Tuesday, August 28, 2012

France Ready to Recognize al-Qaeda as Syria’s Legitimate Government

From http://www.infowars.com/france-ready-to-recognize-al-qaeda-as-syrias-legitimate-government/

France Ready to Recognize al-Qaeda as Syria’s Legitimate Government
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Kurt Nimmo
August 28, 2012
France’s recently elected socialist president and Bilderberg stooge François Hollande has told Syria’s CIA and MI6 run opposition to form a provisional government. Hollande said France would then officially recognize it as Syria’s legitimate government.
photoFrançois Hollande.
In February, the Director of National Intelligence, James R. Clapper, told the Senate Armed Services committee that al-Qaeda has “infiltrated” the Syrian opposition groups France boasts it will recognize.
“Strangely, the fact that Washington, in cooperation with its allies, is now sending communication gear, military intelligence, and weapons to militias in Syria with considerable – and growing – ties to al-Qaeda has not made the Obama administration blink,” John Glaser wrote in July.
Glaser mentioned a supposed “vetting process” that avoid arms ending up in the hands of al-Qaeda and Islamic extremists, “but the process is made up of untrustworthy, third-party sources and intelligence officials have recently told the Washington Post and the Los Angeles Times that the truth is that the US doesn’t know who is getting the money and weapons.”
In fact, there is plenty of evidence that the CIA trained, armed, funded – to the tune of $3 billion – and supported Osama bin Laden and what would ultimately become al-Qaeda.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton recently admitted that the United States created al-Qaeda, although her admission was at best lightly covered by the establishment media.
The U.S. also supported al-Qaeda in Libya prior to the murder of al-Gaddafi. Following the destruction of the north Africa country, Libya’s transitional ruling authority agreed to send weapons and fighters to Syria to assist the Free Syrian Army.
“Under Bush and Cheney, the alleged presence of al-Qaeda was used as a pretext for bombings and invasions,” historian Webster Tarpley wrote in 2011. “Under Obama, an overstretched and moribund US-UK imperialism is using al-Qaeda as its own irregular infantry in the effort to harass and cripple the nation-states of the world, causing them to disintegrate into a tribal, sectarian, criminal, and warlord chaos. In the current phase, al-Qaeda has resumed its original status as CIA guerrillas. As a result, civilization itself is threatened across vast areas of the globe.”