Monday, August 27, 2012

The Left/Right Paradigm, Politics, and More Info

The "2016: Obama's America" film is interesting. It's similar to the birther movement, but it's more sophisticated. It's part of the Left/Right Paradigm. The film says that since the President is bad, so we must be all Republicans. That's silliness since we have the right to be Independent politically or be in any party that we desire to be in. The Republican Party have proven to be in favor of not only austerity, but the war mongering, neo-conservative tenets, and some of their leaders have allied with fascist movements for decades. The film promotes the lie of Austrian economics or that the idea that tax cuts for the wealthy and draconian spending cuts will cause massive economic development in the world. The documentary is promoted by the notorious neo-con Dinesh D'Souza (he is an Indian American). The reality is that we should try to decrease the deficit long term, but now we need investments to build up our economic system here short term (even if means spending money to do it). He is pro-Roman Catholic too. The Knights of Malta, the Opus Dei, and the CNP are Vatican allied groups who are in league with the GOP (among numerous circumstances). The documentary promotes the lie that since the President has an international background and has ancestry from Kenya, then he wants to take revenge for colonialism. President Barack Obama is a family man for the GOP using the ethnic card is sickening. Dinesh claims to promote peace with the images of candles (plus the peace sign) in his documentary, but he agrees with the evil war on terror (that caused Western war crimes, pollution, genocides, and sick anti-human sanctions). The same imperialists that oppressed Dinesh's own people is using him to promote globalization & neo-liberal propaganda (which is the economic agenda of these supremacists). Documentaries like these don't look at the big picture. The big picture is the corporate elite funds both President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney. Both men agree with war mongering against Syria, the continuation of support for the corporate financier interests, and the surveillance state system that harms our human civil liberties domestically. Banking interests from Wall Street and London enhance the political movements of the 2012 Election. Every four years, we have the same theatre. Each candidate says nothing about real trade, the war on Drugs, or radical changes to poverty. They won't talk about a guaranteed annual income for all Americans. Both major candidates are nearly identical in their foreign policy views. You can make a case that Bush is just like Obama and Romney (except on some social issues primarily). Fortune 500 multinational corporations and banks in some cases have more power than sovereign nations. Corporate entities from McKinsey and Company, Goldman Sachs, Raytheon, and General Dynamics funds the Republicans and the Democrats. Yet, I am not apathetic though. The President is our brother and we should respect the brother President Barack Obama and his family. Still, we shouldn't bow before him though. I have hope and I do believe that real solutions are possible. Activists are right that in the local levels, we should promote self determination and use grassroots efforts to transform our own communities. We should get organized and educate ourselves about the issues of the day. Telecom monopolies, big oil, big defense, big agribusiness, and Big pharma's errors and corruption ought to be exposed. The growth of real local businesses can make solutions more palatable for human beings. We should exploit real technology that can further help people quicker and helper. If modern technology is invented to make access to health care faster, to make other solutions better, then all of us can benefit from it (from all socioeconomic classes). Our history and our culture shouldn't be made into a profit to be marketed by the mainstream entertainment industry. We have to work and be active to help our people period.

