Khalid Shiek Mohammed is getting higher recognition by the media today. Even CIA analyst Robert Baer has questions about KSM's supposed "confession." Baer said that KSM proclaimed himself involved in 9/11 from A to Z, but he offers no details of his role. Mohammed exclaimed himself as the murderer of Daniel Pearl, but there is no evidence that he cut Pearl's head off. The story has holes in it that you can put a 757 through. There has been controversy over Rosie O'Donnell's comment. I usually disagree with Rosie on 90% of political issues. Although, Rosie is suprising correct on KSM. The government (not all Americans, but a select few) have sanctionced torture from the torture memos, etc. The USA has committed torture from Native Americans, African Americans, Operation Phoenix, Abu Ghraib, the FBI revealing documents of torture going on in Gitmo, and other facts. Even if Sean Hannity denies this, that's real evidence. China is increasingly raising as a potent superpower. Chen Yanjun from the Central News Agency on Friday at March 16, 2007 show that it will increase its budget. Paul Craig Robertson V Dare at Friday at March 16, 2007 list compelling evidence for impeachment of President George W. Bush. From Bush's support of warrantless wiretaps, no bid contracts, creating laws at will (also disobeying them), and other facts, impeachment is legitimate.
I will say that I don't blame Bush for everything under the sun, so I'm not a Kool-Aid liberal man. Financial Times on March 14, 2007 at Richard Waters mention that fact of increased internet censorship globally. China, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, Burma and Uzbekistan are some of the worse offenders of free speech. There are those who want this here in America. I believe the individual should choice censorship voluntarily (via devices), not part of a government policy. People talk about Secret Societies all of the time, but where is the capstone of the Pyramid of World Power? From my research, the top of the pyramid include the Vatican/Jesuits and the Black Venetian Nobility elite. Under them are very powerful groups like the Knights of Malta, the Order of the Garter, high level Freemasonry, and other groups with international power. Global warming is a hard issue. Regardless of what Al Gore says, more evidence confirms that the sun and natural actions are higher responsible for the change in our climate(Human emissions of CO2, which account only for 3 percent of the CO2 in atmosphere. Oceans have some of the largest CO2 creators on Earth not man). The polar bears being almost extinct is proven to be a lie as well. I'm hopeful for the future though.
By Timothy