Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Romney, etc.

Definitely read ABC's article, it's great - Romney outright lied about this entire incident. Said it was all his wife's doing, he had nothing to do with Planned Parenthood. That's assuming, of course, that attending a Planned Parenthood fundraiser in person is "nothing." Piece of work, this guy. More pro-gay, pro-life, and anti-gun than Ted Kennedy - and now he's Ronald Reagan because he's had personal epiphanies on every issue imaginable in just the past two years. It's like he's a born-again Christian except that he's neither born-again nor a Christian (though he plays one on TV). Anyone on the right who falls for this guy deserves what they get.



I have a number of friends that believe George Bush is a Conservative Christian. I believe he is a a wolf in sheep's clothing. Although not as smooth as Ronald Reagan (Reagan was paid by Hollywood for all those years before he was paid by Washington to do the same thing), he has definitely fooled a lot of good people. The wolf in sheep's clothing statement may upset you, but all I ask is that you take some time to read the article.

Having frequently been asked to explain my reasons for making statements like the one above, I originally started out to write a Word document that I could email to them. After I started on it, it occurred to me that I could use the free web space that Earthlink provides to set up a small website where I could do a better job and hopefully reach a few more people. Additionally, it's a good place to post links to some of my favorite websites on a few subjects I consider to be important.

I have no illusions about my ability as a writer or my ability to influence people. I am simply laying out the facts, my interpretation of them, and offering a solution to the problem. As I receive input, I may "polish" the article a bit, tighten it up, rephrase a few things, etc. I'm sure there are issues I spent too much space on, issues I didn't spend enough space on, and issues I completely missed. I know I won't be able to please everyone, but the main concern here is getting at the truth. If you find any factual errors, please let me know and I will correct them. If you don't, and you have supported Bush in the past, please reconsider that support.

If you are a Bush supporter, even though he has won re-election, I urge you to read the article, avail yourself of the resources on my links page, and visit the "now what?" page. The battle is far from over - Eternal vigilence is the price of liberty.

I also believe it important that we oppose the movement to alter the Constitution to allow foreigners, especially Arnold Schwarzenegger, to be President, so I have added a page on that subject. Check below for updates.
What's New?
4/1/07 - Added a comment regarding the Constitution Party on the "The Real Solution" page of the Bush article, and removed the link to the Constitution Party on my links page. Added a link to the Pro Libertate e-magazine on the links page.

1/25/07 - Wow. It's been a year since I've done anything on this site - hard to believe. I just added info to the Iran Invasion page. I also added Will Grigg's blog to the Favorite Links page - if you only read one, that's the one. My apologies to anyone waiting for the Dobson info - I just haven't been able to finish it. As a matter of fact, I am working on an article about Rick Warren and Richard Land that I will probably post before I get back to Dobson.

1/17/06 - I opened my article on George Bush with a quote from Dr. Mathew Mannweller, a Professor of Political Science. A while back, Dr. Manweller emailed me, asking if I would provide a link to his website. As a courtesy, I initially did that. However, I have since reconsidered and removed the link. I cannot endorse anything on his website, especially his support of the deceitfully named Patriot Act, NAFTA, CAFTA and the warmongers at FreeRepublic. He is obviously as much a fascist as the vast majority of Congress and the Bush Administration. I also removed the original update from 7/17/05 regarding the link.

Several personal issues have prevented me from finishing the James Dobson article, but I will get to it as soon as I can.

9/25/05 - Brief comment regarding Hillary Clinton added to John Roberts article.

9/17/05 - Updated John Roberts article to include pro-abortion quotes from Supreme Court confirmation hearings.

8/14/05 - Updated John Roberts article to include more info - especially about James Dobson's support of this "Man of Character." Also added link to American View on Links page.

7/27/05 - Still working on the Dobson article, but added John Roberts page today. Click on link at top of page for the truth about this "pro-life, strict constructionist."

