Monday, March 26, 2007

Brother Nicholas Rivera's words.

In response to your question AntiSionist,

Michael Chertoff is credited as the architect of the USA PATRIOT Act but he in fact co-authored it with Viet E. Dinh of Jesuit Georgetown Law. I am certain that Dinh consulted with the Jesuit community there as it was being written up because the Order had similar laws passed throughout the world which it considers to be their provinces and assistancies. John C. Gannon is a member of the Jesuit Volunteer Corps meaning he is admittedly a Temporal Coadjutor as well as a lay Jesuit. Gannon is the founder of the Department of Homeland Security so while Papal Court Jew Chertoff is visible, Gannon is his boss and that of SMOM Emilio T. Gonzalez.

Knight of Malta Emilio T. Gonzalez is the head of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services for the Jesuits' Department of Homeland Security and he answers to Edward Cardinal Egan. The connection between the American Fourth Reich's DHS, SMOM and Georgetown University is undeniable. is an example, pictorial proof of the aforementioned connection DHS Deputy Secretary Michael P. Jackson a Georgetown alum, SMOM Gonzalez and Papal Court Jew Chertoff. this info helps.

-Brother Nick Rivera