Thursday, March 15, 2007

News in March



The Order of the Garter control the Committee of 300. The Garter is an inner circle of the SMOM. The Garter is controlled by an even inner circle of the SMOM known as the Pilgrim Society. At the end of the day the SMOM control everything and come second only to the Jesuit Order who control everything they do. The Committee of 300 control the THE CITY of london. They use the Round Table Groups as a front. It is Round Tables which control Bilderberg, RIIA, Club of Rome, TRL, CFR. Remember the Queen of England is the leader of both the Garter and the Pilgrim Society. Also note the Queen is a descendant of the once almighty powerful bloodline from Venice called the GUELPH! She's of Black Venetian Nobility blood and thats powerful believe me. Her cousin controls the entire Sovereign Military of Malta and his name is Andrew Willoughby Ninian Bertie.Opus Dei is within the Vatican my friend and therefore up there with the Knights of Malta. Opus is just another division of the RCC the Jesuits creating in the early 1900's. Prove the existance of the Priory of Sion? I'd say these either died or became your Grand Orient of France, the very Sionists who hated the Templars they created. Skull & Bones is the Russell Trust group and just a branch of the Round Tables within the Americas once again linked to the old British East India Company. Believe me theres other University societies just as powerful if not more and more secret.

All these others are simply branches not trunks or roots. Your initial list was correct in its order. Don't forget The Society of the Cincinnati within the U.SAll intelligence agencies are directly controlled by the Sovereign Military of Malta. Notice how many hierachy intelligence agency cretins are Knights of Malta.



Luther 77: These things about him always bothered me.Then ,in the past year or so I have heard people ask him about the Jesuits and the SMOM and he right away gets all nervous and refuses to get into the subject. Also after John Paul II died, he posted some phony articles on his site, saying, "Did John Paul II try to fight the New World Order" if he was not involved. I find that rediculous because John Paul II many times, publically called for a "New International Order"It was beyond obvious that JPII was involved with the push towards a NWO.Alex tried to make it seem the opposite.Hey, I enjoyed his documentaries, and they helped educate me alot. The more I kept digging and observing ,I realized Alex Jones works FOR the big boys.

Xare: Guys we have to stick to the truth and the facts because they are our best weapons.Alex was not interrogated by the builderbergers. He was held up at the canadian border on his way to the builderberger meeting. This kind of spin does not help our movement.

2tuff: Bilderberg are controlled by the Round Tables controlled by the Committee of 300 controlled by the Order of the Garter controlled by the Pilgrim Society controlled by the highest levels of the SMOM!

Alexandria: Wasn't he taken somewhere and interrogated? My question is--did they interrogate him, or did they BRIEF him? I've been wondering that for some time.

Menses: The fact that he is alive is daming enough but his approach to the 911 issue and what really happened on that day is also revealing. In Martial Law, He talked about Planes and tear gas knocking out the pilots & the passengers...claiming this info came from his "Contacts Inside the CIA/FBI".....It is believed by some that there were no planes at the WTC...and as Truthsayers Henegen & bloom have expressed in the past, hologram technology was used to cloak what Rumsfeld describes as some sort of missile to fool the public into beleiving planes had hit the WTC. There may also have been some CGI editing involved with the live feed...I have always believed that 95 percent of the 911 documentaries that have been allowed to surface by way of the internet are merely counter intelligence on behalf of the order to obfuscate the use of hologram & T.H.E.L / micro nuke techonology that was likely used in the NYC Black Op....As long as there are planes, Terrorism is real in most peoples eyes...

And perhaps this is why Alex Jones has refused to address the obvious inconsistencies with the official story of Flight 77 hitting the Pentagon. And perhaps this is also why Dylan Avery of Loose Change was immediately kicked off Alex Show recently when he tried to discuss the fact that no planes hit the WTC and how he would proove this in the next Loose Change Documentary due out later this year.Alex info can be used but people must know also that Alex himself is being used willingly or his technical information is incorrect. Not to mention his incessant need to blame imaginary Globalists, when names and places like Rome can be pin pointed with accuracy thanks to Mr Phelps...This again is another example why Mr Jones cannot be trusted...

2tuff: Jones is an infiltrator claiming to be free and fighting for humanity, he's simply controlled opposition being put on mainstream TV, let into BG to create the illusion of opposition. He has many friends with Hollywood which is controlled by the SMOM and Mafiosi (Not jews as they would have you believe). He has many Catholic friends including people linked to the Jesuits such as the Sheen's and Opus Dei such as the Gibsons. Bank of America? You mean bank of Sovereign Military of Malta & JESUIT!BEWARE!The Disney Bloodline