Monday, August 27, 2012

Henry Makow is wrong to support Papal leaders exterminating people via the Inquisition.

Al Thompson said (August 26, 2012):
Geez, this article is a pantload. First of all, assuming there's any truth to the bible, it is impossible for the Catholic church to be Christian; it is pagan throught and through. All Tony needed to do is to read the Canons and Decrees of the Council of Trent and compare it to the bible. The contradictions are so obvious, it would be completely impossible to believe that it is Christian. Having been raised as a Catholic, I can tell you that the Roman Catholic church is a lunatic farm. The only thing more evil is Satan himself. If Talmudic Jews had anything to do with anything, it would have been to establish a bogus church under the name of Christ. I am seeing a lot of evidence that point to that possibility. Then again, maybe the idea of Christ was completely fabricated to lure mankind into idolatry. There were many good writings left out of the bible which I cover in my book, and if it wasn't for them, I would have given up on Christianity long ago. Just look at the conduct of the people in that church and the industrial grade of child abuse. If that's Christian; then Christianity is pagan.
The Protestant churches aren't any better. In fact, I've never seen a Christian church nor have I experienced one.


Marcos said (August 26, 2012):
This article is more of a rant than a logical text. Is the author comparing the political ploy in England to the Reformation movement that brought back Christianity from a rotten Roman Church to the basics of the faith? If so, he is pathetically wrong.
They are two totally different events.
The Inquisition was an effort to save the church from the Talmudists ? Then why did they burned faithful Christians for possessing a translated Bible ? Why did they persecute real Christians ?
If Tony wanted to paint the Roman Church in a nice way, or really expose the Talmudists, he could have used the much better example of Masonic persecution of Catholic priests in France during the Revolution, or the attacks on the Church in Mexico by Masons in the XIX century.
Instead, he opted to attack the Reformation and praise the murderous Inquisition. We wonder what was his objective by choosing this path.
All I can do is ask Mr Tony to blitz away from the robes of his priest and go back to the history books, and not to leave the room until he learns something.
