Monday, March 05, 2007

Controversy and Life

Controversy is all around us today. The Lost Tomb of Jesus special aired on the Discovery Channel yesterday. Amos Kloner, the Jerusalem District archeologist who officially oversaw the work at the tomb in 1980 said that the inscriptions are carelessly drawn. The special showed no evidence that Jesus was there since the DNA evidence outlined that both tomb had different DNA. Also, they proposed conclusions and offered no evidence to outline that this is Jesus' tomb. Inscriptions alone aren't conclusive evidence. Ann Coulter had another mode of controversy herself. She said something about Edwards and use the F word (which is degatory towards homosexuals). With all of the rumors about her, she is something else for saying that word. She is right that political correctness have gone too far, yet I disagree with her in using that word. Whether you agree or disagree with homosexuality, you shouldn't disrespect people because they are gay. Ann protrays herself as a conservative, but she is a neo-con who only disagree with Skulls and Bones member (i.e. Knight of Eugolia) & Ecumencial George W. Bush on a few issues. Bush is a faux conservative being for the Assault Weapons ban (when the ban wasn't about assault weapons), pro-abortion for rape, pro-open borders, and anti-civil liberties. That isn't conservativism or liberalism to me. That's an autotarian mindset. Both Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama went into Selma, Alabama to appeal to black voters and commerate Bloody Sunday (where protesters were assaulted unjustly by police officers). Obama (who was born in Hawaii and traveled the world like Indonesia and Africa) said that he's home and Hillary Clinton said that without Selma she wouldn't be in the high political position that she's in today. I saw some of their speeches to 2 churches on CNN on Sunday. Polls show that most blacks support Obama over Hillary.

London Times on March 4, 2007 had an article written by David Leppard describing how children between 11 and 16 will be fingerprinted. This is being done at England being proposed in the year 2010 according to a leak document. I can hundreds of articles outlining the crime of Big Brother overload. That's real from National ID Cards to the Trans-Texas Corridor Highway (related to the North American Union plan). David Davis, the shadow home secretary oppose this plan saying that it strips children's innocence. Angelina Jolie is joining the CFR. Jolie is puppet not only of the establishment left, but of the globalist United Nations (The U.N. since 1945 have been at the fore of promoting New Ageism and population control. Maurice Strong and Benjamin Creme were many pro-UN New Agers. These occultists follow dogma similar to the Gnostics where the Gnostics base the physical universe and praise Lucifer as man's redeemer. Helena P. Blavatsky , who was a co-Mason, expressed praise blatantly for Satan or Lucifer. This is accepted by the pro-UN Lucis Trust. Djwhal Khul is one such proponent of this philosophy. God doesn't want us to be involved with worshipping Lucifer or bashing all physical matter. Many of them want a "New Altantis." I believe that there are good in things physical and spiritual. Isn't the New Jerusalem both physical and spiritual? Yes. Many Knights of Malta and Pilgrim Society members have connection to the U.N., CFR, and other organizations as well. The Black Nobility families in Europe still have strong influence in banking also that some in the "alternative media" refuse to talk about. Dr. John Coleman is one of few men exposing the Black Nobility families). We have to help the poor. I believe in that motto or credo. It's bigger than politics, but the problems of the world deal with ethics and morality. Either we will follow the agenda of eugenics (with pioneers like Galton and others) or the agenda of life. When I mean Life I differently mean being against abortion. Margaret Sanger was a bellicose pionner of that. Not only did she went into a KKK rally in the 1920's, but she was part of occult groups (and probably was in an eugenics group. That's why she said pro-eugenic comments about better the race. Abortion obvious is hitting the African American community extremely hard). Controversy in life is a common feature of humanity.

By Timothy