The evil goal of depopulation of human beings haven't died. The neo-Malthusians are still here and we have the right to fight against the evil agenda of Malthusianism. That agenda is to call for the radically depopulation of the human population under the guise of "saving Nature." There is a report that was publicised in April of 2011 by the Royal Society. It was entitled, "People and the Planet." The Royal Society want s the massive population reduction and de-industrialization of the west. The article uses slick undertones in trying to their "recommendations" across the board. Some in MIT wanted the same goals of depopulation. The Royal Society wants more death and mega cities. Of course, Paul Ehrlich supports the goals and aim so the report. Ehrlich is a person that is known to advocate radical depopulation measures in the world. He said the following: "...“How many of your support depends on lifestyles.”, Ehrlich stated. “We came up with 1.5 to 2 billion because you can have big active cities and wilderness. If you want a battery chicken world where everyone has minimum space and food and everyone is kept just about alive you might be able to support in the long term about 4 or 5 billion people. But you already have 7 billion. So we have to humanely and as rapidly as possible move to population shrinkage.” “How many of your support depends on lifestyles.” Ehrlich stated. “We came up with 1.5 to 2 billion because you can have big active cities and wilderness. If you want a battery chicken world where everyone has minimum space and food and everyone is kept just about alive you might be able to support in the long term about 4 or 5 billion people. But you already have 7 billion. So we have to humanely and as rapidly as possible move to population shrinkage.” The reality is that our population growth will level and decrease by 2050. I believe in a radical redistribution of economic and political power, but I don't agree with radical depopulation methods against human life. Ehrlich claims that nuclear wars, catastrophic diseases, and other evils are going to happen if we don't follow his wild solutions. The truth is that strong modernization can stabilize population growth and prevent the need for extreme policies. The Royal Society report wants the most developed nations to have investment in sustainable resources, and other actions. Some of these goals are similar to the Agenda 21's plan to gradually de-industrialize the world. Some in the 2012 Earth Summit want mega cities or dense urban areas to be used as a means to control populations. The catch is that these mega cities could be bounded under thick walls and people could be heavily preventing in discovering rural communities. Some like Michail Fragkias wanted cities to be higher in height not in width in order for the environment to be better. More professors are calling for more population control and promote forced culling of humans into limited locations. In addition the professor said: “Ending human population growth is almost certainly a necessary (but not sufficient) condition for preventing catastrophic global climate change. Indeed, significantly reducing current human numbers may be necessary in order to do so.” The call for compact cities, filled to the brim with humans, is part of the UN’s depopulation agenda. Within these proposed mega-cities humans will be allowed to use RFID technology so they can be kept in check. The rest of the world, the “countryside” as one of the scientists told MSNBC, is reserved for the elite. University College's Emeritus Professor John Guillebuad depicted his population control as similar to a machine gun, a hospital bed, and a knife. Humanity was called an enemy in the promotion of population control as found in the Club of Rome's 1993 "The First Global Revolution." Real humanity is never an enemy, but an ally to improve our environmental ecologically & socially. Professor Dittmann supports this population control rhetoric and he is allied with UNESCO. UNESCO was founded by Julian Huxley. Huxley was the Vice President of the Eugenics Society and a promoter of transhumanism. Julian Huxley admitted the philosophy of UNESCO in the following terms: "..Even though it is quite true that any radical eugenic policy will be for many years politically and psychologically impossible, it will be important for UNESCO to see that the eugenic problem is examined with the greatest care, and that the public mind is informed of the issues at stake so that much that now is unthinkable may at least become thinkable.” So, regardless of the slick euphemisms that some people may use, some folks still want the same goal of radical population control against human life. Now, it is just to promote environmental reform. That's true since many deluded individuals want to use the phrase of "private property rights" as an excuse to subsequently pollute the air, water, and Earth. Pollution is a sin and it is immoral at every turn.

Post-Apartheid South Africa still have economic and poverty issues. The evil of apartheid is gone from South Africa. That's a great thing and we should rejoice over it. Botha was an enemy. The ANC (or the African National Congress) promised the mostly black population of South Africa many reforms. Black people are 85 percent of the population of South Africa, yet the poverty and economic issues still exist among many of the black South Africans. Jobs have been gone. The costs for electricity, water, foods, and rents have skyrocketed outright. This is why many scholars and nationalists believe that the ANC, the COSATU (or the Congress of South African Trade Unions), and the SACP betrayed their roots and sold Black Africa out. Too often, we see a Western capitalist power structure controlling much of the infrastructure of South Africa. During our time period, ANC never advocated radical solutions, but moderation. Moderation never caused a successful revolution in human history. It was radical action not moderation that ended Jim Crow in America. It was radical action not moderation that freed Haiti from French imperialists & terrorists. ANC's neo-liberal philosophy is antithetical to a democratic social revolution. Heroes to black people like Chris Hani was assassinated on April 10, 1993. Even Thabo Mbeki studied at Sussex University. The massacre at Marikana is a sad event. 34 miners were murdered at Marikana, South Africa. Since 1994, many of the elite capitalist class collaborated with Western interests in order to control the workers of South Africa. Recently, thousands of miners went on strike in South Africa's largest platinum mine in Marikana. Later, government authorities murdered 34 black miners via police gunfire. Some of the survivors face charges of murder (in the deaths of 2 policemen and 8 other miners). The miners rejected the National Union of Mineworkers and the Communist Party since the miners wanted higher wages. Marikana struggled to fight for workers' rights. The revolution isn't yet complete in South Africa. The good news is that South Africa represents a great change for Africa. South Africa is a sign that real people will forever reject anti-colonial actions and we can have a chance for true liberation. It is wrong to have Western interests to suppress the rights of workers and to use multinationals to dominate the institutions of South Africa. Black people anywhere in the world shouldn't be exploited to work in cheap labor. Jay Naidoo (or the former general secretary of the COSATU) said that many of the workers live in hovels, informal squatter camps, and they are surrounded by poverty (without basic services). This economic inequality maintains the lifestyle of the middle class plus the rich. The SACP allies with the ANC and even the COSATU compromises with ANC. The workers at Marikana tried to turn to a rival and more radical union called the AMCU. That is why people in South Africa are continually fighting to eliminate Western corporate neo-colonial domination of South Africa. South Africa will win in the future though.

