Monday, August 06, 2012

History, Lessons, and Power in the 21st Century

Much information is necessary to learn in order for all of us to get a more comprehensive picture of black culture and black history in general. So, as black people we identify with Africa as the original of us. Also, we have a cultural connection with Africa and our brothers in sisters throughout the world from Brazil to South Africa. As the late Marcus Garvey said: "...A people without the knowledge of their past history origin and culture is like a tree without roots..." It's our goal to fight in this common struggle for the liberation of Black people everywhere. Imperialism and racism are some of our enemies that ought to be obliterated from the face of the Earth. The revolutionary words from Lummumba (a declassified document show that the President Dwight D. Eisenhower ordered a CIA hit on Lummumba in 1960), Malcolm X, CLR James, Amilcar Cabral, Fanon, Dr. King, and great sisters too inspire us in this day and beyond. The blacks in Africa and in the Caribbean greatly contributed their time, knowledge, and efforts to support the Civil Rights Movement inside of the United States of America. Ella Baker was one critical women who promoted the Civil Rights Movement. She was born in December 13, 1903 in Norfolk, Virginia (where I was born at too). As far back as in the 1930's, she worked in the civil rights and human rights movement. Behind the scenes, she worked with WEB DuBois, Thurgood Marshall, A. Philip Randolph, and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. She mentored the younger civil rights leaders (during the 1960's) like Diane Nash, Kwame Ture, Rosa Parks, and Bob Moses. She was raised in Littleton, North Carolina. Early on, Ella Baker taught about economic development, African history, and labor history. He worked in Harlem in order to promote the culture of black people. She protested Italy's invasion of Ethiopia and supported a group of young black men accused of raping 2 white women (or the Scottsboro defendants). So, the Sister was right to criticize the terrorism by Euro criminals for over 5 centuries (these criminals pillaged, exterminated, enslaved, and subjugated people of color for centuries). She founded the Negro History Club in Harlem Library and worked with the great scholar and activist John Henrik Clarke. Ella Baker believed in having grassroots efforts in the local level and beyond in order to have social change. Baker wanted freedom for the human race as she said. She wanted social change to be a team effort. In other words, individuals can contribute their talents as part of a collective framework in order for all people to genuinely achieve equality, justice, and freedom. Ella Baker continued to support the Puerto Rican independence movement, she spoke out against apartheid in South Africa, and promoted the causes of women. She agreed with peace. She passed away in 1986 in NYC. To the day she died, the sister Ella Baker was in the thick of the movement of human freedom. She words influenced the Students for a Democratic Society and other radical plus progressive group that were created in the 1960's and the 1970's. She organized the freedom rides of the 1960's and did a lot for the world as well.

People know that most professing Americans are Christians. Yet, some factions of the Americans are funding factions that are killing or persecuting Christians worldwide. These killers are Muslim radicals not true Muslims as any true Muslim will not kill an innocent person because of their creed or belief system. Many of these radicals are killing Christians in Syria. One Syrian priest talked about this issues in the Guardian newspaper. The rebels are heavily theocratic that want to break up the society in Syria. Syrian independence won support of Muslims, Christans, Druze, Alawite, and Kurdish human beings in Syria. Christians in Syria number about 10 percent of the population. Power in Syria has been ruled by the Shia Alawite minority (this sect is considered heretical by many Muslims). One PBS source reported said that Syrian Christians are accepting arms from the government to protect themselves against Islamic terrorists. Christians are even persecuted by the post-Saddam regime. Hundreds of thousands of Christians including Muslims have fled Iraq, because of the sectarian violence and terrorism. If regime change comes inside of Syria, religious minorities could be harmed like in Iraq. Half of the Christian population left Iraq according to the BBC. Even some Christians were protected in Gaddafi's Libya. Christianity is even an officially recognized and protected religion in Iran. They are recognized in the Constitution and guaranteed freedom to worship and allocated seats in the Parliament according to the BBC. Now, the U.S. is supporting al-Qaeda related terrorists in Syria, funding terrorist group in Iraq, and supported al-Qaeda terrorists in Libya (some of them lynching and killing black Libyans). The U.S. is allied with Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia restricts all religions except Islam. It can steal religious items like the Bible, crucifixes, and Stars of David if you're caught showing it in Saudi Arabia. Christians are arrested and lashed in public for executing their faith openly inside of Saudi Arabia. Muslims can't covert to another religion in Saudi Arabia. If they do, they risk death. The West talks about Jews and Iran, but Iran has the largest Jewish population in the Muslim world. Iran's constitution officially protects the Jewish people. Now, it is obvious that the West (not all Americans as tons of Americans are progressive, decent people. A lot of freedom lovers and patriots live in America) is using this war on terror in trying to get rid of certain nations' power structure (and replace it with a puppet state system). The West is using the sellouts in Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, etc. as an excuse to promote the war on terror.

