Friday, March 02, 2007

Late Winter

It's still late winter. There are the tornadoes killing at least 19 in Alabama. No one should fear saying controversial things. Now the NY Council made a non-binding resolution saying that those in NYC should say the "N" word. I don't agree with saying that word, but I equally don't believe in censorship. A man or a woman is accountable for their own actions and have the right of free speech. All over the place, the ecumencial Movement is getting stronger and stronger. Recently, some Christians are even going for Romney even though he's a Mormon. Mormonism was invented by Joseph Smith, who was an adulterer and fraud. His ally Brigham Young was a false prophet, a liar, and a deciever claiming that man can be a God and create his own planet (with children). That's Mormonism. Beyond just Mormonism, there are those who endorse the formation of a one world religion. It was a new time when you have Rabbis request right to renew animal sacrifices At Jerusalem's Temple Mount. Many of religious folks, Masons, and occultists want to revive the Third Hebrew Temple. Some individuals go as far as desiring a one world government. David Rockefeller gloatingly in 1991 said that "...But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government..." Einstein, Nehru of India, and other commented in support of a one world government. CFR member Richard N. Gardner, who in a 1974 Foreign Affairs article titled: "The Hard Road to World Order" wrote that they want to erode national soveriegnity piece by piece. Now this is one of the reasons the CFR have been in such love in favor of the North American Union, because it destroy the soverignities of 3 countries.

There is anger at Al Gore by some for his homes. One of the few things I do agree with Gore is that we should embrace alternative energy and helping the environment is a good thing. His father was part of Occidental Company, a Big Oil company. His father is a friend of Armaud Hammer (a 33rd Degree Freemason). Hammer was a notorious funder of Communism in the Soviet Union for many decades. What about global warming. It's very true that we are slightly warmer than a century ago. There is climate change, but this climate change isn't totally by man. The sun (as confirmed by many scientists) have a huge sway in the climate of the Earth. The whole solar system is warmer not just the Earth without any intervention by mankind. So, I never believed in the ideal of man-unduced global warming. The Presidential race is heating up. There isn't just a Hillary (who graduated from Yale. She is a friend of Rupert Murdoch. Murdoch is a friend of Larry Silverstein and he's a Papal Knight of St. Gregory) vs. Obama controversy. There is also a Romney vs. Rudy controversy. Romney said that he's a real conservative while Rudy is pro-gun control and pro-abortion. It's interesting to hear new interviews from Rothstein, Tony Alamo, Nuri Rivera, and other talking about the Vatican/Jesuit link to world events. This doesn't mean that every Catholic are involved in these evil world events, but much of the leadership are. Just like much of the leadership of Southern Baptists are in league with the occult Lodge of Freemasonry. There should be investigations of 9/11, there should be legitimate protests against government criminal activities, and there should be bravery by us.

By Timothy