Monday, March 26, 2007


Days ago, many British soldiers were captured by Iranian military officals. Some believe that this is another agitation for those who want war with Iran. It's wierd to see these things happen. The PNAC-neo con crowd and others desire a war with Iran. I'm not too fond of Iran's human rights' record, but I don't subscribe to bombing the mess out of that nation because of disagreements. The truth of the matter is that Iran isn't sending thousands of troops into neighboring countries and they aren't a direct threat to America. Also, they developed no nuclear weapons so far. The European Union is 50 years old now. The UK Daily Mail on Monday at March 26, 2007 describe on how the EU want a Constitution by 2009. The EU has been an anti-national sovereignity group from 1947. James P. Tucker Jr. from the American Free Press on Monday at March 26, 2007 describe on how the Trilateral Commission wants a tax hike. John Deutch, former head of the Central Intelligence Agency, wants a a $1-pergallon increase in the gasoline tax as penance for causing pollution. This is silly, but the elite wants this. Now, real alternative energy can reduce the need for fossil feuls, but the big corporations aren't really embracing real alternative energy. James Tucker wrote that a new generation of Trilateralists are coming up. The Trilateral Commission have been involved in intergating the economies of the world.

Human Events on March 13, 2007 had an article by Mac Johnson discussing the court rightfully learning about the individual rights of the Second Amendment. The court of the District of Columbia's is reviewing the handgun ban. Hopefully, they can get rid of the gun ban. D.C.'s crime rate is 26% higher than it was when the gun ban was put in place in 1978. Some interesting news came up. The Associated Press on March 24, 2007 had a piece written by LARA JAKES JORDAN. Jordan wrote that Gonzales denied that he in any discussions about the firings of attorneys. The truth is that emails confirm that Gonzales' participation in a Nov. 27 meeting where such plans were discussed. Basically, much of the evil is happening in the world is for the purpose of consolodating power, ecomonies, and religions into monopolies or in the hands of the few. Who are these few? They are groups such as the Vatican/Jesuits, high level Freemasonry (and other occult orders. In Masonry, they promote the Mysteries. Manly P. Hall, a 33rd Degree Freemason blatantly promoted Lucifer when a Mason learns the Craft conclusively. The craft is known as witchcraft. That's Masonry since both have similar iniations and rituals. Masons embrace the Kabbala. Lucis Trust are occult enemies as well. Many Masonic Jewish people like Schumer, the B'nai B'rith etc. have been far left. Wicked Masonic Jews and wicked Muslim radicals ought to be condemned and exposed indeed. Although, many Jewish people and many Arabic people are righteous, patriotic, and God-fearing. I want to make that clear as well), and the Pilgrim Society (which helped invent and control the CFR, Bilderberg Group, and the Trilateral Commission. It's interesting to note that the CFR has a logo of a man riding a horse. The inner councils of all 3 groups are run by the Pilgrims. The CFR notoriously have been in favor of the North American Union).

By Timothy