It is obvious that Mitt Romney wants austerity. He is allied with the neocons in the world. People should be educated on the errors and hypocrisies of Romney. We know about the errors of the President Barack Obama as well. Romney has a business alliance with Netanyahu. Romney might be a more of a supporter of adventurism on the Middle East question than the current President. Benjamin Netanyahu and Romney have given advice on each other on financial issues and politics. Romney and Netanyahu were friends since 1976. Both believe in near identical philosophies on foreign policies. So, Romney should be taken seriously. Some believe that either Obama will win the election in a close race or Romney will be President (as promoting the austerity agenda more in America). Joseph Smith even ran for President. The Mormons allow their kids to go abroad to work in foreign lands and learn different languages. Also, some Mormons work in the Defense Department, the FBI, the CIA, etc. becuase Mormons are trained to work in intelligence and they are trained in learning different cultures plus different languages. Mormonism is a religion that deals with power and it has ties to Freemasonic infrastructure. The ruling class is funding both Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama. Mitt Romney made the recent bigoted comment that the Palestinian underdevelopment is a product of Israeli cultural superiority or the hand of Providence (not injustices against the Palestinian peoples). The truth is that both the Israelis and the Palestinians should live in peace. Both sides should make fair dealing policies that can create more harmony in the Middle East. Israelis and Palestinians shouldn't experience terrorism nor oppression plainly speaking. Romney saying these things is repugnant and it's a reflection of the original Mormon religion (which promoted white supremacy). Mormonism refused to allow black people to be pastors and officers until 1978. Now, Mormons are aggressively trying to recruit black communities in America and across Africa. Many recent Mormon commercials in America show people of color saying that they are proud to be a Mormon. I am a black man and I saw Mormons on bicycles traveling in my neighborhood for years. To assume that Israelis are culturally superior to Palestinian via the hand of God (which Romney implies) is racism point blank period. These comments are similar to Botha's words that blacks are content with their lives in then apartheid South Africa. The truth is that black people have the right of the freedom of movement and the freedom of expression. Even Patrick Moyinhan is wrong in his report from 1965 that a black culture of poverty keeps black people poor not pervasive white racism. The current President Barack Obama advanced race neutral governmental policies as a means to not offend white voters (while limiting his public communication about black grievances based on discrimination and other obstacles. The President won't publicly expose white supremacy). The President supports the same empire that Romney supports too. The President agrees with the imperialism of Africom and he promotes American exceptionalism (or code for the West having the so-called God given right to influence or dominate the four corners of the world under the guise of the flag and sometimes under the guise of "the cross"). The President of the United States is wrong to promote preventive war and preventive assassinations. He is also wrong to support the Patriot Act and NSA warrantless spying on the American people too. "...Dr. King talked about concrete steps to challenge this Darwinian culture that we live in, where the corporations run the government and we are no longer governed by the rule of law,” said South Carolina Black activist and author Kevin Alexander Gray. Today, the Mormon families of the Marriotts, Rollinses, Gardners, etc. are funding the Romney campaign. Both Romney and Obama are pro-war. War is the enemy of the poor.

