There is nothing wrong with getting things out in the open. Lately, attacks on the 911 Truth Movement has increased by the CFR-controlled mainstream media. Bill O'Reilly is having his attacks and Mr. Posner (with connections to the CIA). Ponser compared 911 Truthers to Holocaust deniers, which is a ludicrious comparison. Also, O'reilly said that Mark Cuban and Sheen shouldn't be involved in Loose Change's 911 Truth film. O'Reilly is the one that denies the U.S. tortures after 911, which is a lie. O'Reilly is a hypocrite by saying he's against the death penalty, but he wants suspects of "terror" to be executed. Bo Deitl, O'Reilly, and Posner yesterday said that Building Number Seven fell by the debris from the Twin Towers. This is false since WTC 7 was the farthest away from the complex. Even the NIST refuses to outline a definitive decision on why WTC 7 fell down. WTC 7 had limited fires and fell symmterically, which was a little less than normal gravity would allow. Many scholars like controlled demolitions expert Danny Jowenko commented that WTC 7 was deliberately demolished. I believe in 911 Truth and 911 was an inside job by a mountain load of evidence. I like the film "the Global Warming Swindle." It presents tons of evidence like the CO2 naturally not as a pollutant, but part of many organisms and the cycles of climate changes through the ages.
The battle between truth and lies is not only political, it's moral and spiritual. For a very long time, the priests in secrets worshipped the male organ, the sun, Sirius, and other creations. This was the foundation of the Modern day cults, false religions, and Secret Societies like Freemasonry (in their Entered Enterprise, you swear a death oath. There are tons of symbolism in that group. Master Masons wear jewels to recognize each other. One is the Square and the Compass representing generation or the male and female reproduction organs. Another is a 2 ball cane), the Rosicrucians (whose goal was to merge Christian principles with the Mysteries. That's why their symbol was the Rose and the Cross. They were involved in the occult aspect of American history from Russian mystic Nicholas Roerich's role in the One Dollar Bill having an occult design to other things), the Jesuits (this group is known for its far-left politics and trained many world leaders from Stalin, Castro, to Bill Clinton), Hinduism, etc. The present themselves under the guise of morality and brotherhood, but they on times overtly embrace the Kabbala, Gnosticism, and the occult (even mentioned in their own literature). Online Journal on March 22, 2007 had an article by Max Fuller writing about more evidence of U.S. orchestration of death squads in Iraq. This isn't unusual since Rumsfeld support the P2OG program that promoted terrorism to provoke terrorism. That's wierd, but it's true. I still believe in culture improvement. I still hate pornography, I still hate abortion, and I still hate the agenda of perverts. I will continue forward.
By Timothy