Thursday, March 01, 2007


Today is the first day of March. Arthur Schlesinger, historian and Kennedy confidant, has passed away at 89. He was the one who wrote autobiographies and described the mindset of the Kennedy family. Digg is accused of censorsing posts. Some claim they are especially censorsing the articles on Building Number Seven when it fell by itself with no aircraft hitting it. In fact, Google censored the video of the BBC reporting the collapse of WTC 7 before it collapsed as well. Giuliani's lead is widening above John McCain (who offically announced his candidacy in the David Letterman show). The Montana state legislature is proposing "HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 25" that bans the implementation of a North American Union. Congress members across the nations are issues similar proposals. Nic Fleming from the London Telegraph on Thursday, March 1, 2007 discovered how animal-human hybrids are going forward. This is done for the British government. No one knows the risk factors of this and who is to tell many scientists to possibly create new species (even if the government wants to find cures for diseases). This is related to embryonic stem cell research that are bound to create tumors. Even Dr Calum MacKellar of the Scottish Council on Scottish Bioethics cite moral questions about this procedure. Marita said that Strugis and others plan the hit on JFK sending materials from Miami to Dallas.

by Timothy