisations. We can then go into the United Grand Lodge of Freemasonry which is not the all seeing eye of Freemasonry as run by the Grandmaster, The Duke of Kent. The more powerful real all seeing eye of Freemasonry is the infiltrating Grand Lodge Ekklesia based in Vatican City controlled by the Society of Jesus and housing lodges for both Scotttish and York rites including the Ordo Templi Orientis.
-=The Unhived Mind
Note by Me: I don't agree with his views on the KJV, but most of the information is accurate on this issue.
By Timothy
We have British Intelligence governed by the Joint Intelligence Committee itself governed by the Intelligence and Security Committee of the UK Government. You will notice two of the controllers of the ISC are Privy Councilors named Robin Butler and Michael Ancram. These are two special persons who belong to much greater powers controlling part of the highest levels of this power structure and control over mankind.
Robin Butler is of the actual blood of the Butler’s who are really the Ormonde name changed who rule Ireland. You then have Michael Ancram of Clan Kerr who is married into the powerful Catholic Howard family who rule the roose over Britain with the Perci family of the Duke of Norfolk and roots of fifth-degree witch Barbara Bush (Pearce) in Texas. Michael Ancram also has connections to the Crooked Nose Clan where David Cameron comes out of with a silver spoon in his Common Purpose mouth. The same Cameron family named as the King of the Solar City. David Cameron being connected to the House of Keswick opium dealers the part controllers of the HongKong Shanghai Banking Corporation with Chinese Er-Bu and of course The Worshipful Company of Mercers.
You have the Order of the Garter and the Sovereign Dame of Malta, Elizabeth II. She takes the title Sovereign from the Holy See since the Vatican created the title in 1481 with the Aterni Regis Papal Bull. The next level is the Howard, Butler and Perci arena all working for the Roman Empire continuum which controls the British Empire continuum aka Livery Companies of New Jerusalem aka City of London Corporation. Notice the connection of the Howard family to the home of the Archibishop of Westminster, Vincent Nicols.
You should note the Knights Templar arrow on the shield of the Butler family and those all important acorns. The acorn symbolizing the fertility and rebirth whilst being part of the ancient sacred oak tree which could withstand a lightening strike from the mighty Zeus the planet Jupiter the God of the Vatican. You will also see the acorn used by the Della Rovere and the Papal Nobility Farnese family of old which is now continued through the House of Bourbon commanded by Juan Carlos the Emperor of the New unHoly Roman Empire who’s also known as the Protector of the Holy Sites of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem giving him complete control over the Middle East and North Africa. He part uses this control through his Union for the Mediterranean located in Barcelona and Malta.
The Emperor is also a high level controller of the Order of Malta which commands all the military intelligentsia under the Cardinal Grandmaster based in Rome. The Order of Malta is overseen by the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St George (Bourbon) and the powerful Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem which Juan Carlos is also a high controller of along with its Cardinal Grandmaster. These all answer to the power of the Holy See at Vatican City guarded by the Swiss Guard and Knights of Malta. These all answer to the grand pooh bar, the Curia Generalizia at Borgo Santo Spirito which is guarded by the Spanish Centro Nacional de Inteligencia of the Emperor for the protection of the Superior General and his Assistancy controlling The Entity the greatest and most powerful intelligence agency on Earth.
The over-hyped Mormon cult intelligence is governed by The Entity and it was the Jesuits who set up the Mormon cult. Brigham Young was handled by Jesuit solder Pierre-Jean De Smet SJ who also gave the Mormons the Satanic Union State of Utah. Pierre-Jean De Smet SJ also handled the Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite, Albert Pike. The current rigged challenger to the U.S. President is Mitt Romney a fagmaster from the Mormon Church the same Mormon cult who owned the hotel used in Virginia this year to host the Bilderberg meeting tied to Order of Malta Knight Heinz Kissinger (Nazi DVD operative) and Privy Councilor and Lord High Chancellor, Kenneth Clark the two of the most common builders of the mountain for the King (Superior General) in the crows nest. Mitt Romney is the chosen one by the Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst leadership which includes Knight of Malta, George H.W. Bush the DVDs thirty-four year long leader and Heinz Kissinger.
Your only hope against this wicked Satanic and Luciferian system is to hold a Puritan true-Christian Geneva Bible 1560/99. Do not follow any other Bible including the Crown copyrighted King James Bible mastered by an occultic Enochian Magician pirate, Sir John Dee of The Worshipful Company of Mercers of the Livery pirates den at New Jerusalem. May I remind you that Caroll Quigley failed you tell you that the Anglo-American establishment is controlled by the Jesuit Order. Thats not so surprising when you understand his masters at the Jesuit military fortress of the U.S. known as Georgetown University and currently commanded by Loyola soldier, Thomas Smolich SJ. All another Jesuit diversion to keep you eyeing everywhere but Rome. The true old definition of a Jesuit was always a person who deceives the people.
