Friday, December 28, 2007

Bravery and Truth



Mourning is still transpiring after the sinister assassination of Benzair Bhutto. The future is very uncertain on the stability of Pakistan and India. Pakistan has many nuclear devices and it's one of the most violatile nations in the world. Some like Presidental candidates are comtemplating the most feasable solutions dealing with Pakistan. One solution would be the encouragement of Pakistan to accept liberty and legitimate reforms, but I don't believe in excessive forcing Pakistan to do it. I'm not a Neo-Con so I don't believe in warring with Pakistan or threatening Pakistan in a provocative way. Historically, after Gandhi's assassination India and Pakistan were formed by partition. Each nation was mainly the same people but they divided along religious lines. India is a mostly Hindu nation and Pakistan is mostly a Muslim nation. One thing that I didn't know about Bhutto until today was that Benzair Bhutto was Pro-Life. That was a good thing, being pro-life is about perserving the right of human beings to determine their own choices plus it maintains the humanity of the unborn (Not to mention that a 2006 found that oral contraceptives have a link to breast cancer). She opposed calling abortion an international right at the 1994 Cairo population conference. Bhutto bravely said infront of the United Nations that: "... "I dream ...of a world where we can commit our social resources to the development of human life and not to its destruction.." She called for electricity for villages, tackling infant mortality, and other solutions to handle the problems of the Third World. She accepted the concept of the empowerment of women. I just have more respect for Benzair Bhutto for being Pro-Life. Violence against Pro-Lifers hasn't stopped in America. From vandalism of Pro-Life images, assault by police, and intimidation, it's an epidemic of violence against Pro-Life people. Veteran Pro-lifer Ed Snell was assaulted by a criminal near an abortion clinic at Harrisburg, Pennslyvania. Snell's tries to help him and a police threaten him with arrest for helping Ed Snell. Before she died, Bhutto said to British interviewer David Frost that the US was looking into al Qaeda if they were involved in an assassiantion attempt. Also, she said that's it's common knowledge that Osama bin Laden is dead killed by murdered by Omar Sheikh (a high level offical with ties with the elite of Pakistani intelligence and the military according to the Sunday Times. air Bhutto. She not only wanted to modernized and develop her nation in the right way of freedom. Ironically, Bhutto sent an email before her death detailing if her dies, it's because of Mushurraf's lax security appartus protecting her. The ISI is known for killing political opposition and funding Muslim radical groups.  The media and Pakistani officals like usual are blaming the Taliban and al-Qaeda for her death. Mike Adams from News Target at December 28, 2007 exposed the HPV vaccine as a hoax. I knew it was a hoax and the media just was decieved in following that vaccine as a godsend. Some liberals hypocritically claim choice but want the government to force girls against their will to recieve this vaccine. Mike Adams even said that the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) has no direct link to cervical cancer. According to Adams, the vaccine currently being administered for HPV — Gardasil ,may increase the risk of precancerous cervical lesions by an alarming 44.6 percent in some women. He cited a study on it, so Gardasil (Merck is constructing this across the nation. Texas is trying to force girls to do it. Big Pharma had known to promote fear mongering for years. That's why I oppose Big Pharma's monopoly on medicine and mandatory vaccinations.) can harm women. Gardasil have already killed women, yet Rick Perry supports this. Perry is the Governor of Texas, went into a Bilderberg Group meeting at Istanbul in 2007, and claims to be pro-life (yet support Rudy Giuliani, who support the murder of abortion. Perry, and Rudy are supporting the Trans-Texas Corridor via political power and corporate interest). Mike Adams cited other facts as well about the HPV dangerous vaccine. It's a must see. That's the reality of the situation.

Some like Kurt Nimmo have a hatred of Israel, but will never expose any Muslim radical mistakes in the Middle East. Israel made many mistakes even against Arabic people (and that can never be justified. I don't agree with dual loyality, AIPAC, etc), yet Nimmo will not expose how Black Muslims and Black Christians are being murdered in Sudan by radical jihadists, on how many non-Muslims are murdered in Pakistan, on how Jews and Christians are discriminated against in Syria (which CFR member Rick Warren lies about), and other examples. I agree with Nimmo that most international Muslim "terrorist" groups are funded or invented by the Internetional Intelligence groups (like the CIA, MI6, MI5, Mossad, etc.) and the elite (found in the Knights of Malta, Pilgrims, Bilderbergers, etc.). That doesn't mean that Muslim radicals are innocent. Also, Nimmo and others in the alternative media refuse to expose the Jesuits, Knights of Malta, Opus Dei, high level Freemasonry, The Pilgrim Society, and other groups involved in the new world order. He's right on some issues, but he omits certain real information. Now, I'm moving on from him. Diane Sweet from Raw Story on December 27, 2007 reported on Rupert Murdoch again. Diane wrote that Rupert made a $1.1 billion deal with Oak Hill Partners. As a result Rupert Murdoch can own another 27 television stations in major US cities such as Boston, New York City, and Los Angeles, as well as The New York Post, a controlling interest in BSkyB, movie studio 20th Century Fox, and Wall Street Journal publisher Dow Jones & Co Inc. Oak Hill had an investor named Robert Bass, who's a friend of George W. Bush. Bass is also a Yale Graduate (a recruiting ground for elite puppets. Bass is part of a wealthy oil family). So, Bass is connected to Bush. Rupert Murdoch is definitely the biggest media mogul in the world right now. Rupert Murdoch is a member of the Papal Knight of St. Gregory. These Catholic Knights like the Knights of Malta (Alfred Von Schlieffen is a famous member in the early 20th century from Germany which the Schlieffen Plan is named after during WWI), even the Constatinian Order, and the Knights of St. Gregory (along with the Pilgrims, Bilderbergers, TC, the Bohemian Grove, Skulls and Bones, and CFR), have great international power (some of them head international corporations) that certain cowards in the "alternative media" refuse to talk or even write about. There is a video of the FBI placing Medea Benjamin in an FBI database. I don't agree with her and Code Pink, but they are right to say that the FBI has a basic responsibility on why Medea is on the FBI's criminal database since she isn't a pedophile or a felonious criminal. The FBI person was silent. There is too much secrecy in government. The government ought to be transparent in their own fundamental actions and policies. New Zealand Climate Science Coalition from Friday on December 28, 2007 reported on how world temperature has remained the same from 2001 to 2007 even though CO2 has increasing (CO2 is a vital chemical for the growth and development of  basic plant life. It's important in photosynthesis as well). Some believe it's aerosol, ocean cycles, and other reasons. The reality is that climate is changing constantly (i.e. when the Earth cooled from 1940 to 1978) and major reasons for it include the sun and other natural factors like volcanoes, the magnetic field of the Earth, etc. In Youtube, it's wild. There are tons of videos and some of them have millions of views. It has comments on them where people speak their own minds. Sometimes, I got there to see videos and I debate there. It's fast in that atmosphere and those wit a quick wit are usually respected. Although, I'm not interesting in that. I'm interested in letting the truth reign there. There are plenty of outlets for that to exist. You know me. There are those who don't want to talk about social issues and a cultural wars. Whether these decievers want to talk about it, this stuff is real. Folks have been arrested for expressing their religious rights. Folks have been indoctrinated in schools. Unborn babies have died in the millions and these liars refuse to talk about this. Sorry, I'm not going to go into that route. Destroying social mores is part of a new world order agenda too. Therefore all evil ought to be exposed. I don't believe in hating people personally because of what they are though. Also, we need to embrace the good and follow righteousness. Everything in the universe isn't evil so we should appreciate the goodness of creation, organisms, and other aspects of life.


By Timothy