There are other cases where people are falsely arrested for just disagreeing with the official story of 9/11. Brendon Raub was a former Marine. He was forcibly incarcerated in a psychiatric ward by the authorities in Virginia. He posted information on Facebook and he said that there are a further 20 cases in his county alone that are similar in nature to Raub's detention. John Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute said that he had been contacted by many veterans in the aftermath of Raub's release who had encountered similar problems with authorities attempting to have them declared mentally ill. Some feel that this policies of calling dissent of a certain nature as extremist comes from the Department of Homeland Security documents. DHS Chief Janet Napolitano said that she agreed with the April 2009 DHS intelligence assessment that listed returning vets as likely domestic terrorists. The New York Times reported a month later on how the Boy Scout Explorers were being trained by the DHS to kill "disgruntled Iraq War veterans " in terrorist drills. The FBI came to characterize returning veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan as a major domestic threat. This is why Whitehead pointed to the evil efforts done on behalf of health authorities in America. These efforts are trying to characterize the distrust of authority as a mental illness called ODD (or oppositional defiant disorder). Some veterans are being targeted in police raids. The cops are confiscated their firearms based on the pretext that they are mentally defective. People like me don't advocate this nonsense. Even in early 2010, there is the case of David Sarti. Sarti was one of the participants in the National Geographic Channel's "Doomsday Prepper" show. Sarti said to his doctor that he head chest pains. Then, the doctor later commit him to a psychiatric ward and alert authorities. Sarti was later called "mentaly defective" and put on a FBI list that stripped him of his 2nd amendment rights. Whitehead also revealed that shortly before his release, psychiatrists had threatened to forcibly medicate Raub in order to “brainwash” him. Critics have made comparisons to the infamous psikhushka psychiatric prisons in the former Soviet Union where dissidents were sent to be isolated, brainwashed, and have their political ideas discredited amongst the general public. Raub has no choice, but to sue. Whitehead said that Raub is healing from his ordeal and he plans to file a civil lawsuit against the government for damages. Whitehead wants Congress to hear these stories. In that way, Congress can stop the state to carry out civil commitments where victims are declared mentally ill without due process (and detained in psychiatric wards). People have the right to have freedom and to believe in controversial views. This is a police state like effort on the part of some state authorities.
There are a lot of black Africans in Europe. Now, this doesn't mean that I support European imperialism then or now. The first brother and the first sister (including all blacks then and now) on this Earth inherently have a peaceful nature. This means that our people (or black people) traveled into Europe. Their stories, culture, and beautiful insights ought to be made public for all people to understand and comprehend. Our people's journey has a long historical significance, because Africans are ever resilient. Our black brothers and black sisters in Europe need to know that we love them, we appreciate them, and we respect them as equal human beings (from us black people from the Diaspora & Africa). One African American sister Dana Saxon talked about black people in the Netherlands. She exposed the evil black face imagery shown by some Dutch people. It's proven that racism in the states is just as harsh as racism in Europe (it's just shown sometimes differently in both areas). I promise to God, I will never be assimilated to oppression and I will publicly fight against racism wherever it is found. I will defend my family, my people, and my blood forever more. Yet, many places in Europe have great black people and they love their black African identity. I want to make that clear. More information is being shown worldwide about the Black People in Turkey or the Afro-Turks. I heard of the Afro-Turks years ago, but now I am learning more about these special human beings as times travels along. The Turkish photographer named Ahmet Polat published images of the Afro-Turkish people in his photo book entitled, "AFRO-TURK." This work presents images of black African Turks who reside in the region of Izmir. The Ottoman Empire immorally took black slaves from Kenya and Sudan and placed them into Turkey. Some black sisters were used as the Sultan's harem, which is disgraceful on the part of the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman Empire reaped what it has sown by being gone from the face of the Earth, thank God. The abolition of slavery came about in Turkey. Ahmet Polat in May of 2011 shown his newest publication on the Afro-Turkish community at gallery Liefhertje in the Hague. One image of Ahemt Polat shows an Afro-Turk man Melik wrapping a virginity belt on his daughter's waist. Afro-Turkish Jazz singer Melis Sokmen talks about her African heritage before. Sait Sokmen is a ballet dancer. He's the son an Guinea mother and Turkish father. Esmeray was an Afro-Turkish female singer. Most Afro-Turkish people live along the Aegean coast. Tons of Afro-Turkish people are strong and are fighting against racial discrimination that is found in Turkey too. Mustafa Olpak formed the organization of "Afro-Turks" in the end of 2006 (in the North Aegean city of Ayvalik). Olpak wrote an autobiography about his black ancestry via his book entitled, "Slave Coast." He met 2,000 Afro-Turks in recent years. Olpak is bringing awareness to the celebrations and rights of the Afro-Turks like reviving the traditional Calf Festival. Many Afro-Turkish human beings live in poverty. There is the football Afro-Turkish person named Hadi Turkmen. The Afro-Turkish people are researching their history more. Now, brothers like Olpak are doing their best to fight for the rights and the interests of the Afro-Turkish people. White supremacy (which is from their father, the Devil) hasn't changed and the leaders of it haven't. White supremacists are responsible for the enslavement and conquering of continents (mostly among people of color) including using atomic weapons against civilian populations. It isn't the just some of the Europeans harming our people, but the orchestrators of the Maafa aren't off the hook though. This is the real world. If you want to be real, show the truth. It's our job to destroy white supremacy from the face of the Earth (via productive methods, activism, love for our people, and real solutions without indiscriminate, unjust violence. Although, I do believe in self defense. In this imperfect world, we have no choice but to advocate self defense. Our enemy uses bigotry and I reject bigotry) as the original humans on this Earth. This is more than enough for us to promote the beauty and intellectual strength of black African peoples.