Finally let me remind you that the Jesuit Order are not followers of Jesus and neither are the Catholic Church. Catholicism is not and never will be Christian its roots lie in Mithraism. Christians existed during the Roman Empire who would kill and thrown Christians to the lions for amusement and pleasure. The Catholic Church is the Roman Empire continuum in the veils of Christianity in order to hoodwink, usurp, infiltrate and now destroy. The Jesuit Order do not follow the same God as the Catholic Church who worship the planet Jupiter known as Zeus or Peter. The Jesuit Order follow the planet Saturn the reaper the same as the Synagogue of Satan exposed in the Geneva Bible. The Jesuits are seen as the Typhon God working for Kronos the mightiest God of all and the one who helped birth Venus aka Lucifer the Divine hermaphrodite. The God of light and the rainbow as well as the Prince and power of the air. This is the reason that Baphomet is part masculine and part feminine just like Venus and her mother the Moon (Cybele).
The Jesuits completely control the Vatican and have done since 1814-1870 onwards. The Jesuits desire the destruction of Catholicism as planned in order to bring about the one-World religion of Light known as the Luciferian Doctrine. The Jesuits never forgived the Church for their suppression in 1773 and never will. They easily forget how it was the anti-Christos Pontiff who allowed their origins to survive the Knights Templar suppression in the 14th Century. These surviving Knights were allowed to enter the powerful Kingdom of Aragon and did so changing into the Order of the Calatrava and Montesa. Today these orders are Grandmastered by Emperor Juan Carlos, the most powerful Knight in the World.
-= The Unhived Mind
People interested in the Papacy power over Worldwide commerce should start to study the Papal Bull Unam Sanctum which Pope Boniface VIII bought forth in 1302. The Same Pope who destroyed the Knights Templars in the early 14th Century then handed their old power and wealth to the Knights of Malta in 1312 by the Papal Bull Ad Providam. Today all the real powerful bloodlines and beings are Knights of Malta such as Emperor King Juan Carlos of Spain, Prince Vittorio Emanuele IV. You then have Dames of Malta such as Queen Beatrix and Elizabeth Mary II all within this ancient power running this World for the Papacy. The supposed Protestant divisions that are recognised by the Catholic real Knights of Malta headed by Cardinal Grandmaster Matthew Festing, are controlled by his authority through the Alliance of the Orders of St John of Jerusalem via Geneva, Switzerland which is the Canton headed by the House of Savoy head, Prince Vittorio Emanuele IV who’s not only a Knight of Malta, he’s a Constantinian Knight, Knight of the Equestrian Order Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem just as Emperor King Juan Carlos of Spain is.
The sovereign City of London is known in the occult as New Jerusalem and is run by the Crown Maltese who took it over from the Crown Templars aka Knights Templar thanks to the Ad Providam bull of 1312 by Boniface VIII. All commerce and your existence goes back into this square mile for slavery via the Cestui Que Vie Act of 1666 which is a collective slavery based on number Papal Bulls such as the Aeterni Regis of 1481 by Pope Sixtus IV and of course back to the source Unam Sanctum of 1302. I’m sorry to inform you that the Holy Roman Empire never died it just weakened for a period and is now revived as prophesied by the scriptures. You may wish to study the Congress of Vienna held in late 1814 to understand this. Incidentally this was the same year that the Society of Jesus took control of the Holy See which was obvious to those in the know by 1870 with the Doctrine of Infallibility.
Knight of Malta, Heinz Kissinger (DVD Agent, Sabbatean Frankist) told you all that to control the World you have to control the finance. He told you to control the Nations you have to control the energy. Whilst Kissinger told you in order to control the people you have to control the food. Note where organisations like the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization are based aka Rome, Italy. I suggest a study of the Rabobank of the Netherlands if you want to see one of the financial sources of the Agriculture and note how powerful of a private bank this really is and its unknown to most. The Nations are controlled by the Knights of Malta via The Worshipful Company of Fuellers who control the energy sector, military and the intelligentsia. The Knights of Malta utilise The Worshipful Company of Grocers in the control of the food. Finally the financial system is controlled by the Knights of Malta through The Worshipful Company of International Bankers.
These Livery companies are ruled through Freemasonry and you’ll noticed each one of the Livery companies are in their own right a Freemasonic Lodge with their own Worshipful Master heading the Lodge as you’d see in any other normal Freemasonry Lodge. You’ll also note on many of the Coats of Arms of these Livery companies you’ll see the arrow of the Knights Templar such as The Worshipful Company of Grocers. Usually this arrow would be in black and its all over the place in Switzerland where the Knights Templars also went to get away from the suppression, just as they did with Portugal and Scotland. What you wasn’t told was that a few Templars were allowed to go to the powerful Aragon. Freemasonry was born from Aberdeen, Scotland in the 15th Century and then by 1598/9 you had the official regulation so to speak by the William Schaw statutes. This is the original Freemasonry created by the Knights Templar of Scotland. Now you had battles between factions of Templars as well as other non-Templars.
