Scandals are typical among American society. Alberto Gonzales (the Attorney General of the USA. He's anti-gun, pro-abortion, and said that some of the Geneva Convention are oboselete and quaint. I don't agree with torture. In fact, Christian Group Condemns Torture. This group is called the The National Association of Evangelicals) defended the essence of his policy of firing 8 attorneys. Harriet Miers considered firing all of the attorneys in 2005. Alberto's Chief of Staff resigned. Many of them were praised for their articulate compotence. Liberals exclaim that these attorneys were fired because of their political views. The truth on why they will fired will hopefully come out. It's interesting to note that ex-Attorney General Janet Reno (the murderer of innocent children in Waco, TX. CS gas was utilized against them) fired dozens of attorneys in 1993. Freemason Chuck Schumer wants Alberto Gonzales to resign from his office. The controversy must be investigated to find the total truth surrouding the reason of the attorneys being fired. If wrong doing existed, the administration ought to be held accountable for their errors. It's even true that Alberto Gonzales approved memons that torture is ok almost to death. Hillary Clinton is crying about how the "vast right wing conspiracy" is revitilized. What is the truth? The truth is that the leaders of elite groups and the geo-political realm are firmly pro-globalizztion, pro-population control, pro-abortion, pro-open borders, pro-one world, etc. This doesn't seem conservative to me. They are many Republicans involved in evil intrigue, but many liberals like George Soros (a CFR member) & Peter Lewis are also involved in wicked intrigue as well. One party or one ideology don't possess a monopoly on corruption in the USA at all. Hillary is just a real elitist and has a virent ambition to achieve the Presidency. I would say that the Republicans candidates are mostly bland. The 3 front runners are a Democrat with a R next to his name, a Mormon ,and McCain. CFR member, Jesuit trained General Pace called homosexual behavior immoral behavior. For Pace, he has a First Amendment right to dissent with homosexuality. The media (espeically CNN) is crucifying the man). Global warming paranoia have came into new heights. Brown of the UK wants a New world order to stop global warming. In truth 100% man-made global warming is a myth and scientists like Dr. Easterbook have exposed that lie.
Improving our health is important. Common sense solutions to our health complications can be more health care choices (to decrease prices), get natural foods, don't eat posions (like aspartame, flouride, etc.), get organic foods, and other strageties. I hate abortion also. In fact, Abortion is Linked to Higher Rates of Child Abuse, a Study Finds. Beyond that, Bush lectured us on family to justify his support of illegal immigrants staying here with no real compensation. It is true that tons of Hispanics have real family vlaues, are God-fearers, etc. I'm not talking about all Hispanics ,but illegal immigrants (which are made up of many backgrounds). Violating the law by illegally coming into America, the NAU (14 states are involved in sending anti-NAU resolutions), the borders being dissolved, and the bashing of those who expose these themes have nothing to do with family values at all. This is true irrespectful of what President George W. Bush says. We have a liberty crisis in America. I can't get a gun in D.C. or San Francisco (because both cities ban the private ownership of firearms). That's blatantly against the Second Amendment. Much of civil liberties have been chipped away. Folks are getting tired of the anti-liberty agenad, tried of the actions of pervers, and sick of the allowance of an extreme form of political correctness (that stifes free speech instead of promoting it). I like the Vatican/Jesuits being exposed (Now, Greg Szymanski pondered on why many rulers of this Earth are trained in Jesuit run Georgetown University like Bill Clinton, Condoleeza Rice, Alexander Hiag, and others). It's important for all facets of evil from the Pilgrim Society, Masonic Jewish elites, the Knights of Malta, high level Freemasonry, and all evil to be made known. Everyone should be inquisitive about life.
By Timothy