Marie Bano

John Henry

Romney practices a historically racist religion. Nuff said. Racism is written in his bible, which is the foundation of his moral makeup.
John Henry
17 hours agoin reply to MST2010
John Henry

Why do black people have all of these problems? Because some of them buy into this mentality that you get better privileges by dealing with white instead of black. But at the end of the day, it is not the choice of black people to be grouped together. That is a circumstance of the racist system we live in. As white as you sound, as much as other blacks might try to ostracize you, and as much as you might try to separate yourself from the black community, the white people will still group you with the rest of us. Especially when it concerns dividing up resources like food, money, and property. Ask Obama, he could explain that to you really good. They deny any thing black about him. He has a white mother, he is not from the hood, he does not care about black issues, but at the end of the day he has still been called n-words, monkeys, and issued the same forms or racist rants used against the rest of the black people in this country.
I understand the issue about speaking standard english. I come from a family rooted in southern dialect. Yet I was highly intelligent and went to a prestigious school. I was constantly mocked by whites because of my black dialect and assumed to be ignorant. It caused me to embrace my heritage even more. I stated to myself that I will be the n-word they love to hate, and still be smarter than them. That is your answer as to why black people mocked you. I didn't value speaking proper english until I got older, wiser and entered into the work force. I recognized it as the business language of this country. So in business, I try to speak and write as white as I can. But when I'm home with my family, I speak freely. Some of my most endearing memories is hearing my grandmother use this improper english to talk to me. When you think about it, pick any foreign accent, besides "black", and you find it associated with intelligence or romance. Black accents are singled out as sounding "ignorant". This even applies to African accents from the continent of Africa. They are often used as the butt of jokes about ignorant people. The black people in the US was forced to learn to speak a foreign language without any class or training. They did an exceptional job. The inflections and choice or rejection of certain sounds are consistent with the language sounds of native African tongues. What is considered ignorant by the racist is really nothing more than an accent that has been passed down through the generations.
Am I better off today than I was 4 years ago? To answer that, yes I am. I constantly strive to improve on my life condition. Has the treatment of Black in the US changed over the past for years. No. Blacks have always had the highest unemployment rates, and are disproportionally imprisoned or denied employment based on race. What has changed is that since Obama came into office, the GOP has upped their war on race. The got rid of affirmative action, The put back in place voter suppression laws, They have entered several black communities and replaced the democratically controlled government with city managers appointed by republican governors. The GOP have made drastic cuts to early childhood education programs, and limited the availability of health care to the poor. This wasn't done by Obama. These are state ordinances. These were Republican laws that where passed at the ballot box because the black community was tricked into not voting for their own self interest. That is why we need to stay a strong family. United we stand, divided we fall.
15 hours agoin reply to MST2010
I understand the issue about speaking standard english. I come from a family rooted in southern dialect. Yet I was highly intelligent and went to a prestigious school. I was constantly mocked by whites because of my black dialect and assumed to be ignorant. It caused me to embrace my heritage even more. I stated to myself that I will be the n-word they love to hate, and still be smarter than them. That is your answer as to why black people mocked you. I didn't value speaking proper english until I got older, wiser and entered into the work force. I recognized it as the business language of this country. So in business, I try to speak and write as white as I can. But when I'm home with my family, I speak freely. Some of my most endearing memories is hearing my grandmother use this improper english to talk to me. When you think about it, pick any foreign accent, besides "black", and you find it associated with intelligence or romance. Black accents are singled out as sounding "ignorant". This even applies to African accents from the continent of Africa. They are often used as the butt of jokes about ignorant people. The black people in the US was forced to learn to speak a foreign language without any class or training. They did an exceptional job. The inflections and choice or rejection of certain sounds are consistent with the language sounds of native African tongues. What is considered ignorant by the racist is really nothing more than an accent that has been passed down through the generations.
Am I better off today than I was 4 years ago? To answer that, yes I am. I constantly strive to improve on my life condition. Has the treatment of Black in the US changed over the past for years. No. Blacks have always had the highest unemployment rates, and are disproportionally imprisoned or denied employment based on race. What has changed is that since Obama came into office, the GOP has upped their war on race. The got rid of affirmative action, The put back in place voter suppression laws, They have entered several black communities and replaced the democratically controlled government with city managers appointed by republican governors. The GOP have made drastic cuts to early childhood education programs, and limited the availability of health care to the poor. This wasn't done by Obama. These are state ordinances. These were Republican laws that where passed at the ballot box because the black community was tricked into not voting for their own self interest. That is why we need to stay a strong family. United we stand, divided we fall.

By using the old Reagan "are you better off four years ago than you are now?" says exactly where your loyalties lie.
The situation we find ourselves in did not just materialize 4 years ago. And if you cannot or will not acknowledge what Obama has been trying to do and has done given the climate surrounding him, Then by all means, stick to your party rhetoric and stop feigning ignorance and impartiality.
The situation we find ourselves in did not just materialize 4 years ago. And if you cannot or will not acknowledge what Obama has been trying to do and has done given the climate surrounding him, Then by all means, stick to your party rhetoric and stop feigning ignorance and impartiality.
Advice to everyone, just be prepared come November. Be prepared. If Obama wins again, things could get really nasty, very quickly. Watch your back, and keep your head on a swivel. Take extra precautions. There will be a lot of anger and frustration out there.
21 hours ago

Mitt Romney has zero percent of the Black vote because his Party did nothing but use us Black folks to play racial politics to their base during their primaries. From Newt Gingrich with his Black folks are the largest group on welfare and food stamps LIE. To Rick Santourm saying he'll teach Black people to work for our own money and not look take White folks money or look to the government for Handouts. Then both men went on the tee vee and LIED and not ONE, not ONE journalist called them what they are Liars. Then Mitt Romney himself goes to the NAACP convention and deliberately insults a room full of Black folks.
Can anyone wonder why he has Zero percent of Black people support. For the record we Blacks KNOW there are many Black folks who are extremely disappointed with President Obama. We also know many of them will not vote for him but the won't vote GOP/Tea Bagger /Conservative either.
Mitt Romney and the GOP has earned the disdain and Zero support of American Black citizens.
Joe Commuter
22 hours ago
Can anyone wonder why he has Zero percent of Black people support. For the record we Blacks KNOW there are many Black folks who are extremely disappointed with President Obama. We also know many of them will not vote for him but the won't vote GOP/Tea Bagger /Conservative either.
Mitt Romney and the GOP has earned the disdain and Zero support of American Black citizens.
Joe Commuter

When you are an utra wealthy, Mormon, former hedge funder named Mitt, I don't expect you to have a ton of Black friends. In fact, I would be amazed if you did have one, and not just an aquaintence, an actual, come over bring the wife and kids and have some dinner, friend. Don't call it racism on the Black, Latino, Asian man's part when you do everything you can to seperate yourself from the rest of humanity and place your values and culture ahead of all others at any cost.