There is a famous movie called "The Immortal: War of the Gods." The film came out on November 11, 2011. It describes about how the gods need a hero. The movie represents the revitalization of the Greek mythos inside of popular culture. The movie shows a story. It outlines the story about an ancient Greek peasant named Theseus. Theseus leads an army to defend humanity from attack of the Titans (or the the ancient Greek gods that want to wipe out humans. The Titans are older than the 12 major Olympian gods and goddesses). Theseus is related to the story about the Minotaur. The movie uses the character Theseus as a back story. The plot of the film is similar to other films that talk about battles and end times scenarios though. The movie talks about Heaven can't defend us, so the gods can save us. The gods are mythical beings as shown in paganism. They represent Nature, life in general, animals, personalities, and other facets of the Universe. The gods in real life don't exist, because there is only one true God that created the entire Universe. Some people exploit God's creation in trying to worship his Creation instead of the Creator. Some Christians believe that the term gods is code for fallen angels or demons. Continuing, the movie shows Theseus battling a hybrid Titan. This Titan has 2 horns on its head. Theseus is the hero of the movie or the Christos archetype (like the Neo character found in the Matrix trilogy film). In Greek mythology, Theseus was the offspring of a human woman and the Geek god Poseidon. The war of the gods is very similar to the Biblical war in Heaven between angelic beings and the armies of Satan. the trailer depicts the god Zeus falling like a star to the Earth (this is very similar to the prophecy found in Revelation 9). Zeus is the Greek god of thunder. This film alludes to the falling of the fallen angles into Tartarus where they were imprisoned. Also, Jesus in the New Testament said that he saw Satan fall from Heaven like lightning. Hyperion is the villain in the film. He wears a helmet and has 2 horns on his head. He acts as a devil like character. He wants to free the imprisoned evil warrior beings from Mt. Tartarus in order for them to wage war on humanity. This distorts the Biblical prophecy that those imprisoned angels will be used at a time that God determines to be freed as part of the punishment of the unbelieving world. In the film, the hero is not God Almighty and His righteous angels (the “good gods” in the film, unable to interfere in the conflict, are relegated to the sideline), but a man, Theseus endowed with supernatural power. Theseus in the film wants to lead humanity to save themselves from doom. Judeo-Christian prophecy shows the Antichrist that fakes being a friend of humanity, but later he will betray humanity (leading the world into chaos, war, and destruction). The gods in the film use this human hero as a means to unite them. In the movie, the villain Hyperion’s main goal is to become “immortal” and be godlike. He fails in this but Theseus, does indeed become a god at the end of the film. A final scene shows Theseus in the heavens fighting alongside hundreds of other gods. While on Earth statues are made in honor of him (similar to the image of the Beast as found in Revelation 13 where folks are forced to worship). Zeus is shown as the good god that uses Theseus to defend humanity against Hyperion. The film describes Phaedra of the Sibylline Oracle. The Sibylline oracles are claimed to predict the future and some were under drugs or exaggerations. Many of the books called the Sibylline Oracles mix paganism, and Christian themes as an excuse to promote the ideology of the Sibylline movement. Pheadra wears red. She or the oracle recruits and persuades Theseus to start the war in order for him to achieve godhood. Theseus is seduced by Pheadra. The "Immortals" film is a display of Greek mythology. Also, it has huge similarities and it spins the story of the war between God and his Angels (against Satan and his demons. This story is found in the Bible). The entertainment industry is very spiritual, but it has a fascination with the occult, Gnosticism, the occult, spiritualism, etc. The Gnostic/pagan false gospel is ever promoted in Hollywood Babylon. The hero Lord Yeshua ben Yoseph (a holy prophet, the Messiah, and peace be upon his name) certainly pronounced better words than the myths of Zeus or Theseus.
In our days, the political reality is here. We understand the corruption of both the Republicans and the Democrats. We realize the threats of the neo-cons and the establishment liberals (who bow at the feet of the Democrats, but refuse to expose the Western empire and refuse to talk about the evil Simpson/Bowles committee recommendations that will dismantle the legitimate portions of the Great Society & the New Deal). When the Democrats held 2 houses of Congress and the White House, the similarities policies from the previous administration still persisted. It's just that the Romney team wants a more radical austerity than the President wants. It is clear though that the Republicans aren't our saviors. The Republicans in their leadership promote the interests of the 1 percent, some of them love greed, evil voter ID laws, and many of them even advocate anti-civil liberty/anti-immigrant policies. Some people are voting for Jill Stein of the Green Party, Rocky Anderson of the Justice Party, and even the libertarian candidate Gary Johnson. At the grassroots level, it is feasible for people having the right to vote for candidates from the third and fourth parties. Some folks have tried the same script over and over again and a better result didn't came about. The left and right gatekeepers use tactics in trying to keep the citizenry in the corporate duopoly. The Electoral college ultimately determines the winner of the Presidential election. Still, I believe in voting. I don't want the voting rights of human beings to be thwarted at any juncture. People died for that right and that right ought to be respected. Folks should never become intimidated by extremists who seek to hamper the right to vote. The right to vote ought to be permanently maintained. Now, I have some disagreements with President Barack Obama, but I don't hate the man. Some individuals hate the man because of political reasons, racial reasons, or personality reasons. On ther other hand, it's our job to treat our neighbors as ourselves. We can agree to disagree on some points along with respecting the President and his family as equal human beings too.
By Timothy