In our generation it is time for action. A lot of violence in communities from across the country is wrong. Even some of the younger generation possess naivete, apathy, and self-hated. Although, we can't say a word about it unless we become active in solving our own problems. The only way that self hatred can be overcome is not by historical revisionism or ignoring racial oppression by white supremacy. It is done by self love, us sending a real education to people about black history (this history should outline the real history of brothers and sisters acting like warriors too) & black culture, and we should fight back against any form of injustice in the world. A black identified person loves their people, is confident, and is subsquently willing to grow the black cultural experience. We need to express or display the beauty and diversity of black people in the world. Dark skin is beautiful and having natural hair is a gift from God straight up. Sometimes, being politically incorrect is a solution to our problems. Bowing down before their nefarious system of laissez faire economics and Eurocentric religious supremacy never worked to psychologically benefit people of black African descent. You can look to history to see that. The day I started to pray to the Creator about my heritage and learned about my people was the time when I became more healthier, more confident, and more strong socially. This action of reform entails many things. It means that we should support successful black businesses (that have love for black people) in communities for real. It means that we should at least help our family members, our neighbors, and others in our own communities (it can be a neighborhood project, mediation to solve crime issues, dialogue, and other programs). Another solution is to maintain a strong moral conduct. That means that we should treat our sisters and brothers with respect. We should never intentionally try to hurt some one's feelings in an evil, vicious fashion. A traitorious white identified black person typically mistreat their own black people, while praising white people in general. We should be strong and act with dignity too. A real man doesn't mimic the behavior of the oppressors (these wicked oppressors orchestrated the Black Codes, mass incarceration, Jim Crow, oppressions against women, various genocides within the scope of human history, the War on Drugs, and other forms of atrocities for centuries, especially against people of color), but we ought to adhere to real moral actions in his daily life. A real man shouldn't dress up his words either. As a black I man, I will present my strength, my insight, and my wisdom to the world. I will never give up. I will show the fierceness of manliness unashamedly and without apology. Also, this is a war that we're in. We are at war especially psychologically (or our problem isn't just with external racism, but internal racism). This is why we as black people should lift up and inspire a brother or a sister suffering in life (for in that instance we should oppose publicly and privately the degradation of women). My mother and father inspired me to be humble to treat my neighbors as myself. That is one reason why I show real images of black men and black women loving each other, which accurately present healthy, stable relationships. That is important, because black people wouldn't exist without black men and especially black women. We should respect many black people being eclectic and expressing their talents in the realms of art, history, legal affairs, engineering, cooking, building things, etc. In this war , we should uplift and defend the interests of the poor and the oppressed of the world.
Learning about black history is about reconnecting with my heritage. It's about understanding the truth that the first peoples on Earth are black people, which others can't take away nor refute at all. In other words, today's scholars, geneticists, and anthropologists all admit that the Black Man and the Black Woman are the Original people of the Earth and all the other people groups came from Black people period. It's about realizing the contributions that my people enacted over thousands of years of human history. Also, black history gives me motivation and inspiration for me to do better and create real changes in world society. It is wise for a person to understand their past and present in order for the future to be more successful. Now, Black History Month exempflies the truth that black people overcame challenges in America and throughout the Earth. This doesn't mean that everything in the black community is peaches and cream with a sundae on top. We still have a long way to go worldwide to see the Promised Land. There is still a corporate system (which restrict who recieve the top of the ladder positions) that rewards folks that denigrate black people and it criticizes folks that talks about black suffering in a white supremacist system. Western society has made it a past time for people to hate on black people in general (for example, some corrupt law enforcement agencies have profiled, harmed, and immorally imprisoned people of black African descent all over the world. Police brutality is ever real and television shows present the most debased stereotypes about people of color all of the time). That means that not only we should fight against stereotypes and lies about our people. We should come out and certainly join independent organizations that are genuinely dedicated to creating results and black liberation. For example, if a real black book club promotes engaging, excellent literature, then we should support that book club. If a grassroot organization is helping the poor or fighting for just cause, we should assist that grassroots group. As Brother Kwame Ture said: "...Blood is thicker than water. We are an African people with an African ideology..." We should promote the worth of black men and black women and their roles in the human family. Also, grassroots programs that can help my people in a real fashion from anti-poverty measures, business development programs, heroic charities, and other acts are things that I support. Not to mention that in the future, we need to collaborate socially, economically, and politically more with our brothers and sisters in Africa and the rest of the Diaspora (including the rest of the Earth). Certain factions hate it when you want to even expose the white supremacy agenda explicitly. It's fine to talk about poverty, materialism, imperialism, and other ills in the world. Yet, black people want a real movement that can directly, help anyone of black African descent. A real movement is where there is Black Power in economics, education, business, health, and a wide spectrum of infrastructures in the black collective. Black movements also want independence. Independence means self-sufficiency. Independence represents a group of people having real Power to define and execute their own social/cultural destinies. That's independence. Black studies should be strongly promoted in our educational system too worldwide (not only in America). It is also important that we treat our neighbors as ourselves. We're human beings, so I respect all human beings as equals in my eyes.

