Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Trayvon Martin

Did i say anything about superiority?..Let alone a particular race being surperior?
Put it this way do ur own reasearch about enzyme ihibitors n calcified pinal gland scholars blk and white contribute to these claims.
In that case i wonder why scientist are so astounded with blk nueromelanin with is produced in blks pinal gland,theres no better melanin then nueromelanin.
Blk produces all colors genecticly, the process of melanin creation is quite complicated yet explainable.


Brotha obviously you read my comment the wrong way...I was talking about how mofos like Alex Jones and a lot of these right wing based media outlets are trying to flip the script on what's really happening to make themselves look like victims of something and are trying to distort the truth...all that black people racebaiting crap is b____  to try to negate the serious racism going and that's being called out by black people...and the NBP aren't doing any vigilante act they just want an arrest