In exposing the Left/Right paradigm, it is important to note that the Democrats also have supported austerity just like the GOP. Many mainstream liberals have agreed with the deficit reduction plans of the administration. The difference is that the Republicans are openly hostile to the social safety net, while the Democrats want the social safety net radically cut long term (not in the near term). That is why the current administration caved to the Republican demand to extend the Bush tax cuts for the rich years ago. This was when Congress was still controlled by the Democratic Party. Some even in the New York Times advocate health care cost cutting particularly at the use of medical services used by the elderly and the seriously ill. Meanwhile, the Republicans want trillions of dollars of tax cuts for the super rich elite and massive budget cuts. We have many threats as jobs are not growing in a fast fashion and even teachers are receiving merger incomes. For over 3 decades, American income has been stagnant. Places like Detroit, Buffalo, Pittsburgh, and places in California suffer a huge amount of economic hardships. There is the Libor scandal, the theft of funds in MF Global, the billion dollar losses at J.P. Morgan Chase, and other realities that can prove the fallibility of the markets. People have exposed extremists before. One is Ron Paul. Ron Paul said that there should be no age of consent laws, he would privatize National Parks, and he voted against a needle exchange law (when he claims to want to legalize drugs). The notorious anti-Semitic Spotlight funded the campaign of Ron Paul decades ago. Will Carto was an associate of Francis Parker Yockey. Yockey was a post-war Nazi intelligence agent. Yockey killed himself instead of revealing the infrastructure of ODESSA (or the organization of the Nazi SS murderers who escape the Allies trying to track them during the post-war period). Even the Constitution Party (a supporter of Ron Paul) once supported the then racist George Wallace when he ran for President. Ron Paul is a neo-Confederate as a member of the neo-Confederate Ludwig von Mises Institute (They support the Confederacy and hate Lincoln. Lincoln wasn't perfect but he was 100 X times better than Jefferson Davis). Paul said that the North should buy slaves from the southern slaves owners to avoid the North but the South started the war by attacking the North in 1861. Paul's friend Lllewyen Rockwell supported European neofascsists like Joerg Haider in Austria and Christoph Blocher in Switzerland. Ron Paul received money from the racist Don Black and refused to reject it. This extremist Paul oppose U.S. funding to the Haitans when it was the U.S. government & former Western colonial powers that interfered with Haiti  inappropriately for decades. The Spotlight supported the campaign of David Duke. Ron Paul supported David Duke's bid to become an United States Senator. There are more historical notes about WWII. Herbert Hoover had a special link with Adolf Hitler. Hoover met with Hitler in 1938. He even opposed the Lend Lease program of FDR that gave aid to Britain. Hoover supported the Nazi regime and supported the America First Committee. Hoover praised Lindbergh after the Freemason Lindbergh gave his America First speech in Iowa (that was anti-Semitic). I will expose tokens like Allen West. West voted for the NDAA bill, voted for the Patriot Act, he voted for CISPA, and he voted for HR 347. All of these laws or bills violate our human civil liberties. Yet, Allen West falsely calls himself a freedom fighter. He's not a freedom fighter. The Tea Party crowd is allied with sellouts like Allen West. West compared progressives to Communists. Even Condoleeza Rice criticized West's hate mongering.