2012 is here. 2013 is upon us in the future. The Glory of Africa is still exquisite and it shines greatly. The truth is not lukewarm, but it will go out to shine the light of resistance of injustice plus the love. You don't need compromise to rise to the summit of freedom, but strength and compassion will do the job. Compassion doesn't mean we promote evil strife within our people. Regardless of a person's physical appearance or background, all human beings are created equal deserving of love, dignity, respect, and justice. Our accomplishments as black people can line up libraries, museums, and huge buildings. Worldwide, people understand the heroic contributions of Frederick Douglas, Kamala Harris, Kwame Nkrumah, Marian Anderson, and Miriam Makeba. Still, one essence of our people is that we (who are of black African descent) harbor a kind respect for our relatives, our elders, and our ancestors. Everything isn't golden in the world and we shouldn't express naivety about our issues. In other words, we should continue to oppose materialism, we should fight against the negative stereotypes about our people in the entertainment industry, we should oppose militarism, and we ought to harbor the love of black liberation (via activism. Activism doesn't just mean sending money to a Foundation. It means that we ought to march, to speak out, help people face to face, communicate a reasonable message, and be willing to suffer the consquences of performing righteousness. Being conscious is one of the most fullfiling, exiquisite characteristics of a progressive human being). Human sacrifice is a pristine action. Yet, one thing is clear though. We should never express apathy. Apathy is about defeat or assuming a sick acceptance of the horrible conditions that plague our world. Instead of loving apathy, I will love resilience, truth, honor, and overcoming obstacles. I overcome obstacles every single day of life. There are black brothers and black sisters now working, helping the poor, fighting against HIV/AIDS, performing almsgiving, working in programs to assist their fellow human beings, and being blessed in other endeavors of their lives. Their contributions ought to be respected. Therefore, we should be a blessing to our people. One of the most important things that we can achieve is to unite with like minded brothers and sisters in our communities to form some solutions and adhere to Black Power. If one individual can make a difference, we collectively can make the world much better. There is nothing wrong with respecting or acquiring Power if it is harnessed in a correct direction. It is certainly excellent for us to form non-profits, real businesses, better institutions, and a kind heart that have a love for black people (especially those living in poor communities. One of the many signs of how much a human loves humanity is their love for the poor, the outcasts, or the suffering in life's road). Expressing fashion, soul, engineering, legal parameters, politics, scientific thinking, althetics, music, and dance are great definitions of black culture. We are a creative people. Righteous creativity never can hurt anybody. Maintaining a sense of morality is a critical part of black culture too. So, we should be active in fighting against crime in our own communities. Frankly, no one can effectively solve the problems of crime and other similar topics of our people like we can. For real strength deals with being a peacemaker and rejecting unjust violence at every turn. Inspiration is something that I like to display. Inspiration can build a soul up in an extraordinary fashion. A peep talk or gracious words can go a long way in allowing folks to fulfill goals and to experience happiness. I respect the brothers doing the right thing and I love the sisters (as the black sisters are the most beautiful women in the face of Earth and a joy to be around) performing righteous acts as well. Black Power is more than a slogan. It's a way of life. Black Power definitely is a phrase that the development of black families (It is truly a blessing when a black man and a black women have black children. Children are always a blessing in the eyes of the Creator. Also, even if a black person isn't married, that black person is equal too and have huge value in the world), and the growth of the black collective consciousness (as the late Brother Kwame Ture mentioned so many years ago). Now, in our life, we go through ups and downs. What have I learned is that we should continue to treat our neighbors as ourselves no matter what. We definitely ought to fight oppression, we can still institute programs to help our people, and we can still express creativity. It's just that we can't mistreat people. The reason is that if we mistreat a fellow human being, we will enact the same policies as our oppressors did.
We are victors not oppressors. We are Africans and we are one. There are people of black African descent living in Mexico, in Ecuador, in Guyana, in Suriname, in Uruguary, in Puerto Rico, in the Dominican Republic, in Haiti, in the rest of the Caribbean, in Asia, in Colombia (in a commerical, I saw Afro-Colombians running around to have a joyful time), in Venezula, in Peru, in Panama, in Africa, and throughout the world. No matter what land we live in currently, we are still Africans, we are still Black, and we are all beautiful point blank period. We fought and struggle for liberation. So, we have every God-given right to promote justice and liberation wherever we exist in the globe. That's the truth. I will always love my black people. All praise are due to the ancestors and the Creator.
By Timothy
I'm a believer.