5/30/05 - I have spent no time on this website for the last 6 months for a variety of reasons, including the death of my mother. Hopefully you have stayed abreast of the news by following the links on my links page, where I have also just added a link to Chuck Baldwin's site. Pastor Baldwin, the 2004 Constitution Party Vice Presidential candidate, continues to document King George's treachery at that site. I have also added a link to an excellent article regarding our "Christian" President's theology by Laurence Vance on the "Election's over - now what?" page. Although I have been delayed in finishing it, in the very near future I will be adding the article, "James Dobson: Pied Piper in the Church?," which exposes another phony Conservative.

In addition to the more-than-likely upcoming invasion of Iran, two other very important current issues are the REAL ID card and Bush's latest judicial nominations. Info on the REAL ID card can be found at and There is good info on the phony pro-life appointees at Michael Peroutka's site.

11/28 - "Iran Invasion" page added.

11/27 - "Election's over - now what?" page updated.

11/25 - Arnold/Nazi page completed.

11/23 - Ron Paul analysis posted on "now what?" page. Excellent, please read.

11/21 - Arnold/Nazi page added; minor tweaking.

11/13 - "Election's over - now what?" page added; minor tweaking.

11/10 - 'Pro-life' section of "By their fruits" page updated.

11/06 - Minor tweaking.

11/03 - Links page updated.

11/02 - Links page updated.

11/01 - Links page posted.

10/31 - Section on 'Homeland Security' expanded; minor tweaking.

10/30 - "Solution" page added; Teddy Roosevelt quote added to "Politics" page.

10/29 - Quotes from Charlie Gibson interview of George Bush added to 'Christianity and Islam' and 'Pro-homosexual' sections of "By their fruits" page; minor tweaking.

10/28 - Minor tweaking.

10/27 - Site posted.



Ministry of Homeland Security Program Indoctrinates the “9/11 Generation”
Mimi HallUSA TODAYDecember 24, 2007
JOPPA, Md. — Call it vocational education for the 9/11 generation.
The nation’s first comprehensive high school homeland security program, a three-year course to help kids land jobs in the growing anti-terrorism industry, is in its infancy in Maryland. But it’s recently been attracting the attention of educators and school districts from as far away as California and Florida.
The program, started at Maryland’s Joppatowne High School with 61 sophomores, provides “an opportunity for kids to see relevance to being in school,” says Frank Mezzanotte of the Harford
COOL SCHOOL: Course helps Md. teens become better citizens
Students have toured a Coast Guard command center, visited a county detection center, practiced emergency response in a fictional town called “Joppaville” and heard an Iraqi-born speaker explain cultural differences between Americans and Middle Easterners.
“We’re trying to set high expectations,” says student Megan Bell, 15. “We don’t want to be known as just the school with the good football team. Now we have homeland security.”
Other school districts are taking notice. Mezzanotte says he’s been contacted by individual schools and education departments in more than a half-dozen states.
“Joppatowne broke the ground for all of us,” says Lise Foran of Anne Arundel County Public Schools in Maryland. Next fall, Meade High School will begin a Homeland Security program. “We’re following in Joppatowne’s footsteps.”
And on Wednesday, Mezzanotte will be in Las Vegas, where he has been asked to give a presentation on the program to the Association for Career and Technical Education annual conference.
Some question whether the program will teach students to be open-minded about the government’s national security policies, given its goal of getting kids jobs with defense and homeland security contractors and the military. The liberal magazine Mother Jones dubbed Joppatowne “the academy of military-industrial-complex studies.”

Jonathan Zimmerman, a New York University history of education professor, says “the devil lies in whether this is going to be a school for education or indoctrination.”
Other educators applaud the school for taking steps to prepare kids for one of the nation’s expanding job markets and for connecting what they learn in school to what’s happening in the real world.
“This sounds to me like it has all the earmarks of what keeps young people in school,” says former West Virginia governor Bob Wise, now head of the Alliance for Excellent Education. “It gives them the skills necessary for the modern workplace.”