Friday, December 28, 2007

The Problems of HUck


The Problems with Huckabee

At a family Christmas-Eve party earlier this week, I was surprised when my conservative brother-in-law stated that he was getting behind Huckabee. I mentioned the problems I had with Huckabee’s huge tax increases as governor in Arkansas, but that did not dampen his support. Knowing that my brother-in-law is a huge fan of Ann Coulter, this one is for him:

Town Hall – Ann Coulter: In a widely quoted remark, Huckabee denounced a Republican bill that would merely require proof of citizenship to vote and receive government benefits as "un-Christian, un-American, irresponsible and anti-life," according to the Arkansas News Bureau. Now, where have I heard this sort of thing before? Hmmm ... wait, now I remember: It was during the Democratic debates!

Huckabee opposes school choice, earning him the coveted endorsement of the National Education Association of New Hampshire.

He is, however, in favor of school choice for kids in Mexico: They have the choice of going to school there or here. Huckabee promoted giving in-state tuition in Arkansas to illegal immigrants from Mexico -- but not to U.S. citizens from Ohio. "I don't believe you punish the children," he said, "for the crime and sins of the parents."

He supports a nationwide smoking ban anyplace where people work, constitutional protection for sodomy, big government, higher taxes and government benefits for illegal aliens. According to my calculations, that puts him about three earmarks away from being Nancy Pelosi.