Pro-God, Pro-Human Life, anti-New World Order, Anti-Nefarious Secret Societies, Pro-Civil Liberties, anti-Torture, anti-National ID Card, Pro-Family, Anti-Neo Conservativism, Pro-Net Neutrality, Pro-Home Schooling, Anti-Voting Fraud, Pro-Good Israelis & Pro-Good Palestinians, Anti-Human Trafficking, Pro-Health Freedom, Anti-Codex Alimentarius, Pro-Action, Anti-Bigotry, Pro-9/11 Justice, Anti-Genocide, and Pro-Gun Control. My name is Timothy and I'm from the state of Virginia.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Wednesday Information in August
The current administration threatens to invade Syria under certain circumstances. US and NATO officials discussed plans for a possible U.S. invasion of Syria. Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad is the man that the rebels want overthrown or killed. President Barack Obama contemplated a direct attack on Syria at a press conference during Monday night. Further military plans were proposed via a delegation. This delegation was led by Assistant Secretary for State for Near East Affairs Beth Jones. Beth Jones discussed U.S. military plans with Turkey. State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said that Defense Department and U.S. intelligence officials met their Turkish counterparts to share operational pictures, and talk about what they can do effectively. Senior U.S. officials said that contingency plans for U.S. intervention in Syria include scenarios requiring tens of thousands of American troops. At a press conference at the White House Monday, Obama declared: “I have indicated repeatedly that President al-Assad has lost legitimacy, that he needs to step down. So far, he hasn’t gotten the message, and instead has double downed in violence on his own people. The international community has sent a clear message that rather than drag his country into civil war he should move in the direction of a political transition. But at this point, the likelihood of a soft landing seems pretty distant.” The President that he would execute military engagement if chemical or biological weapons are moved or used in Syria. He said that the chemical weapons of Syria concerns people in region like the Israelis. He doesn't want these weapons to be in the hands of what he deems "the wrong people." President Barack Obama said that the red line for him is if Syria uses chemical weapons on the rebels or spread such weapons to others in the region. Another U.S. imperialist war could happen after Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, Libya, Yemen, etc. Currently, the West is aiding al-Qaeda related forces in Syria who are trying to overthrow the Syrian President. They could get these stockpiles of weapons. These terrorists are bombing buildings and utilizing assassinations, yet the U.S. justify these acts of the rebels as a means to promote some possible invasion. While at the same time, the US claims to fight against al-Qaeda. This is contradictory and hypocrisy to a great degree. So, we know that terrorist groups are a major force among the anti-Assad forces. Syria is divided along sectarian lines. Sunni Islamist forces, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey have worked with the West in desiring some regime change inside of the nation of Syria. Even in Tripoli, Lebanon 4 people were killed and more than 60 wounded via firefights between Sunni Muslims and Shiite Alawites. We hope that America will not use military attacks in Syria, because a peaceful solution is superior than war mongering. Many nations have promoted a more peaceful solution over there. The West wants to have more energy rich and geo-strategically vital regions of the Persian Gulf and Central Asia. Syrian Deputy Prime Minister Qadri Jamil wants a negotiation with the other side and even a possible Assad resignation (as being negotiable not as a precondition). Russia and China don't want a repeat of Libya. They don't believe in imposing democracy by bombs. They opposed 3 UN Security Council resolutions that could give the West a justification for U.S. aggression against Syria. So, the Syrian story continues. The future is uncertain, but the truth is that negotiation and peace should be a reality in that part of the world.
