Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Responding and Fighting Back

As the temperature is rising with the shifting of the seasons, more heat is corresponded unto the Bush White House. Alberto Gonzales's assistant named Monica Goodling pledged the 5th Amendment in refusing to blatantly testify to Congress under oath. My personal opinion is that Alberto Gonzales won't be fired in the reminder of the Presidency. The reason is that Bush has less than 2 years left. If an attempt is made to nominate a new Attorney general, that process would be difficult to surmount. What's shocking is that Journalist Jerome Corsi appeared on the Alex Jones show presenting evidence of a coverup Alberto Gonzales was involved in dealing with a pedophilia scandal. It occured in Texas. Some Neo Cons like Sean Hannity, Michael Reagan, Silwa, etc. mayh say that we need to be pragmatic in voting for a fake conservative like Rudy Guiliani. The truth is that no one should forsake their virtues or principles at the expense of political expediency. I just repudiate the precepts of sucking up to evil. The Hollywood crowd is more and more prominent in the arena of politics. It's really no secret that the vast majority of Hollywood "stars" are liberal.

Sean Penn (whose father Leo Penn was a member of the Communist party and temporary didn't want WWII. Stalin and Hitler had a short lived treaty called the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact in 1939) said that the Iraq War was wrong. Penn also compared Bush and their allies in the media (we know who they are) as like soiled, bloody underwear. That's very bizarre and weird. Penn is naive to ignore how strident the problems are caused by many Muslim radicals in the Middle East. He is right on the error of going into the Iraq War though. Certain forms of extremism can be dangerous to society or a nation. For example, the government should never acquire too much power over the citizens, while compassion ought not be denied unto the poor in legitimate ways. A thought can into my head. I recall the Knight of Malta link to the JFK assassination and cover up. For example, J. Peter Grace (one of the most powerful men in America during 1963) was the head of the American Branch of the Knights of Malta or SMOM. He led men like Lee Iacocca (who sent the blood stained limousine from Dallas to D.C. and Ohio), Frank Shakespeare (of CBS using Demolay & CFR member Walter Cronkite promoting the offical story), and DeLoach (of the FBI). This same power structure exists today. In 2007, Knights of Malta Alexander Haig (on the board of COSCO) and Geoffrey T. Boisi (of the Carnegie Corporation) have weight in the world stage, who are controlled by Pope Benedict XVI. According to Eric Jon Phelps, Greg, and others, the Pope is controlled by Jesuit Superior General Peter-Hans Kolvenbach. The Jesuits are ever present in the media, especially education, politics, science, theology, and other spheres of the world. In fact, Jesuit Joseph A. O'Hare is a Presider of the Council on Foreign Relations. Historically, the real rulers of the world (found in the Vatican/Jesuits, high level Freemasons, the Pilgrim Society, etc.) can be found of their tracks in WWI, WWII, the Ratlines, and even the present era. As for the captured British marines by Iranians, if they were in Iraqi waters they should be released. If they weren't, then they should be dealt legitimately. I don't believe the marines deserve death, torture, or extreme hardcore imprisonment though. candidates to carry the banner for them. Former governor Jim Gilmore hopes to be that candidate and said he's strongly supported the pro-life community, but he also backs legal abortions up to eight weeks. wow, I didn't know that. I disagree with abortion at any time after conception. I believe in responding and fighting back wholeheartedly.

By Timothy