One of the tragic events during the Vietnam War era was the Kent State massacre. It happened in May 4, 1970. The police shot unarmed student protesters in Kent State University inside of northeast Ohio. The Ohio National Guard killed 4 students and wounded 9 others. These protesters disagreed with the Nixon's administration's escalation of the war. Nixon started to invade the neighboring nation of Cambodia. He announced this action publicly in his April 30 television address. The imperialist war of Vietnam would continue for another 5 years after 1970. The invasion of Cambodia caused new protests against the war all across the world. In Nixon's mind, he was trying to stop a supply line to the North Vietnamese, but this policy was a violation of the national sovereignty of Cambodia. The four students who died were Allison Krause and Jeffrey Miller, who had participated in the antiwar protest, and two bystanders, Sandra Scheuer and William Schroeder, who were walking between classes when the troops opened fire. Miller was killed instantly. Scheuer died within minutes. Hours later, Krause and Schroeder succumbed to their wounds. Dean Kahler was 20 years old during the incident. He was an onlooker. A bullet caused him to use a wheelchair to this very day. There were at least 67 bullets firing around the area in the span of 13 seconds. The Kent State Massacre was during a time of massive state repression of legitimate dissent in America. Richard Nixon used the FBI and other intelligence agencies to spy, and even harm the Black Panthers and any progressive movement that was dedicated to great reforms in American society.The deaths continued in other locations. A week after Kent State, National Guard troops and state police shoot to death 6 black students and wounded dozens of others in Augusta, Georgia. People were protesting the murder of a mentally disabled 16 year old black youth named Charles Oatman. He was beaten to death in the county jail. The troops and the police were ordered into the city by the Democratic Governor Lester Maddox. Yes, Lester Maddox was another Freemason and a notorious segregationist. Even 3 days later, the police and state highway patrolmen fired automatic weapons into a dormitory at Jackson State University (a historically black college in the Mississippi state capital). It killed 2 students and wounded 9 others. The following were shot dead: Phillip Lafayette Gibbs, a 21-year-old junior at the school, and James Earl Green, a 17-year-old student at a nearby high school. So, the Kent State event occurred in the midst of an anti-war protest. 500 students gathered for it in an area 50 miles south of Cleveland. On May 2, the Army Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) building on the campus was burned to the ground. I don't agree with that, because you can dissent without vandalism. Later, Kent mayor Lerory Staron declared a state of emergency. The National Guard was in the area as requested by Ohio Governor James A. Rhodes. The National Guard troops confronted the protesters. The 900 troops firing rounds of tea gas and threatened the crowd with bayonets. It wounded one student. On Monday, May 4, campus officials tried to ban the scheduled noontime rally, but about 2,000 students gathered anyway. The Guard was ordered to disperse the students, who defied tear gas and threats of arrest. Hundreds of students continued to confront the soldiers, and at 12:24 p.m. the guardsmen took aim and opened fire. After the massacre, millions of students protested the incident. A nationwide student strike occurred in over 900 college campuses nationwide. 100,000 people demonstration at Washington, D.C. The White House initially blamed the students for the massacre. Nixon went down to the Lincoln Memorial about 4 a.m. on the morning of May 9, the morning of the demonstration, and spoke with 30 students conducting an antiwar vigil, attempting to convince them of the correctness of his decision to invade Cambodia. Afterwards, Nixon asked his top aide, H. R. Haldeman, to reactivate the Huston Plan, a proposal for systematic wiretapping, break-ins and other illegal surveillance and harassment of antiwar groups, the forerunner of the “plumbers” group of ex-CIA operatives that conducted the 1972 Watergate break-in. Nixon had no choice, but to withdraw troops from Cambodia and cause more troop withdrawals from Vietnam. Even the whitewashed September 1970 campus report admitted that the National Guard shootings of May 4 was unjustified, but it drew no other conclusions. No judicial punishment was given to the police and the National Guard murders at Kent State, Augusta, or Jackson State. 8 of the Ohio guardsmen were indicted by a grand jury, but an U.S. District Judge dismissed charges against them, claiming the prosecution's case was too weak to put before a court. One leader of the Kent May 4 Center is named Alan Canfora. He was wounded in the massacre. He said that he discovered a recently discovered copy of a tape recording, archived at Yale University, shows that there was an order to fire given before the shootings, and he has called for the government to reopen the investigation into a cover up of the incident. The event marked the end of an era. It was the beginning of the end of the postwar boom. Strikes occurred all over America and issues of poverty were being discussed. The revolutionary change should occur where not only the working people are respected, but the homeless and struggling too are received justice plus decency. Today, imperialism by the West is done in Afghanistan, Somalia, Yemen, Africa, etc.

By Timothy

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