Mark Cuban said he will finance a cinematic release of "Loose Change." I believe in free speech since that's apart of the Bill of Rights. Charlie Sheen is planned to narrate the movie. Loose Change is about saying that the White House was involved in the 911 attack and now the White House is waging illegal and violating people's constitutional rights. I have my qualms with Sheen (about his links with the Jesuits, etc.), but I do believe that Loose Change should be aired for in support of Free Speech. Cuban obviously won't be intimidated by the lies of Bill O'Reilly. Bill Maher Discusses Bush's 9/11 Non-Reaction On Olbermann's show. The answer to that question is why Bush passed W199I restricted investigations of "terrorists" or why NORAD failed its standard operating procedures during 9/11. The blueprints of the WTC was recently released by a whistleblower. The blueprints show that FEMA's report was inaccurate in stating that core columns were "freestanding" when in fact large horizontal beams cross-connected the core columns in a three-dimensional matrix of steel. BBC on Thursday at March 29, 2007 wrote that Iran wants to need the British hostages if the British admitted that the marines were in international waters. Reuters on March 27, 2007 had prose written by Ed Stoddard. Stoddard wrote that Texas passed a gun law. That law promoted self defense against criminals who threaten someone's life. The law will take effect in September 1.
By Timothy
Pro-God, Pro-Human Life, anti-New World Order, Anti-Nefarious Secret Societies, Pro-Civil Liberties, anti-Torture, anti-National ID Card, Pro-Family, Anti-Neo Conservativism, Pro-Net Neutrality, Pro-Home Schooling, Anti-Voting Fraud, Pro-Good Israelis & Pro-Good Palestinians, Anti-Human Trafficking, Pro-Health Freedom, Anti-Codex Alimentarius, Pro-Action, Anti-Bigotry, Pro-9/11 Justice, Anti-Genocide, and Pro-Gun Control. My name is Timothy and I'm from the state of Virginia.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Free Speech
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