The Aragon Templars which had formed from the Order of the Calatrava and the Order of the Montesa were very much about infiltrating and take total control of the World and all other Templar Freemasonry. The Aragon Templars were created into an order once known in Spain as the Los Alumbrados, this today is known as the Society of Jesus, the very order which rules the World under its Knights Templar structure of power and monitoring taken from the ancient Hashashiyyin of the Middle East which Ignatius Loyola had dealt with during his trip to the Middle East. This is the same ancient Middle Eastern Order which all the Knights Templar derived their structures of power from as it was perfect for ultimate control and obedience.
The Aragon Templars as the Society of Jesus bought about an order in the 18th Century called the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. All the degrees were created by the Society of Jesus even those instituted by Frederick the Great their protector. This order was bought about in order to take over Freemasonry and do away with the competition of the Scottish Freemasons. This has absolutely nothing to do with Catholicism verses Templarism its pure Templarism vs Templarism remembering how the Society of Jesus do not give a damn about Catholicism if the truth is known, their followers of the Saturnalian Brotherhood evidenced by their logo of the IHS with the ‘H’ as the ancient Saturn symbol for the God of judgement and time. They’re the opposite of the worshipers of Zeus aka the Chair of Peter, they detest Zeus and infact they’re the Brotherhood of Typhon. This is interesting when you understand the connection of the House of Bourbon to the Society of Jesus through Emperor King Juan Carlos of Spain tied in with the Farnese family who commissioned the Society of Jesus for Francis Borgia.
Some may turn around and say well in Freemasonry you also have the York Rite, I contend that the Scottish Rite is of far greater power within the Roman Empire and most people involved in this conspiracy such as Knight of Malta, Tony Blair along with William Clinton etc are all Scottish Rite high level Freemasons. Incidentally Dealey Plazza where U.S. President J.F Kennedy was assassinated by Permindex under orders of Sir John Hobson is in fact controlled by the Scottish Rite. The hit was executed on behalf of the Knights of Malta, many of whom went there to witness the event such as Knight of Malta George H.W. Bush who’s run the Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst intelligentsia for thirty four years. Can you tell me any other intelligentsia leader who’s been around for anything like that? He was also the Director of Central Intelligence for a year just before taking the DVD command. I suggest you check their ties along with FBI Division #5 in the killing of Kennedy and the connections to Jesuit Quebec as with most events including 9/11. The York Rite is very much connected to Catholicism via The Masonic and Military Order of the Red Cross of Constantine. May I remind you that above the Knights of Malta you have the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St George and then you have the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulche of Jerusalem. Incidentially you have the Sepulchre who protect the Superior General of the Society of Jesus and the Borgo Santo Spirito. Another protector of the Borgo Santo Spirito is the Spanish Centro Nacional de Inteligencia who incidentally do not share any of their intelligence unlike well known intelligentsia organisations. We can then go into the United Grand Lodge of Freemasonry which is not the all seeing eye of Freemasonry as run by the Grandmaster, The Duke of Kent. The more powerful real all seeing eye of Freemasonry is the infiltrating Grand Lodge Ekklesia based in Vatican City controlled by the Society of Jesus and housing lodges for both Scotttish and York rites including the Ordo Templi Orientis.
-=The Unhived Mind
Note by Me: I don't agree with his views on the KJV, but most of the information is accurate on this issue.
By Timothy
We have British Intelligence governed by the Joint Intelligence Committee itself governed by the Intelligence and Security Committee of the UK Government. You will notice two of the controllers of the ISC are Privy Councilors named Robin Butler and Michael Ancram. These are two special persons who belong to much greater powers controlling part of the highest levels of this power structure and control over mankind.
Robin Butler is of the actual blood of the Butler’s who are really the Ormonde name changed who rule Ireland. You then have Michael Ancram of Clan Kerr who is married into the powerful Catholic Howard family who rule the roose over Britain with the Perci family of the Duke of Norfolk and roots of fifth-degree witch Barbara Bush (Pearce) in Texas. Michael Ancram also has connections to the Crooked Nose Clan where David Cameron comes out of with a silver spoon in his Common Purpose mouth. The same Cameron family named as the King of the Solar City. David Cameron being connected to the House of Keswick opium dealers the part controllers of the HongKong Shanghai Banking Corporation with Chinese Er-Bu and of course The Worshipful Company of Mercers.
You have the Order of the Garter and the Sovereign Dame of Malta, Elizabeth II. She takes the title Sovereign from the Holy See since the Vatican created the title in 1481 with the Aterni Regis Papal Bull. The next level is the Howard, Butler and Perci arena all working for the Roman Empire continuum which controls the British Empire continuum aka Livery Companies of New Jerusalem aka City of London Corporation. Notice the connection of the Howard family to the home of the Archibishop of Westminster, Vincent Nicols.
You should note the Knights Templar arrow on the shield of the Butler family and those all important acorns. The acorn symbolizing the fertility and rebirth whilst being part of the ancient sacred oak tree which could withstand a lightening strike from the mighty Zeus the planet Jupiter the God of the Vatican. You will also see the acorn used by the Della Rovere and the Papal Nobility Farnese family of old which is now continued through the House of Bourbon commanded by Juan Carlos the Emperor of the New unHoly Roman Empire who’s also known as the Protector of the Holy Sites of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem giving him complete control over the Middle East and North Africa. He part uses this control through his Union for the Mediterranean located in Barcelona and Malta.
The Emperor is also a high level controller of the Order of Malta which commands all the military intelligentsia under the Cardinal Grandmaster based in Rome. The Order of Malta is overseen by the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St George (Bourbon) and the powerful Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem which Juan Carlos is also a high controller of along with its Cardinal Grandmaster. These all answer to the power of the Holy See at Vatican City guarded by the Swiss Guard and Knights of Malta. These all answer to the grand pooh bar, the Curia Generalizia at Borgo Santo Spirito which is guarded by the Spanish Centro Nacional de Inteligencia of the Emperor for the protection of the Superior General and his Assistancy controlling The Entity the greatest and most powerful intelligence agency on Earth.
The over-hyped Mormon cult intelligence is governed by The Entity and it was the Jesuits who set up the Mormon cult. Brigham Young was handled by Jesuit solder Pierre-Jean De Smet SJ who also gave the Mormons the Satanic Union State of Utah. Pierre-Jean De Smet SJ also handled the Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite, Albert Pike. The current rigged challenger to the U.S. President is Mitt Romney a fagmaster from the Mormon Church the same Mormon cult who owned the hotel used in Virginia this year to host the Bilderberg meeting tied to Order of Malta Knight Heinz Kissinger (Nazi DVD operative) and Privy Councilor and Lord High Chancellor, Kenneth Clark the two of the most common builders of the mountain for the King (Superior General) in the crows nest. Mitt Romney is the chosen one by the Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst leadership which includes Knight of Malta, George H.W. Bush the DVDs thirty-four year long leader and Heinz Kissinger.
Your only hope against this wicked Satanic and Luciferian system is to hold a Puritan true-Christian Geneva Bible 1560/99. Do not follow any other Bible including the Crown copyrighted King James Bible mastered by an occultic Enochian Magician pirate, Sir John Dee of The Worshipful Company of Mercers of the Livery pirates den at New Jerusalem. May I remind you that Caroll Quigley failed you tell you that the Anglo-American establishment is controlled by the Jesuit Order. Thats not so surprising when you understand his masters at the Jesuit military fortress of the U.S. known as Georgetown University and currently commanded by Loyola soldier, Thomas Smolich SJ. All another Jesuit diversion to keep you eyeing everywhere but Rome. The true old definition of a Jesuit was always a person who deceives the people.
Finally let me remind you that the Jesuit Order are not followers of Jesus and neither are the Catholic Church. Catholicism is not and never will be Christian its roots lie in Mithraism. Christians existed during the Roman Empire who would kill and thrown Christians to the lions for amusement and pleasure. The Catholic Church is the Roman Empire continuum in the veils of Christianity in order to hoodwink, usurp, infiltrate and now destroy. The Jesuit Order do not follow the same God as the Catholic Church who worship the planet Jupiter known as Zeus or Peter. The Jesuit Order follow the planet Saturn the reaper the same as the Synagogue of Satan exposed in the Geneva Bible. The Jesuits are seen as the Typhon God working for Kronos the mightiest God of all and the one who helped birth Venus aka Lucifer the Divine hermaphrodite. The God of light and the rainbow as well as the Prince and power of the air. This is the reason that Baphomet is part masculine and part feminine just like Venus and her mother the Moon (Cybele).
The Jesuits completely control the Vatican and have done since 1814-1870 onwards. The Jesuits desire the destruction of Catholicism as planned in order to bring about the one-World religion of Light known as the Luciferian Doctrine. The Jesuits never forgived the Church for their suppression in 1773 and never will. They easily forget how it was the anti-Christos Pontiff who allowed their origins to survive the Knights Templar suppression in the 14th Century. These surviving Knights were allowed to enter the powerful Kingdom of Aragon and did so changing into the Order of the Calatrava and Montesa. Today these orders are Grandmastered by Emperor Juan Carlos, the most powerful Knight in the World.
-= The Unhived Mind