People realize that the state has enacted extremist behavior before, which totally violates human free speech rights. A man was kicked off a flight over an anti-TSA shirt. So, a man and his wife were not allowed to fly on a Delta Airlines flight. The T-shirt was satirical, but these people weren't terrorists at all. Arijit Guha wrote about his experiences in his blog. He wrote about he was flying out of the Buffalo-Niagara airport. This was after he attended his wife's grandfather's funeral. He passed through security without a problem. Later, Guha was approached by a Delta agent who informed him that his attire was making passengers nervous. The shirt was critical of the TSA since it acted paranoid. It protested some of the excess actions of airport security. “I was then questioned by TSA about the significance and meaning of the shirt,” writes Guha. “I politely explained that it was “mocking the security theater charade and over-reactions to terrorism by the general public — both of which we’re seeing right now, ironically.” The agents inquired as to the meaning of the term “ZOMG” and who it was that I thought was “gonna kill us all.” As best I could tell, they seemed to find my explanation that I didn’t think anyone would be killing us all and that I was poking fun at overwrought, irrational fears exhibited by certain members of the flying public to be satisfactory. And moreover, they clearly deemed my shirt to be no legitimate threat.” The Delta agents said that he and his wife could the plane. Yet, they had to search their belongings and the man must removed his T-Shirt. Guha agreed. When Guha was boarding the plane, he was pulled aside again by a Delta supervisor accompanied by 3 TSA agents including multiple Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority transit police. “I was questioned some more and my wife was also pulled out of line for additional questioning and screening. Our bags were searched, my shirt was photographed, we were asked multiple questions about the cause of our visit, how often we make it to western NY, and our drivers’ license numbers were taken and radioed in for what seemed to be Gulla and a quick background check,” writes Guha. Guha and his wife were searched many times. They were still barred form being inside of the plane. The pilot commented that their presence would result in consternation amongst other passengers. Guha wrote that his right to question authority was a primary factor in why he was refused to fly Delta. Guha was still questioned by transit police and where Guha's brother lived, because he had originally purchased the T-shirt as a gift. Guha was subjected to further interrogation by the Buffalo-Niagara transit police officer. Guha opted out of a naked body scan. The truth is that for the TSA and police authorities to act this way toward an innocent man signifies that we have a long way to go in having a real society where human civil liberties are respected. The super wealthy typically don't have to experience this level of ignorant harassment, but other folks do.
In human history, people issue signs about their religion, culture, and other parts of their cultural identities. The sun and the moon in secret orders and other organizations have unique meanings. Ancient priests and priestesses knew about the esoteric significance of the sun and the moon. The sun and the moon is pictured in Masonic apron, books, and other parts of the Masonic Lodges for centuries. The sun is related to the day and the moon is related to the night. The ancients used the imagery of the sun and the moon in their art and architecture (this is found in the Ancient Mystery Schools). Secret societies wanted to safeguard the ancient wisdom, but the common man didn't have access to this wisdom throughout the ages. In a few centuries, some secret societies have been hijacked by the elitists in trying to control society (and create a new world order system). The global elite don't want real wisdom to come about which can empower human beings spiritually. In Masonic art, the sun is on the right hand side and the moon is on the left hand side facing up. This same pattern is found in Renaissance artwork. The Renaissance was a time in Europe where the classics and other occult philosophies were revitalized in mostly Catholic Europe (as Constantinople fell via the Muslim Turks). Raphael's depiction of Jesus Christ via his "Crucifixion" work shows the sun on the right hand of Jesus and the Moon on his left. Michelangelo did the same pattern in his Sistine Chapel artwork. Scholars believe the the sun and the moon represents the dual male and female archetypes of the Universe. The sun is shown as masculine and the moon is associated with the feminine aspect of the Universe (as proven in many alchemical texts like Michael Maier's "Atalanta fugiens" from 1618). The alchemical work can never be completed without the complementary principles of the sun and the moon. The sun and the moon are the pairs of opposites in the Universe. It's very similar to the concept of Jachin and Boaz pillars in Freemasonry and the Yin/Yang symbol of Doaism. On average these heavenly bodies show their faces on Earth for about 12 out of 24 hours. The sun’s diameter is 400 times that of the moon, but, due to the moon’s close proximity, both orbs appear the same size in the sky (or the ratio of the sun's diameter over its distance from the Earth is similar to the moon's diameter over its distance from the Earth). This ratio pattern exists among the planets in our solar system. Now, this is used by some to be proof of a superior intelligence creating the Universe. For me personally, I call this superior intelligence as being God. The sun and the moon prove that there is a duality in the Universe (from male to female, hot and cold, 0 and 1 in binary patterns, etc.). Of course, things are more complicated as humans are beyond dualism. Humans are made up of fractals, advanced DNA structures, and other great qualities.
