Blasting in the news is about CFR member Lewis "Scotter" Libby. Libby was convicted on 4 out of 5 counts dealing with obstruction of justice, pejury (of lying about how Valerie Plame was a CIA agent), etc. Libby was convicted by Special Prosecutor Patrick Fritzgerald's investigation. It sorrounding the story of Valerie Plame. Liberal media hosts like Chris Matthews and one juror desired that Cheney and Karl Rove should be implacted in the actions against Plame to boost their agenda of executing the Iraq War. According to some, Richard Armitage (an elitist) is the actual leaker. Both sides assume that Libby took the fall for his errors. Libby may be the fall guy, but he isn't an angel. Libby was a lawyer for the criminal Mark Rich. Congress is futhering its investigation of Walter Reed Hospital in D.C. That Hospital had cracks and it must be improved upon immediately. Generals have been fired over this obscene scandal. You know who's investigating Walter Reed. 2 of them are Rockefeller Republican 33rd Degree Freemason Robert Dole and rumored lesbian Donna Shalala. Donna used "hate crime" rules against a university ruining free speech there back in the late 1980's. The Presidential race is heating up. It was highly disgusting to witness Hillary Clinton plandering to black individuals by speaking in a fake Southern accent in a Selma church. Clinton is from the suburbs of Chicago, not from the South. Bilderberger John Edwards said that Jesus would be disappointed in us. That's true to an extent. Jesus wouldn't approve of abortion, false science (dealing with the myths of the benefits of embryonic stem cell research or the myth of man-made global warming), and being a member of one-word organizations like Edwards supports. I do agree with Edwards that public prayers should be expressed in schools.
Teachers voluntarily leaders prayers in classrooms if fine with me as well. Tons of public schools have been infiltrated by the Scottish Rite Masonry invented NEA, New Agers, Jesuits, etc. promoting seculariam. Chisholm was a pioneer who wanted global government promoted in schools in the early 1900's. Harold Rugg and George Couns are other socialists as well. It's been over 150 years since the Dred Scott decision in 1857, so that makes to acquire moe inspiration to keep going forward. I don't believing in toning down none of core opinions. I will be controversial in exposing the baby killers, nihilists, extremism (Comic Sarah Silverman depicted in carnal relations with Almighty), moral degenrates, fascists, and the anti-religious liberty crowd. I definitely don't trust a cross dresser like Rudy Guiliani. Lou Dobbs recently described the Chinese military increases. The Chinese governmetn threat is real with its forced abortion, Internet censorship, etc. Yet, tons of Chinese people in China and abroad are righteous, so I don't make false generalizations about whole nations. I hate population contro land eugenics. Thomas Malthus wrote about the lie of human overpopulation. Margaret Sanger herself was a follower of the Gnostic/Humanist Francis Galton. Sanger was a member of the American Eugenics Society in 1930. Her Brith Control Magazine had racist as writers on it. Her ally Theodore Lothrop Stoddard was a Massachusettes Klan offier and an admirer of Hitler. The Eugenics/Nazi link is historical. This is the agenda of some of the occult to promote the "new race" and the new order of the ages. The truth is there is no superior or inferior races. Mankind exists from one blood, one DNA structure, and from one God who loves all of manking equally. I like the new information about the Jesuits and Vatican sent by Edgar dealing with Russert and Clarence Thomas.
By Timothy