Iceland has shown the world on how to handle economic depression. The Nobel prize winning economist Joe Stgilitz said that Iceland did the right thing. You can't let the creditors of private go wild and do what they want to do. Krugman explained how Iceland escaped economic Armageddon. Instead of allowing permanent bailouts of private banks, Iceland did something unique. Iceland let the banks to go bust and expanded the social safety net. Iceland didn't try to compromise or placate investors, but Iceland created temporary controls on the movement of capital to give itself room to maneuver. That is why some want the banks to go bust. When Iceland told the banks to go bust, Iceland's economy developed better than all all the other countries to let the banks to push them around. Iceland allowed the losses by the bankers to be sent into the hands of the bondholders instead of the taxpayers. Iceland safeguarded the welfare system, which shielded the unemployed from penury helped to propel the nation from collapse. Iceland has a recovery (by refusing to protect creditors in its banks. They failed in 2008 after their debts bloated to 10 times the size of the economy). Iceland didn't make the taxpayers liable for the bank losses (but only the industry's creditors). “Iceland did the right thing … creditors, not the taxpayers, shouldered the losses of banks,” says Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz, an economics professor at Columbia University in New York. “Ireland’s done all the wrong things, on the other hand. That’s probably the worst model." Ireland guaranteed all the liabilities of its banks when they ran into trouble and has been injecting capital — 46 billion euros ($64 billion) so far — to prop them up. That brought the country to the brink of ruin, forcing it to accept a rescue package from the European Union in December. Countries with larger banking systems can follow Iceland’s example, says Adriaan van der Knaap, a managing director at UBS AG. “It wouldn’t upset the financial system,” says Van der Knaap, who has advised Iceland’s bank resolution committees. Arni Pall Arnason, 44, Iceland’s minister of economic affairs, says the decision to make debt holders share the pain saved the country’s future. “If we’d guaranteed all the banks’ liabilities, we’d be in the same situation as Ireland,” says Arnason, whose Social Democratic Alliance was a junior coalition partner in the Haarde government. “In the beginning, banks and other financial institutions in Europe were telling us, ‘Never again will we lend to you,’” Einarsdottir says. “Then it was 10 years, then 5. Now they say they might soon be ready to lend again.” Iceland even prosecuted white collar fraud. When a nation prosecutes banker fraud in a vibrant fashion, then the economy can be restored. Iceland is a real example that unique strategies in order for us to see economic renewal.

1943 was one of the most important parts of World War II. 1943 was the time when the Nazi Empire and the Japanese Empire began to lose a lot of battles. It was the beginning of the end of the Axis Powers. The Nazis began to withdrawal from the Caucasus on January 2-3, 1943. People realize that the Soviet stage their first offensive against the Germans in Stalingrad at January 10, 1943. The battle of Stalingrad continued from August 23, 1942 until February 2, 1943. Almost 2 million people from both sides died in the battle. Stalingrad is now Vologograd inside of the nation of Russia. The battle was one of the bloodiest battles in the history of warfare. There was a disregard for military and civilian casualties. The Axis' 6th Army was cut off of resources because of the winter snow. Axis resistance became weakened by 1943. The rest of the Axis forces surrendered or were destroyed. Operation Uranus was the Soviet offensive against the Nazis. The Red Army unleashed it via the command of General Nikolay Vatutin. There were 18 infantry divisions, 8 tank brigades, 2 motorized brigades, six cavalry divisions, and one anti-tank brigades. The Soviets used 3 complete armies by the names of the 1st Guards Army, 5th Tank Army, and 21st Army. During that time from January 14-24, 1943, Casablanca conference between Churchill and Roosevelt. During the conference, Roosevelt announces the war can end only with "unconditional German surrender." Later, Montgomery's Eighth Army took Tripoli. The Americans created their first bombing raid in Germany at Wilhelmshaven by January 27, 1943. The Soviets after winning Stalingrad took over Kursk at February 8, 1943. The Americans fight the Nazis' Panzers in North Africa. During later spring in May of 1943, the German and Italian troops surrender in North Africa. During the summer of 1943, the Allies go into Italy. They land in Sicily in July 9-10, 1943. The Allies bomb Rome in July 19, 1943. The Americans captured Palmero, Sicily later. Benito Mussolini was finally arrested and the Fascist government falls by July 25-26, 1943. Marshal Pietro Badoglio takes over and negotiates with Allies. The Allies continue to bomb Italy. Later, the Nazis rescued Mussolini and Mussolini temporary reestablished the fascist government in September 23, 1943. Russia recaptured Kiev in the Ukraine in the end of November of 1943. Also, Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin meet at Tehran to have their famous meeting by November 28, 1943. This was historical, because this was the first meeting of the Big Three. The Tehran conference lasted for four days. All of the men agreed with the confirmation of the Allies to invade Western Europe in the Spring of 1944. They planned to invade Southern France. There was a promise made by Stalin to join the war against Japan when Germany was defeated. The essence of World War II is made up of battles, ups and downs, and the evolution of the modern world. After WWII, the post-modern world began because an explosion of technology, the ending of imperialist empires, and the development of real social movements took shape.

By Timothy