One of the great revolutionary parts of my life was when I evolved on my economic views. For thousands of years, a select few have wrecked havoc and social destruction in the human race for nefarious reasons. Our economic reality has totally collapsed the arguments of Austrian economics, because the free market alone can never solve every social or economic ill known to man. The free market is not omnipotent and it is not God. It is right to advocate a system where the betterment of humanity is shown to all human beings not just the privileged few. Vulture capitalism took control of the world's economic and political system in the world by the early 20th century. It failed in our time in the early 21st century. In the economy, we have the exchange of goods and services and we should decide who controls the means of production (either by private means, public means, or a mixed control). Many companies act according to their own interests instead of promoting the people's interests. The human race is intelligent enough to handle its own economic affairs excluding oligarchy. The lies that the U.S. should attack any nation under any circumstances, that all manufacturing should be privately owned, and that corporations should be taxed as little as possible have been refuted in our days. Even GE back in 2010 paid no major taxes. Predatory capitalism has no benefits for folks, especially the common man. The reason is that system makes human beings to be reduce into commodities of a sick order. Many successful movements developed after people took matters in their own hands and fought in the grassroots levels. These innovators opposed the concentration of power into a few hands. The same monopolists were the robber barons in America. They even influenced the cause of the Stock Market Crash of 1929. Even Franklin Delano Roosevelt was right to reorganize the economic and political structure of our nation that would help the American workers (beyond the interests of the Rockefellers and the Morgans). The vulture capitalist system is responsible for the 2 world wars, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, the war on terror, unemployment, bailout looting, poverty, and other forms of human misery. The steps we have taken toward in this human rights movement ought not to be diminished. To see the Bill of Rights, the Preamble to the Constitution, the American Declaration of Independence, the Social Security system, the women's right to vote, civil rights legislation, and other events were watershed moment in our progression to freedom and justice. Still, we need changes in our political structures in order to give all people true equality. Sometimes, the predatory system will throw in some bones to stop the more harsh practices of the machine (without ending the whole system and forming a better system). When you have a system where a cabal of people uses the state to enforce domination of privately owned cartels and corporations, then you have fascism. This fascist group of the elite have attacked our constitutional freedom for centuries and now people talk about it more since 2001 (because even some realize that the domestic spying, the Patriot Act, the voter suppression, etc. are wrong, immoral actions). What's the solution? The solution isn't indiscriminate violence. First, we should start in our own communities and advocate real economic principles. These principles includes that all human beings in the world should have access to food, and clothing. All human beings have the right to have a decent home. All human beings have the right to adequate medical care without exceptions. All human beings have the right to universal education. All people should have an opportunity to get a job and experience fair wages. Also, we should organize in independent organizations that fight against crime, violence, and poverty. If you get rid of poverty, the crime rate will go down. Joining citizen action groups, boycotting, and even working in cooperatives can help society as well. Regardless of what the Tea Party, the CNP, or the Heritage Foundation would say, the reality is that social transformation of society via progressive means can enrich the hearts plus the minds of the human citizenry.
Of course in African culture, there is diversity. There is a diversity of ethnic groups, nations, languages, histories, religions (as Africa is the origin of human spirituality), and other basic parts of the human experience. Thousands of ethnic groups exist in Africa including hundreds of languages. The diverse geographic areas in Africa make Africa rich culturally as well. Culture is not always going to be static permanently. Evolution in culture is a normal anthropological reality. African culture is very colorful and interesting. Yet, there are some uniform principles in African culture though. African culture is heavily communal beyond the rugged individualism. That means that in African culture, there is a high emphasis on the importance of the family in assisting the community. There is an organization of tribes, families, and communities in the maintenance of societal structures. Spirituality, music (even Diaspora black people expressing jazz, soca, hip hop, dance, the blues, etc. have elements from African traditions. Ge'ez from Ethiopia, Swahili in Eastern Africa, and Igbo language from West Africa offer a great explanation of the unique culture of Africa. The cultural spirit of Diaspora Africans is from Africa period. Ge'ez is the oldest African script still in usage today), intellectual growth, family development, and other component consist heavily of African culture. Even in a technological age, cultural preservation is a great means where human beings can grow confidence and extend freedom throughout the world. Now, we should have a sense of not only black consciousness, but cohesion among our people. That means that we should be free socially and intellectually in order for us to better unite with our black brothers and black sisters living in the globe. This unity relates to growing our community. The concept of a functional community is a pristine portion of black African culture. Africaness is when you have a cultural understanding of African peoples links and interconnectedness to development and civilization. For us to be pan-African, we have to respect African culture and our black African heritage. This culture can be found in the places of : [Conakry, Guinea], [Dar es Salaam, Tanzania], [Ibadan, Nigeria], [Kano, Nigeria], [Accra, Ghana], [Lagos, Nigeria], etc. (all of these locations have over 1 million people living in the cities). In the final analysis, I am a black African and my culture is beautiful.
By Timothy
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