I learned yesterday from this article that Nancy Pelosi personally invited the President of the Order's University of San Francisco Stephen A. Privett SJ to give the Invocation for her Swearing-In as Speaker of the House. Pelosi attended several masses prior to that day with her family.
Quote from the article: "I really enjoyed meeting members of the Congress like Anna Eshoo and [Prince Hall Freemason] Charlie Rangle," said Privett. "Everyone I met was warm, welcoming and upbeat. I feel that the House is in good hands, that the Democrats will work hard to counter the narrow partisanship that has characterized Congress to this point in an effort to address issues that really concern all of us." Being present at this historical moment ranks at the top of Privett's 47 years as a Jesuit. "It was all the more meaningful for me knowing that the United States' first woman Speaker of the House was Nancy Pelosi from San Francisco, who has a strong relationship with USF and the Jesuits."According to the article "Congress has more religious diversity than ever before""Catholics remain the largest denominational group in Congress, with 155 members -- 25 in the Senate and 130 in the House. But there are fewer Catholic Republicans in both houses since the 109th Congress and many more Catholic Democrats" In the last Senate, Catholic members were nearly evenly split between the parties, with 11 Republicans and 13 Democrats. Now there are 9 Catholic Republicans and 16 Catholic Democrats in the Senate.In the House at the start of the 109th Congress, there were 129 Catholics -- 57 Republicans and 72 Democrats. Although the total number of House Catholics in the 110th Congress is nearly the same at 130, the current group includes 42 Republicans and 88 Democrats. Even Rep. Keith Ellison, D-Minn., a Muslim who was sworn in as a member of Congress using a Quran once owned by President Thomas Jefferson, was raised a Catholic.
He became a Muslim while in college at Wayne State University in Detroit. Ellison's mother, Clida Ellison, recently told The Associated Press that she remains a practicing Catholic and attends Mass daily. But she said the controversy over her son's decision to be sworn in using the Quran rather than a Bible was a good thing, "because many people in America are going to learn what the diversity of America is all about." The two new Buddhist members of Congress -- Democratic Reps. Mazie Hirono of Hawaii and Hank Johnson of Georgia -- have not spoken publicly about their religion.Hirono is among 54 members of the 110th Congress who attended Jesuit institutions of higher education, according to a list compiled by the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities . She earned her law degree in 1978 at Georgetown University Law School in Washington.The number represents a nearly 15 percent increase compared to the 109th Congress, in which 47 of the 535 members were alumni of Jesuit colleges or universities , the association said.Jesuit Father Charles Currie, association president, called the latest figures "an important reminder that a Jesuit education is meant to lead to lives of leadership and service." "We are proud that this goal is realized at the highest levels of public service, as well as in countless other ways across the country and around the world," he added in a statement.With the election of Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., as Senate majority leader, the 110th Congress also marks the highest congressional leadership position ever achieved by a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, also known as Mormons. Before she was made Speaker she was and still is subordinate to the current Provincial of the California Province John P. McGarry SJ and previously Tom Smolich SJ. Pelosi's husband was Jesuit-trained at Georgetown. As for her children, her daughter Alexandra was trained by Jesuits at Loyola Marymount. Jesuit Robert F. Drinan before he went on to everlasting fire and torment said a mass at Nancy Pelosi's alma mater the Romanist Trinity University in Washington DC.
This mass was said by the request of Pelosi herself. Pelosi gave a eulogy at Jesuit Drinan's funeral. Caption: U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi holds up a photo of Jesuit Father Robert F. Drinan while delivering a eulogy during a Mass for the late priest at St. Aloysius Church in Washington Feb. 1. Father Drinan, longtime Georgetown University law professor who served in the House 1971-81 as a Massachusetts representative, died Jan. 2; he was 86 years old.
Nancy Pelosi pictured with Jesuit Drinan when he was awarded the Congressional Service Award May 2006.Only recently since Drinan went to a Christless fiery eternity in hell has it been revealed that Jesuit Drinan advised Roman Catholic CFR member Skull and Bones Illuminist Luciferian John Kerry (Kohn-he has Jewish ancestry which is probably why Cardinal Egan did not pick him despite his Jesuit training at Boston College Law, CFR membership, and the fact he is a Bonesman) on "religious affairs" during his 2004 Presidential campaign. I watched on C-SPAN as the votes were taken for Speaker of the House and it was between Roman Catholic Pelosi and Roman Catholic Jesuit-trained K of C John Boehner. The other key leaders in the House today are Harry Reid, a Mormon, and Roy Blunt a "Baptist" and Freemason.
This is no coincidence. The Jesuits control the Congress from Georgetown University and in the coming years that fact will be all too clear. The Order's Fourth Reich Drug Trust Run Buy Their SMOM (This an excellent expose of the drug companies and how they are connected to the Knights of Malta,CFR, Chase Manhattan Bank, Bank of America, Iluminati Rockefellers and the Guards of the Vatican Treasury the Rothschilds. Scroll down a little until you see "THE DRUG TRUST"
-Brother Nicholas N. Rivera
Pelosi Is Just Another Paid Vatican Shill?Why Won’t She Answer Questions or Consider Vatican and Jesuit Involvement in New World Order?By Greg SzymanskiMar. 29, 2007 Arctic Beacon months ago went on the record saying the crowning of Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Ca) as House Speaker would bring no changes and nothing good for the American people. In fact, when Pelosi was elevated to the top post in the U.S. House, the Arctic Beacon asked her to respond to serious questions about the Vatican’s control over foreign and domestic policy.Of course, Pelosi like the other Vatican paid shills in the U.S. House and Senate, refused to respond. And her refusal means she is just another one of the “big time Vatican puppets” having been paid off to keep the truth from the American people while selling out her country for her loyalty to Rome and the New World Order.To show Pelosi’s Vatican connection the following research was provided by true patriots, trying to awaken Americans to the real beast residing in Rome. And after reading the following information ask why, when considering who is really behind the New World Order, The Vatican connection is never mentioned. Also ask: if there exists free and honest debate in this country, why are the Vatican’s tentacles of evil never mentioned even though it has been well documented throughout history by bloodshed and genocide.Here are some facts provided to the Arctic Beacon by Nick Rivera about Pelosi’s Vatican connection as well as other facts regarding Vatican influence within the halls of the U.S. government: