Emotion harnessed in an unequivocal way can be a constructive action in getting points across. Now, it's been more than 4 years after the initial American invasion of Iraq (A nation that was unsuccessfully colonized by the British Empire in the early 20th century). Manifold problems still linger. Many of the military leaders executing Iraqi policy are Jesuit-trained from CFR member General Peter Pace to John Patraeus. A real victory of Iraq would be an Iraq that's independent, sectarian violence under control, and outside influences (i.e. the West, terrorists, and whatever) having no influence in that nation. Troops should leave that nations with no strings attached. I don't agree with the Iraq war, but I do wish Iraq (President George W. Bush advocated this war to spread democracy. It's interesting to note that 33rd Degree Freemason Manly P. Hall wants America to be an engine to promote world democracy. That's has been the plan of many of the Ancients and Secret Societies for thousands of years. Not suprisingly, Bush is in the Skulls and Bones Secret order) would improve its disposition (without the problems of depleted uranium, massive causalities, and extreme tensions). Sunsara Taylor debated Bill O'Reilly about terror, Iraq, torture, etc. Taylor is from the Communist-infiltrated The World Can't Wait. I disagree with Taylor on many issues (like abortion since abortion is murder), but Sunsara is right on the war on terror. The U.S. has been caught in torture from Abu Ghraib, the testimony of General Rick Baccus, FBI documents proving torture in Gitmo, and other example. John Yoo (a White House official) advocated torturing children's testicles to get information. This official is promoting torture. Bill O'Reilly vociferously denied the majority of Sunsara's opinions, because Bill O'Reilly is in a neo-con mindset. Rosie O'Donnell wrote in her blog that she believe that Building Number imploded. More and more of the Hollywood are taking about 911 Truth. I don't agree with Rosie on many issues.
Recently, Dick Morris and Sean Hannity is taking up for the cult of Mormonism again. Mormonism was invented by Freemasons Brigham Young and Joseph Smith. Mormonism is similar to Masonry in many respects. Mormons didn't even allow Blacks into their Priesthood until the 1970's. The godhood of man, magic aprons, prayers to the dead, and other unscriptural (and odd) beliefs are in Mormonism. Morris said that it's bigotry to dissent with Smith's cult. Well, legitimate dissent isn't bigotry at all. I see commercials promoting the book of Mormon. It isn't just Mormonism that is erroneous. The Jehovah Witness (and Christian Science ) are also invented religion that didn't even originate from Fundamental Christianity. The controversy of Alberto Gonzales and the 8 fired attorneys are heating up in the news. A real inquiry must be displayed to reckon if the attorneys were unjustly fired. Some are calling for Gonzales to leave for his mishandling of the situation. Bush is steadfastly for Alberto Gonzales. Many liberals believe that the 8 people were fired for political reasons in trying to strenghten the White House's agenda. I would say that there are more vital issues to discuss (though the attorney deal is an important issue) like Gm foods, toxic waste dumpings, aspartame, Big Brother, and eminent domain. Al Gore is at Congress promoting his half-truth of all man-induced global warming (Gore forgotten that the Middle Ages had higher temperatures than today or the solar system is rising in Temperature because of the sun. Humans currently account for about four percent of total carbon dioxide emissions, and carbon dioxide makes up about 0.038% of the atmosphere). The recent British documentary "The Great Global Warming Swindle" exposes the Global warming hysteria promoted by Gore, the U.N., and their allies. I remember the foundations and roots of my being. It seems like God led me down a road to understand information about the new world order, religion, and the like on a higher level since 1997. Since then, I've learned of the Pilgrim Society (which is more powerful than the CFR, Bilderberg Group, and the Trilateral Commission. The Pilgrim Society was critical in inventing all 3 groups)/Knights of Malta/high level Freemasonry-controlled banking system.
By Timothy